Lymes Disease Believe It!...


I got lymes disease from a tick bite back in 1998 and damned if I didn’t get it again in 2006 and I’m still fighting it. If you get a tick bite or develop a circular rash like ring worm go to a doctor and get a prescription for Doxycycline at 200mg. twice a day for 30 days. If your doc won’t do it go to one that will! If you get the medicine within 2-3 weeks of the bite you probably will never have to go through what I have. Not only do the symptoms mimic mental disorders, arthritis and heart disease but there are about 200 co-infections like parasites that you can get. Read, copy and printout Dr. Burroscano paper “Advanced Topics in Lyme Disease” and keep it on hand. I know 35 people in my county that have it but the CDC says it is not here so docs tell you to go home and take Motrin and forget about it.

Anyway, point being I bought this cab to put on my 300U so the ticks wouldn’t fall on me while brush chopping and it is too big. Im going to buy one of the smaller all glass ones. I paid too much for this one, $400, because the glass and doors are all good and I realize I can’t get my money back. I put it on photo ads (216192) but no one wanted to pay the money and I guess I can’t blame them.

If anyone needs a good cab I live in SW Michigan at 49057. It’s a small town with easy access to I-94.


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Thanks for the information Dellbertt. I just found a dead tick in me. Didnt get any rash but sought information on it. Hope you are better real soon.

I'm glad that you brought this topic up. Sometimes I think that I must be the "Lone Ranger" with Lyme, but I really know better. Lots (thousands) of people get this disease, but do not get an accurate diagnosis. The tests are very flawed with a high % of false negatives.

I have had Lyme since 1985 (age 39 then) and it has majorly affected my life. I ended my teaching career at age 53 because of the nervous system affects that made me far overly sensitive to noise, light, and many other stimuli. I was deemed by administration as too cranky to be dealing with students, although I had the honor of having some of the most successful students of physics in the history of the school district. Maybe I was just too cranky towards incompetent administrators!

The Lyme disease affects the joints, spine, muscles, tendons, coordination, sometimes heart, glands, and I had the brain and spinal cord infection. We were making medical progress up until the early 90's when some source of political force kicked in and brought most true Lyme medical research to a complete stop. Doctors who were very knowledgable in treating Lyme were put out of business on trumped up charges or minor technicalities...nation wide. This is still going on. Truely there is some kind of conspiracy, with some members of the CDC involved.

Makes a person wonder if we are being sacrificed to help the govt plundered Social Security system remain a bit more solvent. There is no known proof of that theory....yet.

I am a member of a Lyme Disease support group in MN, and have seen hundreds of people needing medical care not get anything except a prescription for prozac and ibuprofin. A well paid medical researcher at our state university gave me exactly that prescription for Lyme. What a fraud!

The best thing for all of us, is to take whatever measures necessary to avoid the ticks and hopefully avoid this dammed disease. Be careful out there!!

Paul in MN
Only about 65% of Lymes victims get the rash.
If I were you I would take the Doxycycline for 30days. Its cheap with no side affects and it is so much better than a lifetime of suffering.

Be sure to take PauD"Arco extract and Acidopholis(sp)to keep from getting a yeast overload during antibiotic therapy.

Lymes disease is the loneliest disease in America because you know you"re sick and noone believes you. Every lyme sufferer could write volumes on what they have endured, alone.
Lymes disease has been in this area for a long time and a lot of my co-workers bow hunt and were telling about a game warden in western MD that had this and the doctors couldn't find what was causing it until it was too late and he didn't survive. A classmate of my sister has this too
and she still isn't 100%. The local vet found our dogs had Lymes disease when checking their blood and put them antibiotics. There's a 100 foot barrier of land behind me and the next house
and it's overgrown creating a haven for ticks. I kept it mowed for 25 years and was told to keep off. Hal
There something called Ledum (leedum) that some vets use on dogs with great success.

I used it myself and it did some good.
You can get it in Health Food stores and vets have it in greater strengths.

The one thing I would suggest to anyone who has or think they have Lymes is to do your own research and find help.

I like this site for one
Even here within less than two hours of Lyme, CT where the disease was identified, doctors routinely underdiagnse Lyme. I have had it twice. If you have to go on doxycycline, heed the advise and stay out of the sun.
When ever I got bitten by a deer tick when we lived in Bethel, CT, I would go to medical the next day and get 10 days of doxy. My son waited for the symptoms, which did not appear until a week later and he wound having to go to a specialist and still suffers some of the aftereffects to this day. Test is NFG, and waiting for the external symptoms, which may or may not appear, is foolhardy, IMHO - especially since the cure is so cheap!
yes i can
why don't they use nnalert, it knock it down for me, realy fast.
i had only 3 day of take it. and it was 3 pill

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