okay now that I know that all were + ground how do you convert one over to - groung or should I . I have this old H and the cables were stolen off it and I really don't know much about a + ground system that is why I am thinking about going to a 12v system. any and all advice will be greatly appericated.
If it has a mag I would get the mag rebuilt so its good and hot and a good 6v battery. Leave it stock. A good mag will kick off an engine even on slow turns.
If you are reasonably confident working on direct current, 6V/12V, +/- ground won't make any difference. Just remember which end your ground is on as you hook things up that are sensitive to polarity.

The 6V/12V is more important only in ordering parts like coils. Polarity can also make a difference, though, with SOME voltage regulators, but until you need one, that's not something to worry about. What IS critical on 6V is having adequate cable for carrying heavy loads like your starter. The amperage they have to carry is double that of a 12V system, and the usual recommendation for them is 0-ga or 2/0. Regular 4 ga auto battery cables won't do the job on a 6v system.

And as costly as 0-ga or 2/0 is, you really only need short pieces with the right terminals on them, and that'd still be a durnsight cheaper than convertin' the tractor to 12V - ground.

Short and sweet, there's nothing exotic or to be feared about a positive ground system. If you can get the batteries into a flashlight the right way, you can work on a + ground system.
They all came with pos ground and stayed that way untill 12v systems were used. Most replacement regulators will say on the bottom which ground they require as the regulators for replacement are not the same and the instructions should be read before doing any work.

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