Old photo of H with binder


Well-known Member
Pilot Grove, Mo.
You guys like old photos and I am trying to become more proficient at posting. Bear with me.
this is my dad and uncle cutting wheat, probably the summer of 1944 or 1945. Note chains on rear wheels
gene are them straw hats or pith helmets??? what no seed corn or i-h cap?? great picture!!! how you been doing? get the h done yet? get the compressor going yet? catch any fish? get any chigger bites? ya gotta post more!! glenn
Around the Waterloo, Ia, area where I grew up during 1940-1955 we never saw any seed corn caps until the 1960s. I dont" think seed corn companies were giving them out in that era, at least not many of them. Straw hats were the norm in the fields (for tractors without umbrellas), with the occasional "soft" cap that looked kind of like today"s baseball caps. I don"t recall any IH caps, but maybe there were a few of those. Even though we lived close to the JD plant, those put-puts were outnumbered by red for a good reason. LA in WI
Hey Glennster!!!

Yes pith helmets, seed corn caps not popular in this area till the late 60's.

Answers to other questions: Doing good, No, No, A few, yes (many)

I will post more.

Sure was different in the days of lore'. The Industrial Revolution was still taking place back then! Combine, whats a combine? LOL...


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