Shop Vandalized


Well-known Member
Pilot Grove, Mo.
Came home Saturday evening around 10:30. We had been over at the neighbors watching Mizzou beat Nebraska. Had a few tools in the back of the truck I wanted to put away, so I drove down to the shop. All the windows had been broken out.
You could see on the wooden walk in door where they had taken a pipe or bat or something to it.
The big shop windows were the steel frame type like in old gas stations. Each had 4 panes of double strength glass. The rolling doors each had a wooden frame, 4 light window. The walk in door had 9 lights and it is ruined. $250 deductible on insurance. I was fretting about how to get all this fixed when a neighbor comes by that does remodeling. He thought that I might just measure the opening on the big windows and have new vinal replacement units made for less than the labor of fixing the steel units. I decided to hire someone to do the whole job and not touch it myself. Let the ins. agent run interference for me with the adjuster, let him earn his commission.
Damned vandals anyway.
PS, Nothing was stolen.

Sorry to hear about the vandals. Some people have no respect for anything not even themselves. Just glad you had insurance.
Sorry to her about that. Makes ya wonder if they set out to actually steal stuff and got interrupted but, from everything they busted, it sounds like a small crew of jerks just tearin' up other folks' stuff. Pretty sad.
If you do not heat your shop just fix the steel windows. Plastic dries, cracks and falls apark after being exposed to the sun over the years.
Did your neighbor hear you expressing your anger at the damage, or meanderder over to borrow a finish hammer?

Quote; I was fretting about how to get all this fixed when a neighbor comes by that does remodeling. He thought that I might just measure the opening on the big windows and have new vinal replacement units made for less than the labor of fixing the steel units.
Sounds to me like they did you a favor! If you ever find out who they are, send"em around......I"d love to get a return on my insurance investment after all these years of paying....and nothing to show for it. Who says you have to buy any certain kind of wondow or doors? Go for the gold.....get Pella or Andersen and have the whole nine yards replaced.....not repaired. Did they do any damage to the siding.....ARE YOU SURE THEY DIDN"T? Might be a good time to have that replaced as well. You have to consider that if your insurance rates are going to raise due to this claim.....they will raise if they have to pay out $800 or $8000. Get a generous estimate. Been there and done it and I have my regrets for for not covering my arse.
They are everywhere. Fortunately I live a ways away (out of site) from the road, and so far no problems except for my mailbox, and some ticked off kids who try to block my drive by dragging logs across it, and occasionally cut my fences. So far I have just spliced the fence, knocked out the dents of the mailbox, and cut the logs up for firewood. I have gotten lucky a couple times by watching very closely at what goes on, and caught a couple of them. Got a very accurate description of both vehicles and due to it being a small community I was able to find the vehicles and take the plate off the vehicle THEN call the law after the fact. I never mentioned that I got the plate later, but ended up getting paid damages on one deal and had a talk with one's mother over the other. Sometimes you have to outsmart them, and usually once they get an ultimatum to either get out the wallet, or go to court the money starts coming out to pay damages. Of course I have had the mailbox smashed since a few times, and I suspect it might have been the same ones paying me back.
The kids aren't real smart and definitely not fast learners. They don't realize that destruction of a U.S. mailbox is a federal offense. That hurts a little more than just the wallet if they get caught doing that.
(quoted from post at 20:22:35 10/10/08) If it were me and I caught them in the act, I would shoot the bastards.

Oh, yeah. That's the smart way to handle that, all right.
Unfortunately, it seems there is no shortage of punks in the world. Sorry to hear of your troubles, Gene. Maybe it would be bettter to fix the steel cased windows than replace with vinyl - for security reasons??? mike
Ron-Mo: A good way to handle things. Just the right amount of toughness to inspire some respect without inciting a revenge attack.

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