Cue P.

Is anyone on this forum bidding on this tractor? I may be crazy but this looks odd to me. If you look closely at the pics, the steering wheel and seat are bent, the air cleaner isnt connected to the carb, i think there is some missing linkage on the right side as well, no lights, looks like the "finish" paint is over bare metal in places and has drips, over spray on the tires, only a few of the decals are on, yet it has 10 bids for over $2000?!
W4 on ebay
Oh yeah, that was another thing, no pto (blank plate) so it must be an I4...wonder if thats why its getting alot of bids, are I4s less common?

It could just be shill bidding... people having friends, or using fake accounts, to run up the bid. Supposedly it's against the rules but they don't enforce much on ebay.

There was a SUPER W4, Stage I on ebay a couple of weeks ago. $800 starting bid. Nobody touched it. It was right in my area, but I need more projects like I need a hole in the head. Then again, it was sitting in the weeds, sunk into the ground, on at least two flat tires, but the owner claimed it had a new engine and ran great...
I don't have anything to add about the tractor, but I have checked out another tractor he had for sale, since he's fairly local. They're really nice guys, but I think they pick their stuff up cheap at auctions, then shoot on a questionable paint job, add some decals and then re-sell them. The W4 must have been from the last big auction around here. A guy had 150 tractors, then went bankrupt and was forced to sell. Everything went really cheap. Just my .02 worth.
I had an I-4 once, and it did not have a pintle hitch, just the standard hitch, but mine had a heavy duty front end on it, different from pictures I have seen of others, unfortunatly, I had those pics on 3x3 1/2 discs, and they wouldn't open when I replaced my computer.
I guess personally I wouldn't be quite so quick to raise red flags about shady bidding because W-4's are kind of hard to come by and parts for them are even harder to get (especially tin work).

However, I agree that a few more repairs before painting would have been preferable. I'm not trying to be judgmental of their work (the Lord knows my W-4 is far from perfect) but the fenders, for example, could have been straightened considerably with just a hammer (and at no cost). Now it will be tougher to fix them, along with the seat, steering wheel, etc. without having to repaint.

Just my opinion.

P.S. How does a draw bar get bent like that?... I thought they were pretty hard.
Also, I just finished my last post, but had another thought. They posted the pictures so you can see exactly what you're getting, and many tractors being sold today bring a lot of money despite being much worse off than that one. It seems fair to me.

Once again, just my opinion.
I agree,it"s a Pig in a blanket,looks to have been rolled up and over,new tin"missing bolts"on the front tin say"s a quick put together.I"m tinking of selling my M,I figure I could get 11k for it after seeing that:)
It appears that the guy cleaned it up and painted it, without removing anything -- typical auction tractor. I have bought a couple like that, knowing full well what the paint job was. But, I buy them to work on as a hobby, really don't care what the paint is. The new stuff comes off easily with paint stripper, the original paint is another story. I prefer row crops, the W4 shouldn't be worth $1000 more than an H in similar condition. True, there were slightly over 24000 produced, compared to about 391000 H's.

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