Tractor loving Sailor is at sea


Well-known Member
Pilot Grove, Mo.
Andrew sure misses the farm, but he is working on diesels for Uncle Sam. His ship deployed yesterday. Sure would appreciate it if all you old Navy guys, or any branch of the service would say Hi. I will have him check the site in a day or so. The ships server was down today.

Thanks, Gene
Yep BTDT and I was an E.T on the SSBN 633 and also on the JFK CV62. I would never do it again but I also would not want to change the fact that I was there. I got to see a lot of the world and have been under the arctic circle and also been to Italy Spain, eyght and Scotland and great Britain. I loved it but also hated it at the same time
He'll read this thread? If so...

Andy, keep your head on a swivel and stay safe. Work and play hard. You probably know this, but today's Navy is taking a hard stance against alcohol related incidences. If you want to drink in port, go for it. Be smart, and make sure you are actually seeing the country you are visiting. You will build memories you will have forever. You will never be so bored, and so excited. :lol:

Have fun, take care, and tell your Dad to keep us up to date!

Chief Mike
Andy- have a good time and see the world. I was in for 7 yrs. active and another 3 in the Reserves before quitting. I would do it all over again. I got a great job from the Navy training. Was a MM on SSN 590 and SSN 661.
Andy - Make the most of making these memories. And behave yourself; you won't regret it....
Dan in OK.
First of all Andrew, thank you for your service to our country.
I had several uncles and one brother that served in the Navy, but thanks to my uncles advice, I went Air Force... they all said the "Air Corps" guys had it made :lol: . Of course that was during WWII... I was in 20 years later ('61- '65).
Thank you for keeping us free! I was a kiddy cruser in 61-64 QM. Saw a lot of the world and stayed on the water all the time except when in dry dock. USS Walworth County LST-1164 Don't regreat it. Great experence and education! Make the most of it.

Just came back to the farm three years ago after 8 years in, was on CVN-73 the mighty GW !! I then finished up as a three-year recruiter. Chief Mike is right.. they're not playing games these days, so keep your nose clean for sure. Great training, and a lot of places (really good workplaces) will hire you over the next guy (apples to apples) because a successful tour (or career) means at a bare minimum that you have a history of being at work on time and following directions. Most usually, after four years, you also have some sort of leadership experience, Work Center Sup. or something of that nature too. I was hired by TVA (Federal) before I ever got my DD214 Signed! Good luck and godspeed!
...was on CVN-73 the mighty GW!!
I did the maiden voyage of the GW back when I was an Airman. I made 3rd on that boat. My next squadron deploys on the Reagan.

...I then finished up as a three-year recruiter.
You poor guy. I wouldn't wish recruiting on my enemy.
Yes Mike, my idea was to steer him to this site while he is out to sea. That is about the only time he gets on the computer.

Anyway, their server on ship has been down for the first two days.

I'll keep trying.

Thanks All, Gene

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