Super C Ride


Well-known Member
I took the newly "refurbished" if not fully "restored" '52 Super C (WFE) on a test run in the form of a 50 mile tractor ride last Saturday along the beautiful Shell Rock River in NE Iowa. It ran flawlessly and when I brought her home and parked her, not one drop of oil showed up on the floor. Stop leak also seems to have successfully sealed up the inner porous layer in the head gasket. A little gas leaked out because of the "rubber" gasket needing replaced beneath the original gas cap (I missed that one) but a little wax cleaned up the new bright red paint job OK. I got lots of compliments in the form of "what a nice little tractor." It was one of those really good days!
Leon: That's great. 50 Miles sounds like an all day event with lunch and various stops.. I'd like to take my C on that kind of a ride. How about a link to some pictures of the ride? How many tractors? ag
Don't know of any links nor did I take any pictures. It's just a small "local" ride sponsored by the town of Shell Rock's Museum as a fund raiser. Fee was about $40. This was the third annual, held on about the 4th Sat. of Sept. with about 40 tractors split into slow and fast groups. Figure eight route with slow doing lower loop in the morning and fast tractors the upper loop. Visa-versa in the pm. All enjoyed homemade lunch together at starting point at noon. Most tractors were IH, then 7 or 8 AC's and surprisingly, that close to JD town, Waterloo, maybe only 3 or 4 JDs. 1 or 2 Olivers - not that far from Charles City. The past couple of years I've driven my JD MT, but this year, red hat and all, it was the Super C.

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