Cracker Barrel on the right path now

I must carry this message forward.

I know anyone on this forum that has gone to Cracker Barrel has seen their mounds of green rags. Others call it John Deere clothing. Anyways, I stopped by to take part in some catfish last night while traveling to the Texas Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association show in Temple, Texas.
As soon as I walked in, a lady asked if I was there for the tractor show. I first thought she was going to try to sell me JD stuff. Then, I looked in the basket she was holding and it contained FARMALL clothing!!!!!!!!
I was suprised!
Well, after dinner I looked around. They had a clearance rack. Half the clearance rack was filled with JD stuff. They are having to discount that stuff to move it.

They had a nice selection of Farmall attire. I especially liked the, Crops are Green, Tractors are Red shirt.
This is how we get more retailers to sell our branded clothing. We have to support it.
Now, I do not work for Cracker Barrel. I am a proud IH collector. I just want to see our brand out there more than it has been.
My wife just bought me that shirt. Gonna wear for sunday brunch, when I see my greenie neighbor.
Miss Margie got me one for my BD at Cracker Barrel. It says" My tractor is red and I know how to use it" and shows a Farmall H or M. Henry
Love the deep fried orka.
They always have good music playing and also for sale in the gift shop.
It also is the only place in NY State to get a fried chicken liver supper.
Yep me and my Honey bought the crops are green tractros are red and the farm livin is the life for me shirts from Cracker Barrell. The lady told us that that green stuff wasn't selling very well any more.
Orca Okra One is a large "to be taken seriously) Whale. the other is a Vegetable, Cracker Barrel selling Whale is interesting! No serious harm intended here, I had to look up Okra! Jim

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