Mark with SA electrical problems


Well-known Member
Have you checked the insulator on the distributor where the coil wire goes to the points? My H was giving me fits, would run good most of the time, sometimes would not fire at all. Chased the problem for quite a while & finally found a crack in the bakelite insulator on the distributor body, where the wire is bolted to the points (wire connected on outside of body, points on bolt on inside). Replaced the insulator with a plastic one from a Datsun distributor (I think that's what it was, you know about the CRS problem that us older guys suffer from on things that happened a couple of years ago) that the parts house found would fit and WHALLA - haven't had a problem since. Just a suggestion. (My $0.02 worth. jal-SD)

At this point in time, I am willing to consider anything! Thanks for this tip....I will check it out.
NawlensGator just posted with the same sort of idea in last night's thread.

Good idea, at this point EVERYthing is suspect, but if the problem is at the insulator where the current moves between the coil and the points/condenser, it would be either a short as you suggest, or poor conductivity as Gator is thinking, and I'm thinking Mark wouldn't be getting as storn a spark as he is from the coil wire if either were the problem.

Still, a good thing to check. I know I had a bad insulator where the ground wire hooks up on a mag, and it was a bear to chase down.

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