Guests and New Users


In the past few weeks I have noticed an increase in “guest” and “new user” posts in this forum and they all have been interesting and useful topics. Their posts are authentic and insightful and interesting to follow.

I have only been on this forum for about 4 ½ years and although I am a country boy and have been in and around tractors and farming all my life I am by no means an expert on tractor mechanics. I rebuilt several hot rod engines and muscle cars back in the day but so far I have not owned a tractor that needed tearing into very deep. Not to say that a couple of them might not have prospered from an overhaul, but they all have run dependably smooth. I have learned more on this site than I will ever be able to return.
To paraphrase an old saying, “More wisdom is gained from listening than from speaking.”

Anyway, I just wanted to say to any new user that this is a good, well rounded tractor site where the occasional Off Topic conversation is politely tolerated, even at times being a welcome diversion, and it is good seeing new “faces” join in.


Don't be afraid to use "LOL" with your post. We all have done dumb things, especially when working with old iron.

Sometime, I'll share how I broke my nose!
It's amazing how time flies. I remember being a nervous new user some time back. It's hard to remember how long, probably pushing ten years. I do remember when Hugh MacKay started. What a wealth of information! I miss him.

I still believe everyone has something to offer, and the equality of all makes this an exceptional place.

The only really dumb questions are those that are not asked. We all have had different experiences, but sometimes you have to read closely to understand what the other guy is saying.
I find myself checking this site for info quite often. Though not a regular by any means, there has been a time or two that I've actually been able to share some of my LIMITED knowledge. That's what makes this site so useful for everyone. There's some really smart individuals on this site that have helped me out more than once. Thanks everybody.
I'm a regular, I guess, although I don't currently restore tractors. Grew up with IHC tractors from 20s through 50s, so am very interested in what people have to say about them. Every once in a while, I find I can contribute something.
It is good to see that there is not a lot of the stupid name-calling you see on YouTube and sites like that (I even saw one that suggested a guy
do something to his mother that most of us wouldn't even THINK about!). Almost all the entries here are polite and often given with the best intentions of helping others. I have occasionally asked a question about something useful to me, and always got help.
My thanks to everyone, and my appreciation to for sponsoring this site.

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