Memorial Page ... Hugh McKay


Would like to make a humble proposal. Tears are - again - in my eyes as I write this. Shouldn't we make a page on this site in memory of our late friend Hugh McKay? The Memorial Page (link below) suggests to contact the site moderator.
(Please bear with me; my wording may not be entirely fitting as English is not my mother tongue.)
Hendrik, from The Netherlands
memorial page of this site
Hendrik, thank you for this post. I think on a thread where this board read of 'Hughies' passing I mentioned that such a tribute should be made for Hugh; and I had done that knowing some family members were participating on this great board in the days following his passing and want them to be a part of such a tribute. My hope is that Hugh's family will be contacted and encouraged to participate in such a tribute and would enlighten us on some other aspects of Hugh MacKay's life also. It is rare for me to view/post on the Farmall & IHC board and not think about our Canadian contributor. Since Hugh's passing in October, there have been many posts...and I think...there should be something from Hugh...but there isn't...and this board is the poorer for it. I have tears now too.
This is not meant to be disrespectful to the memory of Hugh, but nobody will read it. I have been here for more than ten years and didn't know there was such a feature. It should also be pointed out that cemeteries do not have stop lights. Why? Because there is no traffic.

If you want to remember Hugh, I suggest you enter his name in the search box to find several weeks of non-stop reading or open several of his obituary threads for hundreds of condolences. Those venues will give you a much better understanding of the man.

You can take this advice from a guy who thinks that people who wait ten hours in line to view the casket of dead politicians are nuts. That sentiment even applies to those who lined the railroad tracks to witness President Lincoln's final trip to Springfield.
Guys, I really liked Hugh - and I believe he really liked me. We emailed back and forth a lot and spoke of getting together, although it never came to pass.
I know everyone's intentions are good, but Hugh is gone. Let us remember him in our own ways, but let him go....
I think there are qite a few people Hugh did that with. I remember once, way back when, he and I had a little squable over something, cant even recall what it was now, but he asked me to email him, so I did, when he got my email, he t hought I was a Canandian politicain or something up there. Come to find out, with his help and research, I found out Im related to guy he thought I was, and we were friends since. He and posted on another forum alot, and it ,as well as here, hasnt been he same since he passed. I originally told Kim and Chris the day we were informed of his passing, to make a Memorial page for Hugh, not to mourn his passing, but to celebrate the life and knowledge he left all of us here on YT for now and future posters.
Wow, I have been away from YTMag for way to long! When did Hugh pass on? My sympathy goes out to his family. A guy like like him could forget more than a youngster like me could ever hope to learn.
I have not been here in a while so I didn"t see this. This is sad news. Hugh was a great guy and I"m sure will be missed by alot of YT members.

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