Saved a IH 42-R pull type combine from the scrap pile

Got a call from a tractor buddy this last fall about a 42-R combine sitting in the trees at his dads farm. Went to look at it yesterday and brought the chain saw and jack along just in case it was worth brinking home. Was a working combine when they parked it 40 years ago since then the combine had sunk into the ground up to the hubs. Still hardly any rust because of the galvanized sheet metal. Only sad part is one of the rims rotted thought about the size of a quarter. Paid him $150 bucks on the spot and we went to work getting her out. Cut down about 10 trees and and jacked her out of the ground and 4 hours later we had it on the trailer. Good find! Once i get it restored it will look good along side my 64 and 80. He also has another 80, couple 1PR corn pickers, a No. 16 four-bottom plow that I would like to get my hands away before they are hauled away.
Andrew, where are these pickers? I'd love to get my hands on a 1PR, it would look good in the field along with my Wood Brothers 1 row. The nice thing about 1 rows is you do not have to adjust them for different width rows! (My $0.02 worth. jal-SD)
Located by Fountain, MN in the southeastern tip of the state. Heading to south dakota this summer to pick up some 10-20s. Maybe we can work something out. Thanks, andy

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