Fuel Pump Problem?


New User
My IH284 tractor cuts out after running for short periods (15 to 30 min). I have a clear plastic fuel filter installed. I noticed that the fuel filter is only 10 to 15% full after the engine cuts out. When tractor is off, the fuel filter casing is 80 to 90% full. Does this indicate a problem with the fuel pump?
I'm not sure about the 284, I've never played with one, but the older Farmall's respond poorly to having an inline filter installed. Is there meant to be an inline filter? On most gravity feed systems it adds too much restriction. Sam
Yes, an in line filter is standard equipment. I've operated the tractor for 10 years with a filter in place. First time I've experianced this type of problem.
Does the tractor have a fuel pump? You may have a restriction somewhere else in the system causing your issue. I worked on a Super MD last year where the vent bung from a small barrel had fallen into the tank and over time had floated over the outlet. Sam
Does the tractor have a fuel pump? You may have a restriction somewhere else in the system causing your issue. I worked on a Super MD last year where the vent bung from a small barrel had fallen into the tank and over time had floated over the outlet. Sam
Well, I may get laughed off the forum but I had a similair thing with a 584. WE had some water in the fuel and then the bacteria got growing and we had these clear little blobs or biomasses floating around that would restrict flow. We hit the tank with a heavy dose of gas line de icer which is basically methyl alcohol..it cleared things up in a few days. We haven't had fuel problems with that tractor in over two years now, and we still give it a dose once in a while.
Thanks for the good suggestions! After exploring what looked like limited flow to the fuel filter, I removed the fuel line upstream of the filter and gave it a blast of compressed air into the tank. The air dislodged what I believe to be rust or sediment at the bottom of the tank restricting flow. The tractor ran fine all morning. Apparently these older tractors, like their older owner's, develop flow issues. Thanks, MLF

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