just got home

Hello all. Just got back from my 3rd "vacation" in Afghanistan, courtesy of the federal government, so I"ve been out of the loop for awhile. I see I have quite abit of reading material on the farmall boards. Fired the SM up as soon as I got back, and thats when it occurred to me that I'm actually home. It"s amazing the little things you miss when your away... Thats one sound I"ll never get tired of. Anyway, I look forward to some "red" conversations. Happy 4th of July.
Good to see that your home. Now relax some and tomorrow if you go to any fire works shows but the uniform back on you earned the right to wear it and on the 4th is one of the best days to do so. Oh and by the way one thing that is better is your home in one piece. My son is in the Navy and will be going to Spain in Dec.
Nothing like the sound of a good running SM. Glad you are back in the good old USA safe and sound I Thank you for your service to this country that allows us to have the freedoms that we enjoy today and take for grant it so many times. Have a Happy Fourth of July enjoy the day you deserve it.

Thanks to all our service Men and Woman for all they do and may God bless you for you service to this great country.
Glad you are home. I appreciate you serving our country and may GOD bless all you guys and gals that have put and are puting your life on the line every day.Enjoy the 4th and your time home. Jimmy
SHawn, Please tell us what the guys with their azz in the grazz think of the new rules from the white house.
Thanks for keeping us here safe.
Gordo (400 missions RVN fast movers)
(reply to post at 10:49:51 07/03/10)
elcome home and thank you for your service to our country. I was lucky enough to be in during the "cold" war when no one was actually shooting at us... although they came very close in Cuba (or was that "Cuber"?).
SM probably sounds a lot safer than what you rode over there.
This is pretty cool, yet a bit weird. Bet you wouldn't believe that my name is Shawn with a Super M from western PA. Also got back from Afghanistan the end of April. Spent the better part of a year in Camp Leatherneck and little time in Bagram, Kandahar, and Camp Deleram 1. Went as a construction equipment operator in the Army Reserves. Welcome back.

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