Painting my Super M (what brand did you use)

Im going to attempt to paint my Super M this fall. What brand of paint have you guys used.How well has it held a good shine. Any suggestions ?
Thanks , Ray
I did a quick search for you in the archives. Over 18,000 posts came up in the Farmall forum alone. Enjoy reading. I used PPG Omni line on two of my restorations and was very pleased with the results.
Archive Search
I use Sherwin Williams automotive paint, My local paint dealer also restores tractors so he has all of the proper color charts plus a lot of good advice. I painted a farmall H for my grandson to take to the stock show and it was judged best paint job. the pain is asy to use and holds up good
There are a lot more factors involved that just what brand of paint. You can use high end automotive grade single stage paint...$200+/gallon and if applied wrong will look very dull.

On the other had a good painter with the right knowledge and equipment can take your typical cheap paint ...Valspar, Vansickle, or any other cheap tractor enamel at $40-$60/gallon and do a very good job applying it and give it a good "shine".

With that being said the shop I help at part time doing a lot of tractor restorations/paint jobs we use Nason Ful-Thane 2K Urethane or CaseIH 2150 from your local dealer. The Nason gets used when someone is wanting a very high end paint job. It will run about $200/gallon. The 2150 is a lot cheaper but is still good paint and should hold up well if taken care of correctly. To most everyone out there they will look at the two paint jobs separately and think they both look amazing and have an unbelievable shine until you part the two side by side. I'll give you some pictures of examples.
H and SH painted with Nason.





The "economy" lines of single stage urethane made by Sherwin Williams/Martin Senour/NAPA, Dupont(the Nason mentioned below), and PPG are equivalent. One step down is the 2150 (Valspar) alkyd enamel. Valspar also makes more expensive paint. Stay away from farm store paint such as that sold by TSC and others as it is 1930's alkyd enamel and will fade badly unless kept waxed and inside. Another advantage of the higher line paints is they have very explicit, can't go wrong instructions as to mixing, primers, reducers, etc. People seem to do a lot of guessing about the 30's paint. A person currently on the Paint and Bodywork forum used acetone as a reducer for alkyd enamel along with other mistakes and wonders why it doesn't seem to cure. Most important is to do a good job of preparation. Even the cheapest paint you can buy will show every dent and scratch on your tractor.
I know this is an older pic, and not the best one either, but I used the PPG, dont recall specifics now, on my M back in 02, and i used Case IH 2150 on my Cub in 04 or 05. The both have held up fine, but the PPG looks better now than the 2150 does, more glossy I guess is the right word.
the other guys here covered paint lines well, so i will offer a few other things. figure out your paint budget, if you only have a limited budget, under 200, then you will be looking at the dealer modifyed alkyd's. from about 350 to 700, you will be in the automotive lines. if you are shooting urethanes with hardeners, isocyanates are nasty stuff. without a downdraft booth, figure on a paint suit, nitrile gloves, hood and a fresh air system. whatever paint line you choose, stay in that paint line, use the recomended primers, sealers, reducers and hardeners. dont cross paint lines unless you really know what you are doing. it avoids trying to figure out what went wrong when you have a problem.
heres my shop
After looking at all those paint jobs, I am for sure not going to show you mine. I did have hoods and tank done profesionally on my most prized H though. Rest of tractot I can handle.
12 years ago I painted my 350 with Rustoleum IH Red. It has faded a bit but but still looks very good - especially for a paint job that I have about $50 total invested in. The biggest issue I had was that the paint was "soft" for almost two years before it finally cured hard.
It looks like the Nason paint was polished/buffed, and not done correctly. I'd try a lambs wool bonnet with a fine (black) swirl remover.

What pics. fellows keep them comming. One of these days I m going to try to learn to put a pic of my S/C on here and other tractors of mine.....Bobby
One of my Bs has Rust-oleum I-H red 10yts ago been on 10 3 day tractor rides shows in the sun and rain ect still looks great your money and what is the tractor going to be used for all make a difference. Will it be a trailer queen or used.

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