save a few more from the scrap yard at least for a while

brought home a couple of wd9 from western ny to mass yesterday think the might be a little to far gone to fix but wanted the parts for a couple of tractors we have been working on also got the mag and hyd pump and tank and valve of another 9 that was being scrapped. We went to the 2cylinder show in NY and dragged these two back got almost as good of fuel mileage loaded as empty


the guy we got them from had 1 more think it was gonna go to scrap didnt need 3 parts tractors plus he let us take the intake manifold and carb and mag and hyd pump tank and valve and front rims off didnt reall need these two but wanted the belt pully drive and hyd for a wd9 we have and possibly some tranny parts as the tranny in the ws9 we have is noisy and we also have a super wd9 that might need somr parts figured if we can give these a few years more away from the scrapper the guy has a freind that has a good t9 crawler motor that is in a crawler he is starting to scrap said he knows its good it was his own and he filled cylinders with oil years ago when he parked it now is starting to cut it up he gave me a # if anyone is interested I can email it
Too bad the fenders are so far away. I bought d282's WD-9 as a kit tractor. I went to the 2 cyl show in Waterloo, IA and picked it up on the way home. I figured by truck might be burnt in the parking lot if I pulled in with a WD-9 in tow. :lol: I did get a thumbs up from an old timer in Dbq on the way home.
Looks like you got a new trailer. Is your truck big enough? The total combo weight must have been huge.

BTW, I found the other cast iron Ottawa badge for your loader. Maybe I'll see you in Dublin. I'm mentioning it now so I don't find a good reason not to go. I found a good reason not to go to Pepperell today. Too lazy.
Aw heck, that's just a 7-ton trailer... Child's play for that big F350 dually.

You can tell those tractors have some weight to them, though... The Ford's squatting a bit at the gas station.
Excellent. Nothing worse than seeing old tractors go to a scrap yard.

Now all you need is a red trailer to replace that green and yellow one.
The rears are 18.4x34 The rear fenders are in good shape think we are gonna try to use a pair on the I9 we have as those are pretty rough the tie rod is worn allot less than on our wd9 got a few spare tires and rims and radiator. The one we left had a nose and radiator on it we could have had that also but after a few hours in the sun trying to load these 2 we had had it as the brakes on the one on the front of the trailer were froze so we dead dragged it on with a backhoe and oiled the trailer deck to help it slide with wd40. The trailer is rated for 18000# truck for 14000# so our axle weights might have been off but I think we were still under our max gross being from Mass they don,t care if all the weight is on 1 axle just as long as your not over max gross the truck handled the load good was very impress with the power and engine brake of course 10 mpg at 70 mph wasn't that great but power takes fuel
Any one saved from the scrap yard is great. You can always part them out and they still live on. If they go to scrap they are lost and gone forever.So GREAT SAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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