Grinding feed with Super H

Hey guys, tonight I was remembering how a nieghbor told me I could never grind feed with a grinder / mixer using an H . But, that was just what I did with my 53 Super H when my regular "big" tractor ( an Oliver 1800 ) was hooked to something like the plow or whatever, or else wouldn t start in the cold winter. That H would really work though, I think the governor was full on the whole time ! But she was a trooper and NEVER stalled , even with oats, which always seemed hardest to grind. I liked to hear it work for all it was worth....was kind of fun ! Anybody else have a "little engine that could" story to share ? ~ Mike
I once helped combine Durum wheat for a farmer who had a PTO grain auger, 6"x60'. He powered it with a John Deere H. With the auger plumb full, those 2 little pistons were pounding so hard the tractor was shaking! But we could not kill it.
Close to 60 years ago i rember the fellow down the road had a new?? H and he ran a threashing machine with it on our farm thrashing bundled wheat.I rember how hard it pulled,how it sounded,and we buzzed wood in the winter with it.Bud.

I use mine like that every day since the Hydro 70 is down.

Been carryin' two big round bales at a time.

Just gotta be careful how I let that load down. Those rears will come right off the ground and leave ya danglin' in midair. :>)

My brother had an 'H' and farmed about 300 acres of corn and oats in SD and more in hay. He used it all the time. ground feed, plowed, disked, cultivated, etc. Really worked that tractor for a few years before he got a larger one a 350. But that H did the job and got him started in profitable farming and it held up. It finally lost compression and had to be rebuilt, but as they say those old tractors were overbuilt and could take it.
Also I used to cultivate corn with a 'C' a two row cultivator, could not use sweep type shovels as it pulled too hard. So we used shovel type. With the original tires 9X36 it had power but not enough traction, when we upgraded to 11.2X36 tires it had traction but higher speed, well that little 'C' really struggled in 2nd gear, but kept on going day after day. A Super 'C' would have been better.
I have also cultivated my share of corn with a straight H and a two row cultivator with full sweeps and the rear tine unit as well. I remember it would pull hard when set deep in hard ground, I can imagine how that C would have had to struggle !
I also remember pulling a FULL gravity box of cob corn up a sharp hill with a gravel driveway and trees on both sides. This was at a field I rented close-by the farm. I was 2/3 the way up that hill when the rear wheels began to scratch and loose traction on my SH. I was screwed ! The wagon surely out-wieghed the tractor, and if I stopped it would drag me back down the hill and jack knife into the trees. No way to continue up the hill either.
So, I let her dig two big holes in the driveway with the rear tires using the foot brakes to alternate and dig even type holes. I let it dig til the drawbar was almost on the ground.That allowed me to hold the load with the brakes and engine compression. I walked home and got another tractor,a cable, and the wife, and hitched em together to get up the slope. I didn t fill the wagons full after that episode !
we have pulled a 48' semi trailer on a dolly with a H loaded with about280 bales of hay and it did it, it also pulled 550 bale on three wagons in the field up hill and spun out had to use a skid steer to push it up the hill

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