The stuff you find Wrong!

FC Andy

I've been changing the water pump on the 806 lately, and that project sure snowballed. It has leaked the last few winters, so it's time to change it. Well, I had to take radiator off to change it. Put it back together, and radiator leaks. It Never leaked before! Although, I bought some cooling system cleaner at my IH dealer, maybe cleaning it wrecked it. If that's the case, it was going to leak soon anyway. So, I had to have the radiator re-cored. In process of tearing it apart, I found the air intake hose that goes over the radiator was pinched almost shut, and it was too old and hard to flex back into shape. So, I bought both new intake hoses. Boy, the tractor sounds different now! The air sucking sound through the front of the tractor is much louder. It was really noticeable while cranking it to start it. I must have been starving that engine for air and never knew it! The little dust unloader boot on the air cleaner was sucked up into the air filter, too. Now I'm curious to see if it's got more power. It's just amazing what you'll find on a piece of machinery that you have been using and thought everything was fine with! Sad part is I don't know how many times I've been under that hood in almost 6 years of owning that tractor, and never saw that hose pinched like it was.
I will bet it makes a seat of the pants difference. Maybe not in the Idle low range, but reved into the work range, the increased air should be dramatic. Jim
The unloader boot was sucked in because the main intake was plugged off. It tried to get air any way it could.
Yeah, I kinda think so, too. It's too bad Tractor pulling season is over. Just before I took the tractor apart I drove it up town to the last pulls of the year the local club has. They let me pull in the unlimited class (there was no weight class for me). I beat a well built Moline G-vi and Oliver 990. That old diesel outpulled everybody there! And those other tractors had some serious cash in them, too.

By the way Jim, Have I ever told you how cool I think you are? Between the knowledge you give on here, and what you do (I read that article that was posted on here a year or two ago), I kinda wished I had studied under you. Not trying to single you out, there are quite a few great minds on here. Just saying.
When the 806 diesels were new tractors, we had some problems with that hose over the top of radiator. We found just the right shaped tin can, maybe cream separator oil can or something like that, with ends cut out fit really tight and kept them from collapsing. They stiffened up the hose later on if I remember right.
Thanks, It is a pleasure to be able to learn and share content that is dear to my thinking, and relaxing at the same time. Common ground within any community of widely different humans is a miracle. So often the politics and religion of a site erase common ideas such that enemies build animosity, rather than share, they hate. This site has found the balance that, for most of us, weeds out the fruitless growth. Jim

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