The McCormick Plough I Never Got - Good Pictures Though!

On Sunday a friend and I travelled to Bungowannah in New South Wales, which is about a three and a half hour drive, to collect a plough I had agreed to purchase. I hired a tandem trailer and my friend towed it with his four wheel drive. So far so good. When we got about forty minutes from Bungowannah, the brother of the vendor called and said the plough was no longer for sale. He said it was his and his mother was too old and foolish to organize a sale in any case. Disappointment. I felt more sorry for the vendor, who is a thoroughly decent man, than for myself; he was very embarrassed by his brother's offensive behaviour. After all, I can find another plough (though it was a seven bottom plough). There was nothing we could do, so we decided to travel back through Victoria on back roads. Along the way we stopped an interesting looking farm about three miles from Tongala. The chap said nothing was for sale, but we were welcome to look and take photographs. The tractor is 1928 McCormick 10/20, which was last run in 1956. It was fitted with a generator, so I guess it also had electric start? Also two IHC Seed Drills, an AR 160 Truck, two Mitchell Ploughs, an unknown make of single furrow plough and a device I do not recognize. Pictures attached.
Thank you, very enjoyable. From mid-USA, in Missouri, I have a question. I assume this is Australia? What is 'Kyabram'? And why was it called New South Wales? Doesn't resemble the parts of Wales I was in, many years ago.
Nice country.
You are surely correct. The pictures are taken in Australia. Photographs taken about 3 miles from Tongala, in Victoria. Kyabram is the nearest town of any size. Both are in Northern Victoria. New South Wales was once the name for most of Eastern Australia. I presume it was named after Wales and was called New South because it was a new settlement and a very long way South of Wales. Tongala was once a town surrounded by successful dairy farms. There were ten thousand dairy cows on the Tongala Rd once upon a time. Now there are four hundred. It is a typical problem in Australia; companies like Nestle are not interested in staying in regional Australia and the younger generation of farming families just want to move to the cities. Everywhere I travel I meet farmers over 70 years old whose children and grandchildren are just not interested in farming. Too many droughts and too many greedy local governments.
Nice Pics! thanks for sharing. I had a great time in Australia. Nice folks over there.

I could also use some pictures of an ice cold slab of VB stubbies! that was some good brew!
I didn't see the brackets, but here in central U.S. lots of the "big"
farmers of the day added a generator and lights to the older
tractors, but not necessarily a starter. Many time run off the belt

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