I was thinking about getting a third tractor...

Been hearing of an M for sale around my area. Finally got to look at it today. It just got a fresh coat of paint so looks real nice. I wasn"t fooled by shiny paint. I looked it over real good. Didn"t hear it run but checked everything out before I called. Tires are both firestones but one is bigger then the other and really bad cracking, missing lights, doesn"t have a belly pump in it. Just pulled the pump then left it open... no cover just open to the air... Also needs some other minor stuff. But it might be worth 1500 max(to me) but he wants 2500. I called he said the price and I wasn"t even haggling. just said ok...
Sounds to me like a 600 dollar tractor to me . Miss matched tires no lites no hyd. Does it have a seat and steering wheel ?? If you buy that one your going to have the price of a GOOD 450 or better by the time you get it to where you want it . Have you priced tires lately , good god now they almost want a left arm right leg and first born for a set. I used up almost all my supply of Nitro pills and half a inhaler when i got the price for a new set of 18.4 x34 radials . They are MORE then the 18.4x38's we put on the 1066 last year.
Sorry didn't get the pics to attach
I know tire prices are ridiculous! I mean the tracts has a half decent paint job but that can cover a lot of stuff. I know the guys thinks he's got gold but I mean sometimes its better to not argue with an idiot. They only bring you down to their level.
Well speaking for myself , i do believe i would keep looking . There are a lot of consignment sales going on and lots of tractors on craigs list .
Well by the area code on the bill board ya ain't that far from me . and if ya can wait till the second saturday of next month take a little drive over this way to the auction . I am sure Mikey will have something better and for about the same price OR LESS. Plus i could if you want check it out for you . More then likely i'll be there since i made the mistake of sayen that i would help at the sale. Last year i went down to buy a chisel plow and got stuck driving one of the auction trucks . went down last sale to buy and auger and got chewed out for not coming to the sales .
$2500.00 NO WAY !!!!!!

For $1500.00,I WOULD EXPECT everything TO WORK! Including the pump!

This one is about $900.to $1000.00 If I were being nice!
That was my first thought. I had 800 in mind. Figured the guy would want 1500 max... When he said 2500 I just about dropped the phone. From then on I knew I wasn't going to stand a chance. So I just talked along and then let it go. I'll eventually get my M. And SH and SMTA hahaha
I look at the price as what I would have to do to get the hydraulics working!!!!

I dont think this guy will get in line with a good price!
Well if ya want a S/MTA there is one on the Ohio Craigs list with a decent loader on it and it is NOT all painted up and you can see her in her work clothes a little high on price but aren't all S/Mta's high . My one buddy wants mine in the worst way .
I am over by Salem Ohio . The sale is south of me down by Carrollton on Ohio St. route 9. Use to be Loziers, but Bob passed away last year and now it Countryside . Now being run by one of my closest friends son . His dad and i covered a lot of sales together over the twenty years i was dong this.
If the tractor is a fair deal, it doesn't stay for sale long. That's why it seems like the prices are outrageous. All you're seeing are the ones that DON'T sell.

There's an H with wide front that's been sitting in front of a business near me for at least three years now with a FOR SALE sign on it. It started out with a fresh coat of paint, and it's been slowly fading.

All I can figure is that they want about $4000 for it, because even at something like $2500, there's a fool out there that would pay it.
Maybe 1200...If everything works right, starts good, runs good in all gears and steers good...in 5th gear down the road. Won't deal fine...there's more down the road, just like a bus.

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