Anybody got and extra can of starting fluid

the tractor vet

Well-known Member
And a Strong set of jumper batterys . I can not get myself started today. I plum hurt all over and do not want to go crawl under that 706 today and put the pan and ft axle support back up under it . I plum hate working on my back . I would never make it as a lady of the evening.
(quoted from post at 08:04:14 04/20/12) And a Strong set of jumper batterys . I can not get myself started today. I plum hurt all over and do not want to go crawl under that 706 today and put the pan and ft axle support back up under it . I plum hate working on my back . I would never make it as a lady of the evening.

I'll make you a deal. You come here and fix that big hole in my roof where the attic fan blew away in the wind, and I'll come work on that 706.
(quoted from post at 08:04:14 04/20/12) And a Strong set of jumper batterys . I can not get myself started today. I plum hurt all over and do not want to go crawl under that 706 today and put the pan and ft axle support back up under it . I plum hate working on my back . I would never make it as a lady of the evening.

be careful you dont bend a rod with that fluid! :oops:
I would also exchange tasks for 2 weeks. Teach Communications Technology, Production Technology, Advanced Computer Aided Design, and Senior Projects courses, an 4 independent studies in concrete and masonry, CNC operations, Plastics, Mass production, and one graduate student in environmental science, oh ya, and give the final exams.
I'll crawl under there.
(quoted from post at 11:04:14 04/20/12) And a Strong set of jumper batterys . I can not get myself started today. I plum hurt all over and do not want to go crawl under that 706 today and put the pan and ft axle support back up under it . I plum hate working on my back . I would never make it as a lady of the evening.

At lest it isn't a green 2 lunger... Seems like everything you do to one requires you to lie on your back or contort like a pretzel...
How about tipping the 706 on its side? That's how they work on Jeeps in Alaska. I guess the ground is two dang cold.

I am currently working on my forklift. Although I am skiny, I'd still need to lose alot more weight to work on the steering.

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I know how you feel............after two back surgeries and a hip surgery somedays I don't feel like working on anything. They are going to start burning off some nerves next week, so maybe I will start to feel a little younger:)
I bet you at least took the time to pressure-wash it before you started. I was so "eager"to tear into my 544 that I didn't bother. Now I'm under a tractor that was used all winter to feed round bales in the mud putting the bearing cap, balancer, oil pump, and pan back on with "stuff" falling on my face.

At least it isn't cold.
I can lie down on the floor on my back - no problem.
I can lie down in bed, on my back, - no problem.
When I lie on my back under a car to change the oil, etc. or under a tractor to work on repairs, I get a bad, bad case of dizziness. I guess some would call it motion sickness due to fluid in the ears.
And why is it that the motor can sit there with the pan off for WEEKS and the moment you lie down and look up in there it will put a drop of oil in your eye ? !!! lol
Best thing I ever did was buy a hoist for working on cars. I should have got one 20 years ago and stood it up in the yard. Too bad they don't make something like that for tractors.

I have had that for the past twentyfive years with a added bonus i get sick in the stomach to the point of almost tossen up what i ate three days ago. . I think i put in a long enough day as i got home to the house just long enough to wolf down a burger some baked beans and onion rings and a barley pop and get on here . If ya think i am tired your wrong i am dead on my feet . Or i should say dead in my chair , i may have to dial 911 for help to get out of it and help up the stairs . What i would not give for a RANCH HOME .
THEY DO MAKE them thar things that will do that job ya know .

I would like one myself .165 BPA corn and 640 BPA of rocks each year.
ROOF ,ROOF ya say is over ten feet to the top ???? My union card prohibits me from going over 10 1/2 feet . That job calls for Dusty , he's the carpenter NOT ME .
This looks like an almost accident already. Did anybody get hurt or was it just property damage? lol
Some people are too weird.

Lmack, do you wrap yourself in bubblewrap prior to leaving the house? Or is it worse than that? You won't cross a threshold for fear of tripping.

That is a fail-safe work area. Nothing that is elevated can move.

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