I am thinking about buying a project tractor off of craigslist. It is a 1086 2wd but the downside is that it has a stuck engine. Everything seems to look good on it except the engine. How much would it be to rebuild that engine with quality parts? What would be a good asking price for a tractor in that kind of shape? I will see if i can get a picture of the tractor posted later. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
all depends what happened to the engine. lask of oil, overheating or rain in exhaust. tractor is worth 1-2000.00 as is. probably throw in 10,000 for a complete engine rebuild and if done in a shop it will be consideratly more with labour charges. i would want to know whats with the engine before tackling that project.
Would it really cost 10,000 for engine overhaul because i have seen rebuild kits for a little over 1,000. I may go look at the tractor on monday to check it over.
as i say you dont know or tell us whats up with the engine so must presume the worst... and sure can spend that kind of money. and radiator repair goes with engine. then there's the clutch and so on that you have no idea what its like. dont worry when something is tore down its almost a guarantee the final bill is always more than a person antisipates.other option is to install good engine from tractor wreckers that you can hear run.
If you really want to do a good rebuild and you have the time and tools even if the crank is junk and the block can be saved at best your looking at no more the 4 and that is on the high side . If the 1086 is in decent shape even being dead it is worth 4000. Now the down side to a DOA tractor is ya don't know how the rest is and this is where you start paying tuition for your education into tractor rebuilding. SO IT COMES DOWN TO HOW LUCKY DO YOU FEEL .
Agreed. When an expensive peice of equipment is run until it drops then left for dead there's a very good chance that more than one major component was failing. Even if there wasn't letting it sit for years after the fact ensures that there is now.
I dont know about you, but unless I could get that really cheap I would pass. You can still get a fully functional 1086 around here for 9-12,000. How did a tractor like that become stuck I wonder?
I will probably get time to look at the tractor on monday and i will ask many questions about why a working engine like that would seize up. If there are any other problems i will pass on it. Thanks for your input!
consider this if the engine is locked up what kind of maintnence has the rest of the tractor had. if your heart is set on it look at the injection pump is the factory seals still on it. these engines were really turned down in these tractors from thier full potential a lot of them have been turned up to 180 to 200 hp they will do it but it takes the life out them At a sale in sikeston one time the auctioneer stated that all ih tractors came with a gaurentee that all torque amplifers were out if you bought one and the ta was good he would refund your money,ha ha
Or call some truck scrap yards and get a used 466 to toss in it. I'd have the rotary pump off the original motor checked and swap it onto the truck motor though, if it comes with an inline fuel pump.

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