SMTA pickpocket


Well-known Member
Several years ago when working ground with my SMTA it removed my wallet from my back pocket twice(ok so I shouldn't have put it back after first time) Now whenever I drive that tractor I try to remember to put wallet in the tool box. I don't remember my 1938 JD G ever doing that. Is it just a Farmall thing? Don't they realize you need the wallet to keep them running?
My mother used to loose her wallet every year out dragging fields in the spring time. Fortunately I always sound it. She was running our H. I lost mine one time on a John Deere R. I was riding against the fender while the bosses son drove for a bit plowing. Never found it again.
That is I never carry a wallet any more.It sits on the pickup dask,the kitchen table;in my lunch box.......Drives my wife crazy!"you're gonna lose it!".....
Yea,you can either loose your wallet,or get a "wear spot" on your butt from sitting it all day against the seat pan after a full day of Bush Hogging!(Dont ask how I know this. :( lol)

Yea,NOTHING in my pockets while operating anymore.
Dad lost his wallet cultivating corn on a Super C. We walked through the area he cultivated and didn't find it. Since I would never have found it (typical teenager), Dad wanted to cultivate that same section of the field the next time through and sure enough, he found it. And he did wear bibbed overalls most of the time when he was farming, but working off the farm at the time, he wore pants. He liked to run a tractor some in the evenings and that's when he lost, and found it.
I carry my wallet in my FRONT pocket to thwart would-be pickpockets. They gotta get pretty fresh with me in order to get my wallet, and if they can do that without me noticing, they deserve to keep my wallet.

A Super MTA would definitely remove a bunch of money from my wallet, if I found one reasonable somewhere, for sure.
My older brother lost his when plowing one year. A few years later our dad found it when plowing. After being in the ground for a few years there wasn't too much left of it.
(quoted from post at 07:53:29 07/16/14) Several years ago when working ground with my SMTA it removed my wallet from my back pocket twice(ok so I shouldn't have put it back after first time) Now whenever I drive that tractor I try to remember to put wallet in the tool box. I don't remember my 1938 JD G ever doing that. Is it just a Farmall thing? Don't they realize you need the wallet to keep them running?

Why would you even take a wallet on a tractor? A cellphone yes, but a wallet? You could call for help with the phone, but only provide ID with a wallet.LOL.
A wallet in my back pocket gave me pain in my sciatic nerve. So I moved it up front where it gives me pain there too. I only wear it when I am off my property now. When golfing, I put it in the golf cart. Sometimes I forget to get it at the end of the day too....
I never leave home without my wallet in my left rear pocket. If I were to put it in my right rear pocket I would be out of kilter all day. Pocket knife, finger nail clipper, set of keys and handkerchief. Takes all four pockets.

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