100 series Front weights


Hello Guys

I need to add some front weights to my MF 165, it has the frame, but I can't get any genuine MF weights. Tried (allegedly) Fiat ones but they won't do.

Does anyone know what other manufacturers weights will fit ??

Cheers - Foster
Hi,Ive seem international weights fitted to massey ferguson tractors,but they may of been modified, i know ford weights dont fit
Hello Foster,
How far are you from Russell Springs, KY?
If you have a look on American Ebay there are some for sale that have been removed from an MF 1105. The weight given is approx 85 lb each.
The fitting is the 'drop-on' type with a securing bolt at the bottom, so they should fit with out any trouble.
Massey Ferguson give a maximum weight of 10 97lb weights or 8 79lb weights for the 500 series tractors. Take this as a guide.

Hello David & Co

Thanks for the thoughts - some days I wish i was anywhere but here (down at the Southern end of New Zealands South Island) but this morning, with spring in the air, grass practically singing as it starts to grow, then theres nowhere else I'd rather be, especially Kentucky !!

I'm just gonna have to make a road trip past some bigger wrecking yards till I find one with the right massey frame that will let me try different weights.

Cheers - Foster
MF weights are out there, both the small tall upright like used on 65's and the larger ones like for the 1100's. When you find some for your needs you will then find lot's of them. Farm sales and old imp dealers lots should have them laying around.
Well, speaking strictly as someone who's in the heart of Kentucky, you'd like it here too! We've had plenty of rain this year. Everything is green and lush. That's kind of rare for this late in the summer. We've had unusually mild weather up 'till now, most of the summer has been 10 to 15 degrees cooler than usual. Ideal working weather! I just wound up my 3rd cutting of hay for the year and look forward to a 4th cutting yet. We still have 6 to 8 weeks before fall arives (if it's on schedule)

Oh...and by the way....Those weights in Russel Springs are about a 40 minute drive from here! I'd bet freight would be a killer to send 'em your way though!

Stop in if you're ever in the neighborhood!
Hello Foster,
Yes, delivery of those weights from Kentucky might be a bit of a problem....not the sort of thing the postman would want to carry let alone stuff into a mail box!
Always thought from previous posts that you were in the States.
How much weight do you need on the front? It might be possible to find a piece of 12-16" square tube and hang it on the existing weight frame. I made one for our 135 and filled it with a couple of bits of railway line, metal off-cuts and it worked perfectly. It was a combined mount for the grille guard and tow hitch. I will try and attach a photo. If I can't do it on the forum, have a look on the tractor photos.
Hello David and MFPoor

Well I do like the look of Kentucky to be honest and would just love to visit on folk over there one day.

Cripes David, how do you get away with planting your tractor right in front of the house on the "lawn" - here I'd be dead in seconds - unless "she indoors" happened to be away, then I'd have a stay of execution till she found the wheel marks !!

Hello Foster,
There is a very simple answer to your question.
The photo was taken on the day of our farm and workshop sale last June. The second restoration (first in 1979) was completed two days before the sale. I drove the tractor from the lawn and into the adjoining field, hitched up a neigbhour's trailer and transported the auctioneer around the lots. That was the last opportunity of a photo of the 135 in front of the house which we moved from at the beginning of September.
Another photo is posted in the 'Tractor Photos'.
DavidP, South Wales

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