Big Mo 500 gross weight needed

Hi All,
I found another one of these tractors not too far away and if I buy it might end up needing it trucked from CT to NH. One of the companies asked for the GVW before they would give me a quote. I searched this board and my two manuals and didn't come up with anything. This tractor has the front end loader and the large back hoe attached. Please, can someone tell me what she weighs in this configuration? Thanks for any info!


Thanks anyways, Molineone! I received a reply on another board that quoted a 1962 dealer price list/order guide with the weight being 10,130 pounds dry.

Does the tractor run? Are their local busness"s nearby with platform scales(gravel/sandpits, grain elevators, fert. plants, ect.) that you could drive it to to weigh it? Armand
Hi Armand,
Thanks for the suggestion. According to the seller she does run. I'm only looking for a ballpark figure so the trucker knows how much he might be putting on his truck if I decide to buy it.



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