Wooing a tractor

Ultradog MN

Well-known Member
Twin Cities
Tomorrow, bright and early I make the 450 mi round trip to pick up a tractor that I've been working on getting since October. He called me off of craigslist about some parts I had.
I called him a few times since then - hinted he might need a little extra Christmas money which he didn't. Called him about the 1st of March but the shed it's in was still snowed in from winter.
I finally called him about a week ago and yes the snow is gone and my wasn't there a lot of it this year.
Finally we got down to talking $ and were a little too far apart for a tractor he didn't need to sell and I didn't need to buy. A few phone calls back and forth this week and we came to terms so I got some cash today and am leaving in the AM.
What's it been since October - 6-7 months?
Kind of like wooing a girl.
I'm sure there are stories here of guys working on getting a tractor for years.
It would be fun to hear some of them.
I tried to buy my Super H for years.one day I had $1000 cash that wasnt already commited.On Stupor Bowl SundayI went to see him.I laid 7 $100 bills out in front of him.He asked his wife"What do you think Ma,should sellit?She said "YES! its been sitting there rusting in the front yard for years!get rid of it!"
That's kind of like wooing a girl, except in the long run the tractor is much cheaper and will cause less problems! LOL

I'm not working at it at the moment, but I know of a small collection of Olivers I'd like to buy when the owner decides he's tired of them sitting in his shed.

Amen to that! When I was younger, I used to talk to a secretary that had a sweet voice. I pictured her as this young blonde. One day I found out she was 55 and going in the hospital for gall bladder surgery. Poof went the dream.

I won't even talk about the times alcohol clouded the image.

Buying tractors you never can tell. It all depends on how motivated the seller is.My brother just bought a really nice 4cyl 4000. He stopped to look at it out of curiosity and ended trading a four wheeler and some cash and the man delivered it. I have been trying to buy an 841 diesel with a broken crankshaft for over a year. He needs some dock floats which I have, but we can't come to terms on how many. He gave way to much for the tractor like it is and we can't get together. Some times it can be quite a dance.
(quoted from post at 19:09:34 05/19/11) That's kind of like wooing a girl, except in the long run the tractor is much cheaper and will cause less problems! .

Yep.... If it's got t!ts or tires....

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