hay (slim pickins....)


Well-known Member
Been pretty dry here and the hay crop is suffering. I usually do hay for the horses mid June early July but am afraid that there won't be any feed value if it continues to dry out. Mowed about 2 acres and put it up today because I got tired of listening to the owners complain (lesson learned and they'll mow their own property next year).
Getting a little rain now. Is it already too late for the stuff that is still standing, or will it snap out of it and grow some more?
What I got today was not even enough to pay for time and fuel of doing it.

Thanks, Dave
It should snap too with some rain, I skipped a neighbours field one
year because it was so thin and wispy. Boys was he mad, never said
a thing until the next year when I was cleaning up around the edges
of another of his fields with a bushhog since I was nearby. He ran
me off spitting h*ll at me! I see his "valuable" field of hay is grown
up in brush except the lawnmower strip to his garden.
We're gonna have the opposite problem,but still a problem. The stuff is growing like gang busters,but if and when the weather does break,we'll be so busy getting silage corn planted,the hay is gonna go down,get rank and be an awful mess to deal with. That's IF the weather pattern changes this year.
You and I are in the same boat. Last year I planted silage corn May first, and started first cut May 28. This year corn is still in the bag, and some fields of hay are so wet that they would not carry a forage wagon, not standing in water ,just soft.
florida is as dry as a popcorn fart. All last years hay is gone.. what lil you find is old.. mixed with bahia or was the side that yellowed int he sun on the open edge of the barn. and when we got our last no rain forcast.. att that 'bad' 15-20$ hay turned to 30$ hay... and good cuttings aren't gonna be here for a while.. and when they do.. most places are already advertising at 60$ each...

gonna have to eat my horses soon!!!

Don't understand your pricing. What is $20 dollar hay? $20 a ton for grass? Are we talking grass, tons, round bales, alflafa?

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