OT..Keep you're ID updated (long)

Don S.

My wife lost one eye to glacoma and has high pressure levels in the other one. She developed a cataract on the good one. Before they would operate on the cataract, the glacoma pressure had to be reduced to a certain level. While working to reduce the glacoma, her drivers license expired and the grace period expired. She could barely see twenty feet, so she didn't persue getting a state ID.

Eventually, the pressure was reduced and the cataract was removed. She went to get a state ID, she was told the way her first name was spelled on her birth certificate was different from the way she spelled it all her life.
So, she had to go to Probate Court, have a notice printed in the local paper, and a letter signed by the judge correcting the spelling of her name. Then, she couldn't find her social security card.

Today, she went to the Social Security office. She was told she had to have a state ID. The license bureau tells her she has to have a social security card.

Fortunately, the SS office gave her a card to take to the license bureau. At last, she got her state ID today.

Before 9-11 this wasn't such a problem. Now you should do whatever it takes to keep your ID.
Sounds like the nightmare I came up against to replace Id"s after I burried my wallet plowing snow in neighbor lady"s driveway. Went to county clerk first, to get new birth certificate, and new concealed carry license. Cousin works in clerk"s office, she knew me, so I got off easy there. Then to the Secretary of State for a new DL. With previous Id"s, I was able to apply for DL...... But do you know what they need to give you a replacement Social Security card? Even if you know your number? Easier to get a passport.
Marilyn went through that and you are right, it's a nightmare. She misplaced her purse, which she got back a few days later intact, there are still some honest people here in Iowa. Anyhow, she couldn't get a replacement license without her SS card but she couldn't get a SS card without her license which was her ID. The lady in the courthouse license dept knew her so she got a license without proof of ID. Sheesh!!!! Jim
The aggravation your Wife had to endure happens every day to American citizens. I don"t understand how illegal aliens sign up on welfare and get drivers licenses etc.
My wife had a similar deal. She always spelled her name Dolores from little on. SD now requires you to have a copy of your birth certificate to get your license renewed. She was from another state when we married and so she went back there to get her birth certificate. She found out that her name was spelled Delores on it. She ended up having to send it to Minneapolis and they changed the spelling on it to the way she always spelled it. Funny thing is, she always had problems with people spelling it Delores. Title companies where we have closings on properties we sell always had to redo the papers to correct it. Only cost $40 to have it change but it took forever to get it back.
After 9-11 computers are making things very difficult for people who have bad credit and a crimial past just to get a job. You can run to a different state, but you can't hide from computers. I can say that I never had that problem, however I know many people who have.
If it was not for the fact others might not know you are a fine honest fellow I would post some smart axx reply like THEY JUST HAVEN'T CAUGHT UP WITH YOU YET!!! Because something posted on the internet is forever I will not post it. Hey old friend how you doing? Wher can a fellow get those winter carrot seeds????
Ha,ha,ha,ha,yes you are correct! They would issue the Pedro ID and probably ask you what color you wanted it and for what state and told you to have a nice day.Its us pesky Americans who are the trouble!

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