Strange Battery Acid


Well-known Member
Checking out my tractor battery, the specific gravity is right, the voltage is right, and it cranks OK, but the acid when I tested it was gray and cloudy. In all my battery adventures I've never seen this before, has anyone else?
There could be a proprietary mix in the battery from the factory.
I have seen older (still usable) batteries with lemonade looking electrolyte.
If it is working and old, it may be telling you to plan for a new one in the next year or so. If new and worried, ask the company that made it. Jim
I was told one time that cloudy acid/electrolyte is caused by overcharging or vibration or both. Overcharging usually means any SG reading over 1.270.
I have seen this before. Usually on an older battery that is on it's way to going bad or is bad.
I see that all the time and most of the time I see it just before the battery goes south on me. Often wondered if a person would empty the old acid out then fill and flush with water then put in new acid if you could make one last longer
Tim.......old question, "what is the difference between Di-Hard and regular batterys?"......answer about 1/4-inch.

Here's the deal, ALL lead acid batterys "slough" off lead "oxide?" and it catches in the bottom of the cell for storage. When the storage space fills up, guess what??? yer battery shorts out and you gotta buy 'nutter' battery.

In yer case, yer battery is on ittz LAST legs and showing the normal lead precipitate. (probably, was jostled just before yer suck'em-up. ......Dell
Everybody warning you about impending battery failure are correct.
May as well pickup a fresh battery now. Instead of being left stranded or having the old battery internally short and "blow".
What is inside the battery is toxic waste. What are you going to do with it and the water you wash it out with? Lead will eventually get into your water and then what? It isn't worth it. Leave the recycling of batteries to the experts.
I would rather not be stranded somewhere with a failed battery. After seeing a battery blow the top off and spray acid.Don't want that mess corroding my equipment.
It's bad enough in the military, aviation, public transportation, medical and nuclear fields to wait for a component to fail. And suffer bad press and pay thousands in lost production and damage. Rather than pay hundreds to prevent a failure.
Break down rather than preventative maintenance is considered normal operating practice by some.
LOL. I live in one of the biggest area of lead in the U.S.. 30 miles to the south west of me is a town called Lead Mine and guess what it's name stands for. Yes I understand batteries and what they are made of that is simple chemistry and I took that in high school and have made my own batteries over the years just playing around so yes I know how to handle the acid.

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