We need more of this


FORT WORTH, Texas - A Fort Worth man recently stepped in to save a woman from an armed carjacker. She’s calling him her hero.

The crime happened in the middle of the day Saturday at a gas station on Camp Bowie Boulevard at Horne Street on Fort Worth’s west side.

Susan Torres was sitting inside her car when the suspect came up with a gun. He pointed it at her head and told her to get out.

“All I kept thinking was he’s gonna shoot me and the kids will not have a mother. That was the thought going through my head,” she said.

Sam Anderson was parked nearby and saw the whole thing. He jumped out of his car to help.

Anderson tried to get inside Torres’ car but the suspect had already locked the doors. He said he pulled on the handle so hard he tore it off.

He punched in the window and grabbed the gun as the suspect tried to start the car. When the suspect took off running, he chased him and fought with him a couple of times before the police arrived.

Tommy Cargill, 31, was arrested and charged with aggravated robbery.

Torres is grateful for Anderson’s help. She believes he saved her life.

"It's not every day there's this guy who's a hero," she said
That should be every citizens duty, If they are able to lend a helping hand be it big or small you should do so. You never know when it will really pay off.
It's happening more and more, in Denver, a guy is driving around looking for the older women driving alone, he bump's the back of their car with his car hard enough to think damage is done, the woman gets out to see the damage, and the guy sticks a knife in her side and takes her purse.

he has a stolden license plate, so almost unlikely not to find this creep,
women should never keep their cell phone in their purse when driving, and when hit from behind, keep the doors locked and call Police right away is my advise, get all the information you can, type of car and where your at for sure.

I better not find his creep, or he's going to bleed for sure. and that's a promise.
I carry pepper spray in the consol of my car, just in case. Of course it could happen very quickly and I may not be able to get the spray out in time and get the guy in the face with it.
In mideivel England it was everyones responsibility to respond to the "hew and cry". Failing to do so meant a visit from the "shire reeve" (sheriff). Likewise for raising the "hew and cry" falsely.
Im too old to punch out windows or run very fast.I keep a 38 special in the bib pocket of my overalls.
(quoted from post at 03:59:28 07/13/11) Im too old to punch out windows or run very fast.I keep a 38 special in the bib pocket of my overalls.

LOL I'm to crippled up to fight or chase anyone down unless they are in a walker......I have my CC and a .45!

Confronting an armed criminal, unarmed..... he is fortunate it worked out the way it did, as is the victim. You don't know what the armed person is going to do or not going to do. She got out, gave the car up, he goes after an armed criminal at point blank range....something to think about.

In 2000, a good friend of mine whom worked as a gas station attendant/partner with the long time station owner, was confronted by an armed robber, he complied, gave the money to him, robber then shot him in the head at point blank range, he died 45 minutes later, they never caught the murderer.
Lucky its in Texas...up here in the northeast the hero in the story would get arrested for assualting the criminal.
In the bib pocket???? Well, if the detective special ever went off, you wouldn't worry about having any more accidents. And how are you potatoes up there? Mine look like they been shot.
Still in effect in some places, when I was living in New Zealand, you HAD TO stop for a car in distress. If a policeman was calling for help, you HAD TO 'cease and assist'. Or the next one getting booked would be you, for standing there doing nothing, as is the case too often. If I say anymore, the thought police will say I'm FOS again....
Just had to bring race into it, didn't you? Why are you such a hater? We need less haters like you. No one else said anything about it, but you. Trying to stir up trouble. Go home hater.

And I don't think anyone here is disappointed in the facts of the case or how it ended up. Just you, apparently, looking to bait someone into what YOUR stereotype of THEM is.

Shameful. Hater.
First place S&W revolvers are fool proof.They have a hammer block.Buy a bottle of NUPRID, 38 bucks a pint but it lasts me for 5 years.apply to seed pieces be for covering.The few bugs that show up can be hand picked.A later foliar spray will drop the baby bugs that do the most damage.Spinosad is a bacterial spray that will stop potato bugs dead.Nuprid needs a teaspoon to a gallon of water.Ive been using it for 10 years.No one suspects a 73 year old farmer in overalls of being armed or even having any money.The local outlaws are very polite to me and never give me any trouble.
You should trade your pepper spray for WASP spray, it will spray 20 feet and if it gets in offender"s eyes, it requires a hospital visit to fix problem.

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