OT: Vietnam Vets read this!!!!


Well-known Member
Good old Hanoi Jane is mad because she got pitched out of a TV appearance. She says that it was EXTREMIST groups fault. I have seen her dodge the blame for over thirty years for HER extremist views. What I just about fell out of my chair over was this following statement.

"Bottom line, this has gone on far too long, this spreading of lies about me!" Fonda wrote at TheWrap.com. "... I love my country. I have never done anything to hurt my country or the men and women who have fought and continue to fight for us

She actually believes this. If any of you know any Nam POW asked them how it felt to listen to the North Vietnamese play tapes of Jane Fonda say that the American soldiers where baby killers. While they where at the "tender" mercies of the North Vietnamese.

Her and Walter Cronkite should have been tried on treason charges. Read the biography of the North Vietnamese generals in charge. They where ready to quit after they LOST the Tet offensive militarily. Fonda and Cronkite helped them win the PR battle at home. Cronkite by only reporting half the truth and Fonda by aiding the enemy directly by her supporting visit.

I know that this will more than likely get flamed but it seems that many of you on here have served in the service. I think that the anti war effort was less in the rural areas. It seems that the country people support the troops more so than the urban ones. I want to see what you thought on Fonda"s statement.
I served during Vietnam and I am not bothered in the least about Jane says. If it is true, it is in the past. If it isn't, lets just drop the whole thing.
I agree.

Hanoi Jane should have been shot, and she has not earned my forgiveness.

Hanoi Jane is a Commie Liar. She did a great unjustice to our troops , she should have been tried for treason & hung , U.S.A.F. Retired E7.
She put our POW in jeopardy every time she went to Vietnam & for that I can t ever forgive her.
I am not a vet however was drafted but flunked the physical. I have the greatest respect for veterans. My Dad fought in the jungles of New Guinea during WWII. Jane Fonda should have been tried and convicted of treason. Anyone who did what she did doesn't deserve to live in this country.

Maybe she"ll get mad enough & move back
with friends in Viet Nam.. She"s un American
can"t support her in anyway unless she"s
She's just an old "has been" actress looking for a few more minutes of fame. I support QVC 100% for pulling the plug on her appearance. Let her go back to Nam and sell her purses over there.
Viet Nam vet here, vividily remember picture of the *itch sittin' on a Viet Cong anti-aircraft gun & smilin' for the cameras.
Not much chance of getting flamed for your stance on that issue, here. Ask anybody who served and watched their buddies die over there, and you'll get a pretty standard answer.

Good post.
Once a murderer always a murderer. Once a traitor always a traitor... even if you have paid for your crime. The sad thing is the old heifer has never paid for her crime. She don't get any TV time in my house. CLICK!!!!
New Guinea was awful, Frank.

My Mother spent three years as an Army nurse in New Guinea and the Philippines.

Have you read Ghost Soldiers?

I was in the Tonkin Gulf on the USS Saratoga CV 60. While the slim bag bimbo was playing with her Cong Buddies. They even made us stop bombing operations while she was in town. Good thing for her because she just might have had her plane shot down. To bad it never happened. I can not and never will forgive her.

I to this day will not allow her name to be spoken or any of her movies. Watched in my home. I will not go to any store with the name fonda on it. As my bumper sticker says.

Viet Namn vets not Fonda Jane.

I was in VN '67-'68...

Infantry and Door-Gunner "Slicks" 1/10th Air-Cav Pleiku..
Popped many a Thousand rounds during the '68 Tet offensive...
So sad that she is allowed to remain in the USA..
A Traitor, she IS..

Here is the link to the story;


May she die a slow painful death for the hatred and pain she has caused.

Thank you QVC for doing the right thing
I served in the US Army during Viet Nam, and talked to many Viet Nam veterans during and after. Most that I talked to hated her for her propaganda broadcasts (that American GI's were war criminals and that the NVA and VC were populist heroes) and the AA gun picture. I personally believe that her words and actions went far beyond providing aid and comfort to an enemy.

According to Snopes.com when I googled her, none of the prisoners she talked to were tortured, but of course they could only interview the survivors.
YOu can look at her Facebook page and see some her whacked fans supportin gher . also contact # for QVC to thank them for not having Jane on . Few folks slipped through and left some pretty good comments on her page . One was ,"Why not meet with those who oppose you ?" said she did and got spit on ,,lol . dried up old hag !
Treason I don't think has a statue of limitations. If right lets go after her now.

BTW, what was her dads view on her? Or even better what was his view on Vietnam?
Our Air Wing on the Constellation had a pilots pool of over 5 grand in it for anyone who could smoke the traitorous B##tch.
Her movie "Klute" mysteriously "disappeared" over the side of the ship when it arrived.. (Ended up costing me 287 dollars).
My squadron had these patches made up in Japan. We sewed them on the INSIDE of our flight jackets. We sold a lot of them. Snoopy vs the Red Baron was high drama for us. LOL
Robert McNamara, may have been in a position to come away from the war with a viewpoint that was as well informed as many others who have weighed in here, with opinions on Jane. His final view might be; that she saved tens of thousands of lives on both sides and millions in money for both. The world was being told that if we did not achieve victory there, that the domino effect would allow the Communists to take over everything. Well, we lost the war and Communism failed. We had been badly misled. Not by Jane, but by the military-industrial complex. History will be the judge. Before you take your shots at me, please consider that I was honorably discharged from the military in 1967.
Robert McNamara was wrong about everything he did as defense secretary why would anyone think he's right about anything reguarding Vietnam even after the fact? McNamara was the military industrial complex.

When exactly did he quit being a moron?
Personally, I think that if Robert McNamara and Lyndon Baines Johnson had possessed an ounce of character, they'd have called a press conference and committed seppuku on the White House lawn.
I did my tour also, but has anyone ever thought of how stupid it was to spend so much blood, then go back home?

I'm a old man now, and what Jane did perhaps was not right, and she will have to answer for that herself. I happen to know all the truth is not in the front of the books, and wonder now how much of the blame is accurate.

I also know we were not good to all of the folks (enough said). I hope the good Lord does not hold me acountable for what I did as a snot nose kid, with a bad attatude. We did what our government told us to do, and they dumped alot of BS down our throats. In the end, what did we acomplish?

I have a class mate that was also over there, and he winters over there ever winter. He has a good coment as to the way the country is run, and the way the people act.

I probably asked before, so you understand, I had my house burn down a few years after I got out. My question is, do any of you guys that surved in 1970-71 remember a line haul fuel company with a gun jeep that carried a 50 cal? I'm hoping before I die of old age to see a picture of it again. (my pictures all burned, and I also lost all but a few of my contacts.

Now back to Jane, I forgive a stupid teenager for something she did a long time ago, I do not aprove, but I do forgive her. I also made mistakes that cost lives, and I'm sure some of the rest of you guys did also. We were all kids doing as we were told, and we figured it was all for the best of our country. We did make a few US folks very rich, and in my hometown, we seem to be getting more war heros as time drags on.

I'm not convinced that war heros tell their story, but rather sit and smile when the subject is brought up. I also never knew of a John Wayne type that came back alive.
Your comments are one of the most reasoned and mature reviews of the Vietnam War I have ever read. Thank You.

If anyone can say the lives lost there, 50K Americans and 2-3 million Vietnamese as correct or worth it is living in a dark cellar.
I think everything done to our troops over there should be done to her but no, that would be cruel and unusual punishment, right? Oh well, justice will come in the end. The deepest level of hell is for traitors.
You're exactly right about the North ready to throw in the towel until they realized they were being supported by American media.

When I learned of this some years ago, I told people I knew and all I got was disinterest.

Uncle Walt and Hanoi Jane are indeed guilty of treason in my opinion.

I was in service during the Vietnam War but never had to go there. I was enraged by Fonda then and haven't gotten over it. Never did watch a movie with her in it after her anti war comments.

IOWA NORTHEAST, go to www.steelsoldiers.com and
under the "Steel Soldiers" header, click on "forums"
and scroll down to "Present Conflict Vehicles" and click on "Vietnam Gun Trucks". The top and bottom threads there right now are on gun jeeps. The moderator of the "Gun Truck Forum" is "Driver
523" who served on a couple of 5T gun trucks and
an M37 gun truck providing line haul convoy security in Viet Nam. He has helped with several gun truck reunions and is widely known and respected among transportation group veterans and has helped many post the pictures they have of original and replica gun trucks, their crews and their stories. There are many photos of convoys on roads and in terrain that you may recognize.
I couldn't care less what Jane Fonda says or does, nor do I intend to buy anything from her or QVC. She is no more likely to apologize for her trip to Hanoi than Oliver North is going to apologize for selling weapons to Iran. And if you think Hanoi Jane should hang for treason, well then Ollie should be up there on the gallows right next to her.
My recollection is that when Cronkite 'came out', Johnson said something like "If I have lost Cronkite, I've lost middle America".
JD, please tell us what North Vietnamese Generals and biographys you are talking about. I have read a couple of Generals Giap's books and that is just not what he was thinking. Sure, they lost Tet in 68, but they also lost every other major battle they fought with the US (and only won 1 against the French). Anyone that thinks what Ha Noi Jane (yes she did provide aid and comfort to the enemy and I wish she had been tried) influenced the outcome of the war gives her way to much credit, we were already leaving. She was there in Aug of 72, the cease fire was in Jan 73 and our last combat troops left in Spring 73. MacNamara said he knew the war could not be won in 67-68. Shouldn't the real anger be for him, Rusk, Westmorland, Kissinger and Nixon ?
I was there 3 days before TET 68. I feel that that my ox has been gorded. Some VFWs have a picture of Jane (as target) in stand-up urnals. That sums up for me. How many wives found out, when Jane's exersize tapes got burned, how vets feel about Jane!!!
Chris -Contributory Causes ?? When you eat a can of beans, how do you know which one of them made you fart???
Iowa Northeast, good job, very good post, well reasoned. One needs to remember that we invaded their country. Why? Well there is indeed some controversy on that subject. I won't go into it here, I have been flamed around here for expressing my opinions before.
I will ask the wife if the books are in English print. ( My second wife is Vietnamese. Yes she is one of the girls I helped get out of Nam. She is only 7 years younger than me.) She is the one that has read them and told/showed me the quotes.

Yes I do blame the politicians for the way the war was fought and lost. If those guys had been running WWII we would have lost it.

The war could have been won militarily. The main problem was the US tried to chose the leaders of the South. Those leaders did not have the support of the common people. The everyday people supported the troops being there for most of the war. I was there 69-73. The last year everyone could see the US was tucking its tail and running home. They then turned against us. We lost About 58,000 men. Between military and civilian deaths the South lost a MILLION people.

They lost respect for the US after we ran out on them when they where taking a 20 times worst beating.
there in 69-70.Wounded twice for what?Because I was drafted and told to go.I did what my country told me to do.I did not want to comment on this but can not let it alone.My mind remembers Fonda and what she did and it was laid to rest like alot of those memories.Fonda got attention for her acts of treason and I think alot of people will do what ever to get it.She earned alot of money and fame in her life and I believe there is a God and justice will come to her.Thanks all for sharing.
JD, so I take it that you never read anything written by the North Vietnam Generals. As for the "they lost confidence in the US" after "the last year .... the US was tucking its tail and running home". First we, as you put it "tucked tail and ran home" starting in 1969. After Operation Lam Son we all knew, even the greatest believers in the cause, that Vietnamization failed. By 1972 we were down to 69,000 troops in country. All the Marine combat units left the year before. 15 May the US Army HQ was decomissioned. Units of the 1st Air Cav were in mutiney, they refused a patrol having "expressed a desire not to go". Other units followed. I got home in August. I don't think the war was winnable with the military, we didn't understand it was a war of nationalism. But we fought well. I know that by the time Jane visited there was no win to be had. During the war 2 million served in country, 580,000 at the hight, and in 1972, none were comming back to help. The US public was done with it, to many lies, congress was giving no more money, the president was caught up in his scandle. Many of us saw no reason to pour fresh blood on dried. 15 years, billions of $, 47,244 KIA, hundreds of lost planes, thousands of helecoptors. I think it is sad that Jane still has the power to upset vets. I know she will not live rent free in my head.
(reI'm not convinced that war heros tell their story, but rather sit and smile when the subject is brought up. I also never knew of a John Wayne type that came back alive.
ply to post at 14:33:06 07/19/11)

That is the most true statement I have heard in a long time. I have lived by that ever since I served.
When some one starts telling war stories, that is usually what they are , stories.
As for Hanio Jane, never been a part of my life and never will.
Vietnam Vet 70-71
Chris I have read articles written by the generals stating the fact that they where thinking of quiting. General Giap memoirs are what the wife has read. The copy she has is in Vietnamese. I can read a little Vietnamese but I am very slow at it. So I have not read the whole book but I have read some of the high points.

It was published in 1985 titled " How WE Won the War" by General Giap

General Bui Tin has made statements that the war was lost at home not on the battle field. His 1995 Wall Street Journal interview has stated that. Here is a link to parts of that interview.

As for the people I was talking about it was the everyday common Vietnamese. I spent a lot of my time with them. One of my jobs was to be an emissary between them and the US Army. That was local around the main bases and the forward base camps. We had six Montagnard village scouts that where with us. I was in their villages and homes weekly if we where not on patrols. I am willing to bet that few on here where ever in as close contact will everyday Vietnamese as I was then.

It broke my heart when I had to leave many of them behind to be persecuted by the NVA and VC. Many of them died in the "reeducation" camps.

As for those that make up War stories. That is their problem. I have found that those that really saw actual combat rarely talk directly about it. I don"t think I have ever talked about any actual battle or fighting on this site. I Don"t want to remember that stuff. I do want to remember the people and things that happened over there.

I am not some big shot that ever made any decisions about what went on over there. I just know that the US did not handle itself very well from the beginning to the end. Many honorable men"s lives where wasted for nothing when we left. We should either have never been there or finished what we started.
JD, I have read what General Bui Tin said. He said that the US lost the war at home, not on the battlefield. That is completely different animal than your claim that the Northern Generals were ready to quit after Tet. We fought for almost 5 years after Tet. Operation Linebacker didn't end till fall of 1972, 40,000 sorties, 124,000 tons of bombs, a similar number in the south, untold arty and mortar rounds, countless patrols and assaults. They were never going to quit, no matter how many battle losses, or how much they suffered. Bui Tin was right, he didn't have that upity democracy thing or that irritating 1st ammendment right to free speach that, I guess, form some peoples perspective, crippled the US effort. Nope, Ho Chi Minh, Generals Giap and Bui Tin didn't have to deal with anything like our Bill of Rights or political dissent . Walter K called it like he saw it, what treason do you think he comitted, what 1/2 truth didn't he tell ? So I guess my question is if we had to destroy our constitution and freedom to defeat communism in Vietnam, why bother ? I also don't think most understand just how broken our military (not to mention our society) was in 72-73. Yes, I felt sick watching the helecoptors being pushed off the aircraft carrier, and suspected the misery to follow, but what could we do in 73-75 that we couldn't do in 69 with 580,000 troops in country ?

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