Neighbor's kids

My wife tutors kids with reading/math deficiency problems. Yesterday, on my way home, two neighbor kids were coming over for "class" on their four-wheeler. Two girls, ages probably 13 and 10. The oldest was driving. They pulled out in front of me on the highway not more than 100 yards away. I thought, "you little brats". But, what took place from then on is what blew my mind! We had probably 1 1/2 miles of blacktop to travel down to get to my driveway. I stayed behind them the whole time. They were driving 55-60 miles an hour down that highway...on a four wheeler! I looked at my speedometer a couple times to check just how fast they were going. It just blew my mind that they would drive that fast! THey obviously don't know "what" could happen at those speeds. question. Would you talk to their parents about this? I don't want to stick my nose where it isn't wanted. On the other hand, I'd sure like to know if MY kids were doing stuff like this. What's your opinion?
Friend of mine observed something similar and had a talk with the parents.

Trouble is the parents were his SON and daughter-in-law, and his criticism of his grandkids' behavior has caused a family rift. (Better than their actions causing a FUNERAL, I'd think!)
I would talk to their parents you may save their lives. Sounds like an accident waiting to happen. I would put a throttle stop on that engine and if they don't like it let them walk for awhile. Hal
I'm with Bob and El Toro, talk to the parents. They may have been told not to go that fast, and if their idiots and don't care or get offended you can always sleep better at night knowing you tried. Good Luck mike
Here is how I usually handle this situation, I'll sit down in front of the computer and search for an accident report involving the type of vehicle the kids are on, then when they're nearby, say some thing about it to get their attention and then read it to them and show them the photo's (if any). This tends to make them think about what they are doing for a while but soon enough they are back at it and they'll need another reminder. It's just human nature.
(quoted from post at 07:02:58 07/22/11) My wife tutors kids with reading/math deficiency problems. Yesterday, on my way home, two neighbor kids were coming over for "class" on their four-wheeler. Two girls, ages probably 13 and 10. The oldest was driving. They pulled out in front of me on the highway not more than 100 yards away. I thought, "you little brats". But, what took place from then on is what blew my mind! We had probably 1 1/2 miles of blacktop to travel down to get to my driveway. I stayed behind them the whole time. They were driving 55-60 miles an hour down that highway...on a four wheeler! I looked at my speedometer a couple times to check just how fast they were going. It just blew my mind that they would drive that fast! THey obviously don't know "what" could happen at those speeds. question. Would you talk to their parents about this? I don't want to stick my nose where it isn't wanted. On the other hand, I'd sure like to know if MY kids were doing stuff like this. What's your opinion?

Not to mention the 13 year old was legal to be driving on a public road, or that the 4 wheeler is not licensed to be on the public road in the first place, but if you are way out in the country like I am, that sort of thing happens all the time. Talking to the parents is a very good idea.
(quoted from post at 07:02:58 07/22/11) My wife tutors kids with reading/math deficiency problems. Yesterday, on my way home, two neighbor kids were coming over for "class" on their four-wheeler. Two girls, ages probably 13 and 10. The oldest was driving. They pulled out in front of me on the highway not more than 100 yards away. I thought, "you little brats". But, what took place from then on is what blew my mind! We had probably 1 1/2 miles of blacktop to travel down to get to my driveway. I stayed behind them the whole time. They were driving 55-60 miles an hour down that highway...on a four wheeler! I looked at my speedometer a couple times to check just how fast they were going. It just blew my mind that they would drive that fast! THey obviously don't know "what" could happen at those speeds. question. Would you talk to their parents about this? I don't want to stick my nose where it isn't wanted. On the other hand, I'd sure like to know if MY kids were doing stuff like this. What's your opinion?

Not to mention the 13 year old was not legal to be driving on a public road, or that the 4 wheeler is not licensed to be on the public road in the first place, but if you are way out in the country like I am, that sort of thing happens all the time. Talking to the parents is a very good idea.
Time for a talk, however uncomfortable to do so.

Quads get "twitchy" on pavement at higher speeds, it would actually be safer on dirt or gravel. You can find many articles of young kids crashing and dieing, usually riding double or more at a time, high rates of speed, etc. Good luck!

By the way, I've been riding all sorts of things for 40 years!
That's exactly right! THe fact is, I really like these kids. They've got some problems in the "learning" area, but they keep on trying. I just wanted to spank both of these girls! 'Darn lucky they weren't mine!
I would talk to the parents, in front of the kids. I know I sure would want to know if my kids were doing that stuff. Hard to say how the parents will react, some parents these days shouldnt be parents.
No, no helmets. (I hadn't even thought of that)
Both had long hair that was "blowing in the's a blast" sort of thing. I"ve ridden my four-wheeler on the highway before at speeds up to about 30 miles an hour. They really get squirrelly on pavement even at that speed. Heaven forbid if they would have hit a pot hole or a rock laying in the road. It just really upsets me knowing what "could" have happened to them.
Absolutely speak to the parents. I would care less if it started a "riff", because they would be considered 2x as ignorant as the kids do by operating an atv in such careless manner, speed kills and maims, has no mercy on anything.

Ex; while a senior in high school, some kids were doing something similar on a street about 10:30 pm, TT250 Yamaha dirt bike, no helmets, no lights, no registration, no inspection, no nothing. I was coming the opposite way and was just into a left turn at a "Y" intersection, turning across the opposite lane, to the road that Y's off to the right of the opposite lane, effectively cutting off the opposite lane for a brief moment. At that time I was doing 3 MPH, WHAMMMM !!!! bike and 2 kids 13,& 14 years old hit my bumper, both flew over the vehicle, one landed approximately 60 feet beyond my back bumper, the other hit a telephone pole in mid air and slid down into the hedges. I never saw them. I checked the bike it was in the last gear, they were going at least 55 mph, speeding in a 30 MPH zone. The kid who hit the pole had his leg twisted up by his head, the other one was unconscious, appeared dead. Both spent weeks in the hospital, broken legs, who knows what else, the one who hit the pole lost some toes on one foot. I graduated with a summons from the sheriff, and a $3.5 million dollar lawsuit, with the threat of wage garnishment for a long time etc. It took 4 years to resolve, someones insurance policy paid both those rotten kids, and to boot I had numerous confrontations for years with the driver when encountered in public places, I would have finished him off had I the chance at the time,(it was a real bad situation, both of them were after me) they tried to pin it on me, said and accused that I did it intentionally, ok yeah right ! I knew who the driver was, his family had a long time local business, most people knew who they were, but nothing beyond that. Years later through circumstances where I infiltrated his older brother, he wanted me to drive for him,one night I ran into both of them, this kid then owned up and apologized, both of them learned an extremely painful lesson.

About 4 months later, best friend riding on the back of an ATV, dummy driving was going too fast,down a farmers lane, lined with big ole maple trees, ran head on into a pick up with a snow plow hitch, he destroyed his leg, pins etc. deformed, was an excellent football player, had to skip the following season and live with a leg that will never be the same.

In short, be it the parents, or whomever, someone needs to get graphic with these kids about the consequences, they don't learn until it happens to them. They need to see it first hand.

You want more incidents, I could go on, I am no EMT or the like, but unfortunately I have seen the actual results, dead, mangled people, so many times I don't think I can remember them all, besides all the others I knew that are gone, from motorcycle accidents. Both motorcycles and ATV's are something to respect, when you don't, it happens and a lot more than people think, you have no protection, speed kills quickly, if it does not, it will maim or alter your life permanently. Said kids need to understand and respect that, parents need to take care of that.

They need to see the consequences first hand, and honestly, I could care less of anyone's opinion about being graphic, its no different than tractor, farm equipment, and similar when it comes to safety, graphic depictions of incidents are shocking, grotesque, and some may think out of line, but it works, so each to their own.
13 years old shouldn#t be on a public road with anything other than a bicycle.... Think I'd be all over the parents and if it happened again, the law.

Talk to the parents, BUT DON'T PREACH TO THEM. keep it polite and civil. "Just so you know what's going on type of thing". Everybody on here is right that they should not be doing this, but it will not help to make an enemy out of the parents.
Handling on pavement all depends on the model, mine is poor with the diffs all locked and 28" mud tires, but the neighbours in 2wd is amazing, he'll hit 70+ mph no trouble, rock solid handling.

In any case, kids shouldn't be driving them down the road and shouldn't be driving at that speed on them, they aren't strong enough to control them.
I'd have a talk with the kids. Let them know I am going to talk to their folks and suggest it might be better for them if their folks found out what happened from them before they heard it from me.
Our young neighbor couple (who have a preschooler) were riding double like that. Went down the ditch and hit an approach. The father is dead, the mother is half brain dead and drooling in a wheelchair for life.
The grandparents are now raising the grandkid AND having to remodel their entire home for handicap access to take care of their invalid daughter for the rest of their lives.

You know what you need to do or it wouldn't be bothering you enough to be asking for our opinions. Good luck.
Lost a 14 year old boy here last week. Went around a curve on the wrong side of the road on a 4 wheeler & ran under an American Electric Power service truck. Dead on impact. I'll bet his parents wish someone would have talked to them BEFORE he hit the truck. Talk to them before it's too late. Just my thoughts, Keith
Have you ever picked up a dead kid from a accident?

I rate that worse than visiting with the parents.

Your question has a real simple answer, step up to the plate.

A conversation that starts out with....I'm very uncomfortable bringing up a very troubling issue.... I was uneasy at first, but I know you are good parents that would like to know....

I'm very troubled with law suits that involve the manufacture, but any four wheeler that does over twenty...well If you take a small buggy and hook fourty horses to it and start whipping the will get the same results.

Sorry folks, I don't buy in to this (pretty safe) at fourty, and no helmet needed...well that is just a total pant load.

When our crew goes out to load up a victum off the highway, we all feel pretty sad, yet if the operator and passengers did not take the first step to prevent a head injury...well why should we feel bad when we can not save them? The cost of the helmet is probably less than one perk on the machine.

When my son turned fourteen, he bought a moped. I asked about a helmet, and offered to pay for one. The answer was no way was he going to wear a helmet. The moped was gone in less than a week. He has a family now, and he is very protective of his children including helmets for their bicycles. I still bring up the (no way) issue once in a while.

Parents need to be the parent, or otherwise suffer the outcome.

On the plus side, some one may live because of a organ donor, and I will try my best to not have it be my grandchilds organs.

I sound pretty sick, but so many kids die every year because the parents are trying to be nice to their often with bad results.
Talking with the parents will do no good. They know what the odds are for the kids getting in trouble but they DO NOT CARE otherwise they would not provide the opertunity for the kids to do those stupid things.
I think anything that will go over 25 mph should have to have a license plate and the driver licensed. I have been to too many "accidents" and an scraped the "victim" up off of the pavement.

These newer ATV have more horse power than the tractors I farmed with when I started.

I threw out a renter on one farm because of his letting his kids ride a big ATV. He was letting his FOUR YEAR OLD drive a 750cc ATV around the yard, ALONE. I happened to be over there and saw it. The little KID was air born more than he was in the seat. The guy would start it and put it in gear. The kid could just reach the handle bars to give it gas. In low gear that thing was going fifteen mph of more. He thought it was funny to watch the kid flying around. I asked him about it and he said that the big ATV would take any crash the kid could do??? I asked him how the kid was going to stay ON the ATV. He just looked at me dumb!!! I ask him to keep the kids off of it on my property. He got all smart with me. I told him he had better find some where else to live. He did move the next week. The four year old broke his leg at ten on a ATV. He walks with a limp now.

Please talk with the parents. Other have stated good way to start the conversation. I am not the guy to ask for that. LOL All you need to spur you on is to think about one of those little girls in a coffin. That should give you any incentive you need.

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