Site for engine parts/part numbers for many brands


Well-known Member
I've heard of Endurance power but never really looked into them until I found their site tonight while looking for a CAT part. The only catalog I looked at was the one for the CAT engines but if they are all as complete as it was there is ALOT of good info here.
Endurance power
But WHO are they... I have been aware of them/their products for YEARS, but never knew WHO they were... do you know?
Click on the site and it'll tell you all about 'WHO' they are. In fact if you read the History section it'll tell you how many employees they have, etc. Then, go a bit further and it'll even show you a picture or alot of the people that are the 'WHO' behind Endurance, along with first and last names and positions these people hold with the company. So, yes, the link will tell you 'WHO' they are if you take the time to look.

Even better it'll give you catalogs with OEM part numbers for engine parts for multiple brands of equipment, along with other things such as replacement hydraulic pumps for JD, etc, etc, etc.

Take a look, it might suprise you how much stuff they actually carry, I know it did me....and I work on this kind of stuff for a living and enjoy suprises like finding good info like this that will help me out now and in the future.
Yep, been there, did that. STILL doesn't vouch for how good they are.

For example, the die-hard Deere guys still say the engine kits from Mother Deere are better. I don't know if they are or not, but that was what I was hoping someone would come forward with... real world experience with them, be it good or bad.

ANYONE can put up a fancy website extolling their products. But I ASSUME you already KNEW that!

NC and Shadetree, have you any firsthand experience with their parts? (NOT that I am suggesting that they are BAD!)
Ok, now I understand the thought behind your post, and that you weren't just 'being Bob', like me and shadetree thought you were doing. So, now I can give the answer your looking for.

First though my main reason for the post was that wether parts are bought from them, Clevite, Interstate-McBee, the OEM, or who ever, the OEM part numbers (at least for the CAT parts) are all listed. If you've ever tried looking up every individual part for a machine on the computer at the dealership, or in an old parts book, it can be a royal pain. Heck by the time I got a parts list together for the D6 I'm working on it consisted 6 legal pages worth of gaskets, o-rings, etc for the first order. On top of those were the piston and liner kits, bearings, gasket kits, etc, etc that I also had to get when the machine shop guys said they couldn't get them from their source. In other words, simply having info like all the numbers for the different oversized bearings, etc all together like this, in one place, regardless of the company, can make things alot easier when it comes time to start ordering parts since they might be on several different pages in 'the book'.

Now as a real answer to your question, I have had some experience with their products but not to the extent of rebuilding a whole engine. Though I can't name all of their parts I've used over the years off the top of my head, I do know I've seen the name on parts boxes in various projects. Beyond that I've never had anything I've done come back with any sort of problems. I don't know how to explain it any other way, but typically when it comes to parts a lack of a negative experience equates to a positive experience...And the only way to have either a positive or negative experince is to give them a try.

Now as far as using only OEM parts, I agree, there are guys that swear by the OEM pieces and will use nothin else. Funny thing is that many OEM parts aren't actually made by the OEM who's name appears on the part. I've been in this business turning wrenches since I was old enough to start helping dad and have talked to alot of real parts men over the years at both dealerships and aftermarket outlets so none of this is any suprise to me. Things change way too much to even begin to say who makes what for whom, and often there are several places making the same part for one OEM in order to keep up with the demand. If that fact doesn't make sense to you at 'face value' then look at it this way and maybe it will. CAT, Komatsu, Deere, etc all build equipment and that's what they are good at. So when they need an engine they might design it but when the design is done they need someone who's job is knowing how to best make pistons, gaskets, etc at the best quality and for the cheapest price, to do that part of the work for them. The same holds true for turbos, transmissions, axels, gearing, hydraulic valving, etc. Years ago I'll give you the fact that alot more mfgs actually did more things/made more parts 'on their own' instead of farming it out. However as times changed, profits became more important, industries became more globalized, etc, etc the 'new' way of getting things done by farming them out to 'experts' has become more and more prevalant. Given the part may be made to a CAT spec, Komatsu spec, have an OEM part number printed on it, etc, etc, etc, but in the end it's still not "made" by that particular OEM, but by a third party....The same holds true for 'aftermarket part' parts as well. Heck look at Standard Motor Products that makes automotive parts. They make the same part for several different 'brand name' companies... All the same parts, several different brand names.... In the equipment look at JD and Hitachi, JD and Lieberrer, Shibaura and Ford, etc, etc, and the same holds true on down the line.

Sorry, got long winded there but maybe now you'll understand a little better why I say that you'll never really 'know' any company, regrdless of how long or how many times you've dealt with them...wether you think you do or not.

That's not to say that aftermarket parts don't come in different quality levels, they do, but even then OEM involvement means nothing. I say that because several years back I went through two CAT Classic (ie OEM endorsed aftermarket products) fuel transfer pumps myself and all leaked worse than the worn out one I pulled off. When I had to begin another project I turned things over to dad and he went through two more Classic pumps. Finally he wound up getting a rebuild kit for the forth one that included bearings that weren't so oversized that the seals couldn't make up for the shaft movement. On the other hand I've used CAT Classic parts for other things and they were just as good as the OEM, for half to one third the price.

In the end, especially nowdays, you never really 'Know Who' any company is even if you think you do, regardless of what they do or what they make. One positive experience is just that,and although you pray they are all positive, an equally negative one could very easily be just around the corner. Look back at the post I made the other day about the ordeal with an engine machine shop Dad and I have both 'known' and done business with for nearly 30 years as a prime example.

After me being me and explaining all of that, long answer short, you'll never really know anybody, or anything as the only real constant in this world is change.........
I have not checked into them, BUT, is it not worth anything to be able to look at that site and perhaps see how something goes together or what the parts numbers are. The books should be good even if parts are not and I do not know that. So I think he is just trying to give us a chance to find part numbers that we can take to our local store.
(quoted from post at 09:20:46 07/23/11) reliance makes deeres engine kits. so how can deere be better then reliance?

Does Reliance sell over the counter the same spec's as a Deere spec engine kit? Does Reliance furnish A&I engine kits?
Is the same part say a water pump from JD and A&I different quality parts IE are JD parts better than A&I?
the parts used to be different quality but now alot of deeres parts are aftermarket they just charge more for radiators and water pumps. I am not sure on the A&I engine kits as I have only used a few of them.On the reliance kits I can tell you that I have had their kits side by side and you could not tell the difference. I had to do that to show a friend who insisted that the deere kits are better. Needless to say after that he has started using reliance kits because deere charges double for the jd box they come in.

Coincidence,,, a guy stopped by the shop to day with their literature/hand out are what ever you wanna call it,,, looks like they Handel top of the line parts... Does that mean anything ,,, NO but I will give them a call if I need any stink'n diesel parts :twisted:

Seams like every time I find a good source for good parts at a decent price someone buys them out and i am not good enuff to sell to anymore... Their was a good place in charlotte,,, engine supply warehouse are TL-kidd can not remember the name any more that was on top of their game when it came to service and finding you the part,,,, then they got brought out and i am not good enuff to sell to any more...

Been that way for 30 years,,, tell ya the truth i like hard times it makes wholesalers come down to my level... If I had to wager that's what Endurance power is doing look'n for business... When the good times roll they will dump us again...

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