Worst year I've ever seen for wasps . Jumped on forklift this morning . Fired it up and started getting swarmed . 4 stings , jumped off, ran around .back over to forklift as it was still moving ,,right toward customers car ,,,shut it off, looked and seen nest under steering column ..wow! didn't hurt much ,,but hour later it was hard to swallow and chest was tight . Walked it off but was told shoulda had some benadryl ?
get benerdryl and possibly ei pen for self shot if stung again as next sting will likejy be much worse
Yeah, some people are more allergic to stings than others. When the kids were young we had to keep an emergency needle on hand in case one of the girls got stung because she was so allergic.
Problem is, if something has been sitting more than three or four days, they will be there and you don't suspect. Had it happen more than one time. Always a good idea to check. But then, that's hard to remember when you have a day's work on your mind isn't it? Glad to hear you're ok though.
If you had a reaction to wasp sting you didn't "walk it off" it went away. SEE YOUR DOCTOR!! as another said you will probably be prescribed an eppi pen. Next time will probably kill you without it. In my time as an EMT, allergic reaction was one of the worst emergencies, because it can stop a person from breathing pretty quickly.
Could be worse, Could be like my uncle the other day. His 4430 had a flat on the rear in the hay field and it sit there for a week till it got fixed. He opened the door got in sit down and came flying out the door running. I could see why, Those little black Basterd bees! In a weeks time they built a nest in the seat. He got stung 9 times, 7 were around his glasses. Had to take him to the hospital as he was having a hard time breathing and started swelling up bad. Kept him the rest on the day and that night for opservation. Had to call an extermenator to kill the little SOBs. The guy said that they are an agressive bee that will go for the eyes every time and you wont know there there till its to late. Bandit
You didn't say where you were stung, but difficulties breathing is a definite red flag.
I'm not allergic, but if I get stung on my lower arms I swell up bigger than Popeye. Takes 3 days for swelling to subside. BUT 3 stings to the lower back did nothing but get me angry for a couple hours.
Yea,I am going got see doc wed about it . As a kid I can't recall ever having any problems,,,but I moved alot faster then too !
got one or two on hand , two on knee . thats all I felt anyways . nothing really swelled up where I was stung . Better be safe than sorry .
i been stung and bit by every onery thing in the world...never a problem till i got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes...yellow jacket just kinda skidded up my forearm and stung me 4-5 times...arm swole up for almost a week...asked dr about it and he said the diabetes made me more suceptible to allergic reactions...plus things change as we get older.
Remember- once you have been stung, you are “marked” as an enemy to them. They will smell their stuff on you and you won’t get as close as you did this time before you get it again. I’ve heard it stays with you for weeks. At least that's how most of those little SOB's work. Wasps seem kind of stupid sometimes.
Was mowing around toomstone in grave yard. something began to hit me, saw yellow jackets commimg out of hole at base of toom, have heard to put running mower over hole where they are comming out and it will kill them as they come out WRONG, got stung 9 times, hurt like he-- swelled up got sick at stomach, left mower running untill it ran out of gas, went back just before dark, poured a gal. of gas in hole, dug out nest next day, was 3 tiers, big as a regular hat.
How I get rid of them::::

Buy vegetable dust which contains carbaryl, this is for European wasps but suppose they are all the same..
At night place red paper over a torch and you can walk upto the nest without worry.
Sprinkle the dust where they enter the nest, they will take it inside and by morning they are all dead.
Don"t forget RED paper because they don"t recognise it. Have noticed they have a sentry out at night.
I was hooking up the batwing bushhog the other day and those little black ones built a nest in the pipe at the hitch pin. When I turned it around to hook it to the drawbar a little black one stung the fire out of me.

My way to get rid of them pesky things is usually spraying them with gasoline. Either the wasp is now immune to it or the government is producing some watered down cheap stuff. The wasp just kept flying. They use to fall dead immediately. I had to go and get a bottle of wasp and hornet spray.
I'm allergic, and keep a "Bee sting kit" in the
truck, and at home. I'm diabetic so I'm used to giving myself shots, Yes..the kit does have a
syringe and you have to give yourself a "Shot"
A quick jab in the leg is better than going into
allergic shock.
I get my kit from the VA, for a $9 copay.
We always held potato shavings on our stings, sucks the poison right out. Need to hold it there at least an hour for good measure though. My dad even used this trick on a brown recluse bite once. When he got to the hospital the doc told him he wasted his time coming, he'd already done all there was to do. I've heard chewing tobacco or dip works too but never tried it.
I've not heard about using potatoes but have used onions and they work very well. They take the fire right out of wasp and bee stings. But you have to do it pretty soon after being stung. Mike
Here's what appears the situation you're in now. Once it had those results the next time will probably be worse, I would get a bee sting shot to carry till I knew I hadn't become highly allergic.
I swallowed a hornet that had got in my drink unnoticed about 10 years ago at college. It stung on the way down. Never had a problem before and I don't think i've been stung since but that time I went straight to the sercurity office with their first aid kit and the hospital on speed dial. Hospital said benadryl orally and monitor. I had a Major headache and throat ache and had to have a friend babysit me while I slept the day away, but no breathing problems luckily.

karl f
Dang Karl, gotta be careful. In college I drank drinks that would have killed an insect if he got inside. :D Glad you made it!

Don"t mess around with bee stings. If you"re allergic you could go into anaphalectic (sp) shock. The throat muscles swell and you suffocate. Could only take a couple of minutes. I believe a bee sting kit contains epinephrine. Check with the experts. Very serious business.

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