Another turn of the screw.



CDLs to operate your TRACTOR. They want to regulate everything in your life.
Call your local Farm Bureau in your county. They are hot on trying to defeat this before it even gains any footing in congress. It would seriously add lots of possible fines and new regulations that are just to generate money off of the farmers back.

Go and actually read the USDOT site about this. Seems to me that FB is crying wolf in an attempt to gain membership. JMO.

Kinda like when the big arga/food companies put out disinformation when they were getting ready to pass the COOL laws.

HHHMMMM....CDL will mean having to keep a LOG BOOK...and will mean restrictions on length of work day etc...and a "medical card" to go with the CDL.

Now SOOPER TROOPER will have a "field day" (pun intended) checking log books for violations. Better make sure he has good, easy access in/out of fields.


Like so many of the "good stuff" things coming outta Fed. Gov....this one on the surface might have a little bit of merit. Who ever dreamed this one up has had no experience farming and no idea what the ramifications are. Sadly, we must do their "thinking" for them...and get your comments in by Aug. 1st.

I, for one, am glad Farm Bureau is raising some noise about this...and glad somebody in VA. posted about this about a week ago.

Rick...raised on a farm...learned to drive by driving farm tractors...retired last year after 1.5 million miles of 18-wheeler.
If people would quit killing and crippling themselves, family and co-workers on equipment. The safety nazis would have fewer excuses. To build empires of power, control and authority. At the expense of your tax dollars, freedom and privacy.
We had some drunk lazy slobs town employees in Walkerton a few years ago. They killed and crippled dozens of folk with e-coli water.
Now we have government employees and agencies snooping into every little orifice you have or own if the word water is mentioned.
Careful who you call drunks and who you blame that on. Unless you have a source other than the media, you likely don't know the whole story
So are you going to tell us who was at fault?

I think the story around that one pretty well solidified a long time ago and I don't think there's too much doubt what happened.

The media blamed the brothers for the whole thing, which is not the case. The brothers falsified the reports because they were told to. If you read the write up on wiki you'll see only the brothers were blamed. IT WAS NOT ENTIRELY THEIR FAULT. They were told to falsify the reports, and not to worry about it. Just don't think the media put it out the way they should have.
Oh goody. As long as somebody tells me or lets me do something wrong. It's not my fault, it's their fault.
Odds are I know more people from Walkerton than the typical ytmag poster.
As I recall, the brothers were basically given the job and didn't even have the right qualifications or training to be doing it. They were told to falsify reports so it(apparently) wouldn't look so bad. Ya, that worked...NOT.

Not to cause an argument, but just look at the big tractor in the picture.

Would you want an 11 year old kid or a bubba with a 12 pack driving it on a public road where your wife and kids may be driving the minivan????
Or a whole busload of school kids............. If everyone used courtesy and common sense, there would be no reason for a lot of regulation.......

Don't know the exact criteria, but here, you have to have some type of drivers license to operate anything on a road. For up to a certain size (60HP?) tractor and I think one <8 ton wagon a normal license is OK and a farm kid can get that license at 17 (16 in some cases)
B&D that is not what I said. I said they were not the only ones to blame. Their bosses told them to falsify reports and that all was okay. Their bosses knew that they were drinking. Let's say that your a weldor working for somebody. If you weld something, and a weld(s) fails, causing damage, your boss will get as much or more blame than you. I have no doubt that you would know more people in Walkerton than the typical ytmag poster, I never disputed that. I know people from Walkerton as well. Was born there and lived outside of Walkerton.To stick weld, they legally had no training. They were grandfathered into the system, which Ontario allowed. The no training was Ontario's fault, not theirs.

Given the size of the equipment being used, and the potential for damage, I think it's a good idea. We aren't talking about a 8N pulling a hay wagon anymore. And if you can't get a driver's license, you shouldn't be on the road anyway.
Odd how so many people pointed straight to Mike Harris. As the cause of the deaths and crippling by e-coli tainted drinking water.
That is like blaming the minister of transportation for traffic crashes on the highways.

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