O.T. critter controll

sam in mo

The coons and opossums are makeing a mess on my machinery and tractors.Was wondering if anyone knows if the soda and fly bait reciepe will harm cats or dogs. If not was wondering what the reciepe is. Thanks Sam

Don"t pay any attention to Dave, he has multiple personalities, and that is one of his worst! There was just a long thread on here about this,if you search for it you will learn all you want to know.

people are unbelievable........ No wonder treehuggers are around and so powerful...... as long as you have village idiots poisoning animals....
Dave, acute kidney failure is not all that bad of a way to go, but it is not my way. I catch them in have a heart traps and then throw the it into a garbage can full of water before I go to work. When I get back everything is peaceful. If you ever had a dog torn up, or if Germany had rabies like we do, you may understand.
(quoted from post at 14:17:57 08/03/11)
Don"t pay any attention to Dave, he has multiple personalities, and that is one of his worst! There was just a long thread on here about this,if you search for it you will learn all you want to know.

My personality is pretty stable........ I don't deal well with idiots and I say what I think.... You'll never see a thread or post from me that shows anything else......
Dave, I do not poision them, I drowned them. Hope that make you feel better. I am not a village idiot that poisions them.
(quoted from post at 14:19:15 08/03/11) Dave, acute kidney failure is not all that bad of a way to go, but it is not my way. I catch them in have a heart traps and then throw the it into a garbage can full of water before I go to work. When I get back everything is peaceful. If you ever had a dog torn up, or if Germany had rabies like we do, you may understand.

There is still a rabies scare in some areas here but animals aren't poisoned......... If I had a dog that a coon could whip, I'd be more worried about it turning up on a menu somewhere........ Used to trap muskrat and (accidently beaver) as a kid and there are hundreds of traps at the bottom of the river that weren't set so the rat would drown right away.....
(quoted from post at 14:28:55 08/03/11) Maybe the easy answer is trap them in a have a heart trap and send them to Germany where Dave 2 can feed and nurture them.

Not a lot of coons here... But where they get out of hand they are trapped and shot...... Fox are shot on sight, and other nuisance animals are shot on sight............ Anyone that would poison an animal (or do anything other than outright killing) is pretty much lower than whale sh!t and not worth the O2 they breath or the s@x it took to make them......

I have put out rat and mice poison but stopped because of pets....
I'm for sure a idiot, so lets move on to your question. I know of several places, one in particular that has thirty five to fourty cats that sit along side of the soda / flybait dish. The farmer said absolutly not one cat in twenty years. He lives along a stream, and lots of wooded area around his farmstead.

I could easy come up with fifty or so names that have the bait station year round, until now we never knew we were idiots however.
Dave I am a animal protector at heart. The coons have taken over because I wouldnt kill them since god put them here just like he did me. How ever they are makeing a mess out of everything. I dug my potatoes by hand and stored them where i thought that they could not get to. How ever they mananged to get into them and shittttt all over them. I lost about 200 lbs of taters. So I am going to take care of the problem. One old sow has four little ones. If I trap her the little ones are going to starve. So this is the route that I am thinking of going. If you want you are more than welcome to come to my farm and trap them all and take them any where else you like and that will make the coons, you and I all happy. Between my shop and house I usually pick up the fish worms out of my driveway and put them over in the grass so that the ants dont kill and eat them. So you see I try to be kind to nature. Do you ever drown fish worms to go fishing. Thats cruell. Reguards Sam
Us farmer idiots are getting rid of them as well. Any way we can. There are just to darn many of them.

There would not be a problem with coons if the tree huggers would not fight against wearing furs.

The coon hunters would keep them in check.

There are so many coons that they have moved into barns, houses and trees in our yards, because there is no room left in the timbers for them.

Guys lets stop throwin rocks at Dave2 and just be glad he is on the other side of the pond !! How would you like having him move in next door !!
Not trying to be a smarta$$ but sometimes you should put yourself in the other fellows shoes before you judge them.
On the subject of raccoons with the low price of fur there is no incentive to trap them to keep the population down resulting in a population explosion which will clean out any sweet corn field in one night.
Two years ago I planted a sweet corn patch which was 8 30inch rows by 1/4 mile along my driveway. I had two electric fence wires around the whole thing. In one night they ruined the whole patch. My neighbor came by late at night and said my whole driveway was just covered by moving raccoons. Yes I live along a river but never seen anything like this before. Electric fence was no match when you have a herd pushing against it.
Later on a disease came along and solved the population problem but it must have been a lingering painful death as they looked starved if we came across the carcass soon after they died. Nature sometimes is cruel itself but that doesn't count to some people.
Fox are not a nuisance, they are the anti- nuisance. Kill them off and you will have mice, rat and ferral cat problems. For what it is worth, Capt. Harry Truman shot poision gas out of a French 75 field gun at Germans.
A week ago it was the folks with deer plots who were the lowest of the low. Today it's the people who would poison a darned coon. Anyone else you choose to hate utterly??
Sam I didn't read all the posts, but I've used fly bait/Pepsi around where cats are and they didn't touch the stuff. Got five coons, though. I have a feeling a dog wouldn't fare too well. I did this in a shed only the coons and cats could get into. It gets possums too. Jim
(quoted from post at 17:27:12 08/03/11) A week ago it was the folks with deer plots who were the lowest of the low. Today it's the people who would poison a darned coon. Anyone else you choose to hate utterly??

don't be so thin skinned........ noone said anything about hate except you.....

since you mention it.....someone that plants a plot or sets a feeder with the intent of setting and shooting animals that come to eat may as well grab a rag and help the poison crowd wipe up the bottom of the barrel.....
Suits me fine to see them poison all the critters. Cept I would have them poison the cats too.
As for barrel, rain barrel works fine for drowning those you catch in a trap. No wiping up required.
Its the amount of corn they destroy that gets to me.Skunks are hard on corn,they climb the stalk until it breaks.Any method that gets rid of them is fine with me.A box trap with a tin of sardines for bait works.Pull the cover back just enough to let the smell out then wire the can to the trap by the pull ring.I have tried chicken liver in a cat food tin but they always steal the bait.An old man showed me a trap he made with a wooden potato barrel that caught skunks.I will describe it if any one is interested.This was over 40 years ago but I remember how it worked.
dave , that did not make any sence but that is what we have came to expect from you . The wiser the man the less time he spends running his mouth .
I love your e-mails, dave2.
I won't kill it if i'm not going to eat it!
BUT, a few peanuts on the lawn...a 22 shot out
the window.. and you can't beat my wife's
Squirrel and Dumplings...YUM!
BTW God put Smallpox and Ecoli on the Earth too you believe in being kind to them?They're both in the animal kinngdom and don't stop there I'm sure cutting living things like grass will hurt their feelings too.
(quoted from post at 16:14:08 08/03/11) Not trying to be a smarta$$ but sometimes you should put yourself in the other fellows shoes before you judge them.
On the subject of raccoons with the low price of fur there is no incentive to trap them to keep the population down resulting in a population explosion which will clean out any sweet corn field in one night.
Two years ago I planted a sweet corn patch which was 8 30inch rows by 1/4 mile along my driveway. I had two electric fence wires around the whole thing. In one night they ruined the whole patch. My neighbor came by late at night and said my whole driveway was just covered by moving raccoons. Yes I live along a river but never seen anything like this before. Electric fence was no match when you have a herd pushing against it.
[b:d3182f721b] Later on a disease came along and solved the population problem but it must have been a lingering painful death as they looked starved if we came across the carcass soon after they died. Nature sometimes is cruel itself but that doesn't count to some people[/b:d3182f721b].
omething like that is happening in Somalia right now

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