O.T. Beer question

For those of you who imbile (and admit to it) or those who just spend time in a bar. What is the most popular beer??? not your favorite, what do you see consumed the most. We are in the process of arranging a 100th birthday party for my father and the club that we have rented does not do tap beer. so I need to pick and pre-purchase a popular brand of beer for the croud.
In my little part of the world, if you're going to have just one brand of beer around, the one everyone will drink and will get the fewest neg. comments - its Bud Light. Personaly I think there's several beers brtter than that. Ken
Ahhhhhhhhh, a question on Adult Beverages or Barley Sodas.........

It depends a lot on the age group in attendance. If younger, the most popular brands are Coors Light (The Silver Bullet) and Bud Light. Coors does good marketing showing all those smiling bikini clad young BABES downing Coors Light so the gents thinks thay absolutely MUST drink the same lol. If older its more Bud and maybe Miller Lite.

If youre just gonna buy one and have to please all ages I THINK I WOULD GO WITH BUD LIGHT. While I enjoy Sam Adams or Killians or Corona or Heiniken now n then, those are too expensive and many dont like the heavier darker of those brews so none would be a good general purpose choice in my opinion.

Best wishes to your old dad. I bet if he knew he was gonna live that long, he would have taken better care of himself lol

John T
The most popular beers in the country, Miller Lite, Bud Light and Coors Light are interchangeable p***water. In a blind taste test, they took a bunch of beer drinkers who claimed they could recognize their favorite beer from the other two. They couldn't.
Bud Light would be best to be non offensive to the most people.

I am drinking some Schlitz that is the 1960's formula that you can buy in WI. Pretty tasty stuff!
A freind owns a beer/wine distributor that serves much of north-central Kentucky. He handles several brands. He's told me the number one seller here currently is Bud Select followed bt Bud light. I'll take the Bud Select any day. Never was a fan of diet beer.
Stopped in a country beer joint just north of Alamosa Co. and ordered a Coors years ago. Being an easterner had never had a Coors before. The bar tender said that in that area they called Coors " Cowboy Koolade" Don't remember whether it was good or not, but it was wet after riding a motorcycle all day.
I prefer Miller high life in bottles,the wife on the other hand likes Michelob Golden but thats not sold in some parts of the USA.Occasionally an Irish Red is good.As i get older ive found its not about quantity but more about quality
I find that the pleasing of everyone is a waste of time. Please the party giver!!! I would choose a medium pale ale locally brewed. if the heavy drinkers do not like it, they won't drink to excess. Furthermore there might be a few that begin to understand that there is taste and flavor in malted beverages. also be careful to control the situation to avoid being the contributing factor to drunken driving and lawsuits. Jim
I do not think there is any one but a good many and where you are does effect things also. In my area I would have to say one of the Bud products. My self I drink Busch but again it is brewed in Missouri where I live so as I said location matters. If in Denver I would say Coors
Schlitz!! See if the old-timers think they did a good job with the reformulation. IMHO, they did a great job. Improved it by 100%! Which, if anyone dared to drink it after the first ('69 or '72) & second reformulation (post '85), could have poured it over a rock to make it taste better.

Might have one again, one of these days. I have to make sure they're still doing a good job.

I run a few bars a year at the fire hall... and I don't think I'd really say there is a most popular. It depends on the crowd that night. Around here most will want Keith's. Many will want Blue. Some Bud, some Coors... some want Olands... but when their favorite is gone they'll usually drink something else.
Pick one and go with it or get a selection... and when ya run out, ya run out.
Honestly, the most common drink by a wide margin at any bar I've run is Morgan and coke. Also my personal favorite. I never drink beer.

Does your dad have a favorite beer? Most people seem to like the national brands, but I would go with regional/local brands. Like someone said, the best beer is free. You might want to avoid the cheap stuff you'd find in a corner of the store.
If it hasn't been sitting on the shelf to long I really like the taste of Hamm's from a can. If that's not available I like Miller Genuine Draft in a bottle then Pabst from a bottle.
(quoted from post at 10:08:20 08/13/11) If it hasn't been sitting on the shelf to long I really like the taste of Hamm's from a can. If that's not available I like Miller Genuine Draft in a bottle then Pabst from a bottle.

Hamms....... Was $2.50 a case while stationed in Korea, commanders always had a pallet of it in the supply room to cover "hey you" parties, and the messhalls always had it on the drink line..... You must be an OK guy, your taste in beer is perfect and in the right order. Only thing available of those here is MGD in cans. Good German beer is cheaper tho and I get it delivered to my house so American beer don't get drank a lot. I keep some longneck budweissers on hand for the dimestore cowboys that show up now and then but don't touch the stuff myself. Usually just pour myself a good beer while they have the bud.
If I was you serve them fruit punch (not spiked) and tell them it has vodka in it and see how drunk they dont get.

I will tell you right now that no matter what you buy 1/2 of the people drinking it will be unhappy cause it aint "their brand of horse pizz"

I have never like beer.......It never appealed to me. I guess I can consider myself lucky that I have never become a beer drinking slob with a spare tire.
A few years ago they caught a beer distributor in Philly replacing the label on the cheapest beer he could buy with whatever the customer ordered. Not sure how they caught him, but I doubt any of his customers noticed. All the major American beers are pretty tasteless.
Schlitz..... "when you"re out of Schlitz, you"re out of beer." That was their slogan. Quit making it, so I"ve been on the wagon for a long time!
Foley- . Duelm MN it's Busch light most seen, if ya got a better paying job, it is Grain Belt Nordeast. Best beer I have ever had on a regular basis that didnt cost a fortune.
LAA & TX Jim nailed it....Free!!! and I'll add COLD!!

Bud Light is prolly going to be the overall people pleaser.

I used to be a diehard Bud man until it hit $20/case. I cut the cord and started drinking Keystone Light.... $15/30 pk. I don't mind so much now when friends hit the fridge.

As previously stated 98% of beer drinkers couldn't tell one brand of lager or ale over another brewer's version of the same.
Brand loyalty and fad following seems to be more important in the choice of beer.
Unless beer is brewed to the Bavarian Standard of just water, yeast, hops, grain. Plus trace additives of spice or sugar for flavour and carbonation. I just don't bother with it.
There are enough Micro Brewery's around that make good brew.
A local shop makes a 10W-30 beer that regularly wins awards.
Light beer is like making love in a canoe.I let you guess the rest.I can see no reason for spending hard earned money on watered down beer.I buy beer in a 40 oz bottle.Its half the price per glass compared to 6 pack beer.Buy an 8% beer and dilute it with water if you want light beer.
Back when I did indulge a bit
Kohler, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Iron City ,Gennesee, and Fort Pitt were the most popular.
I don't drink any, but our local speedy shop sell Bush about five to any other brand combined.

Beer does make folks alot smarter, just let someone drik a few then observe how many subjects they are experts at.

More often than not, you don't even have to ask.
I go with Bud Lite, though drink Michelob myself.

I was stationed in Dover, Delaware in the early 60's. Used to buy Canadian Ace. Came in 16 ounce cans and 12 percent. My father-in-law was a confirmed beer drinker and after 3 cans, he was canned. Bought 3 cases to bring back to Ohio.

Don't know about the best beer but the best beer comercials are Dos Equis. He is the most interessting man in the world. Stay thirsty my friends.
I don't drink or care for either, but around me the most popular overall seem to be Budweiser and Miller Lite. Hands down.

Good luck, and wish you father a very happy monumental 100th birthday from all here.

The alcohaul(sp) kills the brain cells, but it kills the weak ones first. That is why people talk smart after having a few.
teddy26food. Does it make any difference to the beer's strength and quality.If the beer can is aluminum or steel when applying magnets?
If enough magnets are added, will the can keep pouring beer without ever running empty?
What I see drank (drunk?) the most is Bud Light...but I'm a Yuengling man myself, Lager during daylight hours and Black and Tans after nightfall....Makers once the kids are asleep.

Here's your answer - buy the cheapest half barrel you can buy, peel off the label, and tell no one what it is. Swear the bartender to secrecy. If people ask him, tell him to tell them "It's whatever brand you like". Let the party goers argue amongst themselves on what brand you got.

Done deal.

If I'm drinking, I prefer Leinie's. New Glarus makes a few good 'uns as well. A friend of mine in Sauk City is home brewing now and he keeps me in beer, too. 'Course I drink maybe 36 beers a year.

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