New farm proposed rules by Dept of Labor


Read online that new rules regarding agricultural workers is coming out to be reveiwed soon by the public. Many of the new rules have to do with what children are allowed to help out with on the farm.

I have no idea what the new rules are but am concerned at who writes them - and are they knowledgable in the farm business. There are chores to be done and at times an "all hands on deck" type approach is needed to get something done before the deadline. And how is the older generation going to teach the younger generation?

I was working around the farm at 5, was planting and cultivating corn at 12... some suggest that this wait until the person is 18 or 21 - by 21 I was off on my own - and would have had no expirience at this.

Sorry at the rant... but if some of you could look at the rules to see what they are.. have a poor internet service here, and a GIR like PC, lol
why don't they leave the dern farmers alone. last month they wanted CDL's for tractors.. now this... :(

I say all the politico's and them govt' farm rule makers should have to ONLY eat whatever food they can produce and grow / raise themselves for a 1yr period, and it be a capitol offense if they are eat anything they did not personally raise or grow, aside from WATER.

Seems like there used to be a difference if you were corperate farm or just ma and pa type deal.
I think this rule review was brought about by the deaths of the young people that were detasseling corn for Monsanto. Lighting struck near them killing I forget how many.

The Nanny Staters need a docile, uninformed, dependent constituency to stay in power. Every time an intrusive law or regulation is passed it is explained away as being needed to ""protect"" the children or seniors or women or low income worker etc. Most of this nonsense is unconstitutional so all anyone really has to do is refuse and then challange if some idiot official tries to make problems.
The same can be said about Freddie and Fannie May. Clinton started lowering the requirements for poor people to get a loan to buy a home and Bush was all for it too. Neither can figure out how to save out country. As Ross said, there is a big sucking sound of jobs leaving the country.

Let them dig their own wells for water. That would provide employment opportunities.

I am all for right to vote be based on a minimum income for the previous year to be eligible.

As one who was given the responsibility to educate the youth, the rub comes when a grandparent or uncle hires a pre 16 year old to operate machinery or do what is considered a hazardous task. The law says "parent", not members of an extended family. I too drove tractors when I was five and cultivated cotton when I was 12; had my own crop using parents equipment. Applied BHC and DDT with a cotton duster for other farmers in the community with a few acres of cotton. Was probably hurt worse with my own hoe cutting a bare foot than ever by a mishap with machinery. There were close calls.
every where you go the government has a say so.....not much freedom left anymore--cfl lightbulbs, gascans that don't work and are a safety hazard, toilets that don't hold enough water to flush a turd, energy star appliances that can't get the job done, now the gov wants to control every other aspect of your life---limited government and a mans ability to decide his own fate are just about gone.
Arrghh! Don't get me started on the gas cans. They also seem to change the threads on the spouts every so often, so that my home-made "fix" won't work on the new cans.
Elmersooner , I like what you said , Lots of truth .

Kentb . 2 girls , aged 14 were electrouted in that corn field in Ill. I used to farm about 15 miles from the accident scene .
Lawsuits have been filed already. clint in OK.
Lighting had struck a center pivot and when the farmer pulled the breaker switch one blade was wielded to the contacts. One of the girls moved a nozzle and it electcuted her and another girl. It could have happened to a 14 year old or a 41 year old.
I just found out that as of back in july ? 2010 that you can't even buy a regular old ballast to fix your flouresense lights.
CoopertownBob, From your link:

"The Final Rule strengthens child labor laws to protect against workplace hazards. Examples of new prohibitions impacting the employment of youth under the age of 18 years include:
Working at poultry slaughtering and packaging plants.
Riding on a forklift as a passenger, [b:32794a8fcd](duh, that isn't safe for ANYONE of any age)[/b:32794a8fcd]

Working in forest fire fighting, forestry services, and timber tract management, [b:32794a8fcd](so they can't plant trees?)[/b:32794a8fcd]
Operating power-driven chain saws, wood chippers, reciprocating saws, and abrasive cutting discs. [b:32794a8fcd](only effect of this is that a kid at a landscaping company or helping on a house remodel won't learn how to use this stuff correctly)[/b:32794a8fcd]
The rule expands youth workplace opportunities that have been judged to be safe for young workers. Examples include:
By removing a 40-year-old provision that generally limits the employment of 14- and 15-year-olds to jobs in retail, food service, and gasoline service establishments, the rule opens up safe and positive employment opportunities in industries such as [i:32794a8fcd]advertising, banking, and information technology. [/i:32794a8fcd][b:32794a8fcd](Lots of Madison Ave companies, Big banks and IBM hiring 14 yr olds these days LOL.)[/b:32794a8fcd]

I agree with elmersooner. Too much unnecessary govt intrusion in our lives.
Problem in the past. There have been some careless people under time and money pressures. Who had their untrained children operate sub standard equipment in questionable circumstances.
The resulting incidents, they were not accidents. These injuries and deaths have gaven the do gooder safety nazi job security at your tax dollar. And allows them to snoop in every little place of yours.
Law is to cut down on migrant workers and other farmhands having there kids work for no pay. It will not restrict having the farm owner"s children working on the farm.
I heard about this about a week ago. So these days, we no longer need governing bodies such a congress, state houses, local councils. We now have unelected people writing and enforcing laws.

About a year or so ago, I read a story out of the east coast, possibly Philly I think, where the parents that owned a pizzaria got into big trouble with the department of labor because they allowed some of their underaged children to help out.

Keep this in mind. We now have cops shutting down little kids lemonaid stands in their yards because they don't have business licenses. Only in America folks, only in what America has become.

Thanks for getting my blood pressure up.

(quoted from post at 21:09:20 08/23/11) ............. So these days, we no longer need governing bodies such a congress, state houses, local councils. We now have unelected people writing and enforcing laws.
Yup, you got it. Govt agencies actually write the rules to fill in the details that Congress leaves out when they pass a sweeping law.
(quoted from post at 16:07:58 08/23/11) CoopertownBob, From your link:

"The Final Rule strengthens child labor laws to protect against workplace hazards. Examples of new prohibitions impacting the employment of youth under the age of 18 years include:
Working at poultry slaughtering and packaging plants.
Riding on a forklift as a passenger, [b:5de86c5c85](duh, that isn't safe for ANYONE of any age)[/b:5de86c5c85]

Working in forest fire fighting, forestry services, and timber tract management, [b:5de86c5c85](so they can't plant trees?)[/b:5de86c5c85]
Operating power-driven chain saws, wood chippers, reciprocating saws, and abrasive cutting discs. [b:5de86c5c85](only effect of this is that a kid at a landscaping company or helping on a house remodel won't learn how to use this stuff correctly)[/b:5de86c5c85]
The rule expands youth workplace opportunities that have been judged to be safe for young workers. Examples include:
By removing a 40-year-old provision that generally limits the employment of 14- and 15-year-olds to jobs in retail, food service, and gasoline service establishments, the rule opens up safe and positive employment opportunities in industries such as [i:5de86c5c85]advertising, banking, and information technology. [/i:5de86c5c85][b:5de86c5c85](Lots of Madison Ave companies, Big banks and IBM hiring 14 yr olds these days LOL.)[/b:5de86c5c85]

I agree with elmersooner. Too much unnecessary govt intrusion in our lives.

That is just about minors that work for people other than their own parents, my prior post about minors working for their parents still stands.

Funny how 14-15 year old kids were deemed to be safe working at gas stations when the drug fad known as "sniffing" has been such a problem for so long now, that and I figured the goobermint would be worried the kids might get some of that "carcinogenic carbon based liquid poison" on themselves and stunt their growth or maybe hurt their self-esteem!

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