New Heat Record,,, So. Cen Texas

John A.

Well-known Member
Guys, Well this is no Record to be proud of.
We Tied the record of 69 Days of over 100* Heat during the Summer today! This record was set in 1925.
Tomorrow (Wed) we break that Record at 70 days! So every day we are over 100* will set a new record till the Heat breaks. No releif in sight, not till after Labor Day at least.
Was Al-the-pal-Gore right????? Still do not think so, Just the unpredictable Texas weather.
Still No Rain here, though there have been spotted showers around in various places the last few days. Thought Ya'll would like to know.
I am thinking Positive....Started carrying around my Walls winter jacket this week I will be prepared for the first Norther!!!!LOL!!!!
John A.
Why can't anybody remember weather...... Oh my gosh!! It's the hottest weather on record!! Next winter it'll be the coldest!!! Weather is like baseball, there is a record set every day for something. The 24 hour news feed just carries it.

I feel bad for everybody in Texas baking right now, but I don't want to hear you b!tch!ng next year because it's too cold and wet to get a sun tan...... somebody mark my words.

It all averages out and that's why they call it climate........... Al Gore has gotten rich mongering fear, not spreading scientific fact.

I'll quit with this, a very wise man once said.... "The world is not your back yard or your drive to work"....... words to live by fella's, just because it sucks in your 50 mile radius of home doesn't mean the Earth is swinging closer to the sun and we'll all be dead by Friday. Shut off the TV and start paying attention like your Grandpa did......

Sorry for the rant.

I just had a discussion the last couple of days with an Al Gore Worshipper who didnt like me asking questions that they couldnt answer; such as...

1) What was the weather 300, 500, 1000, 2000 years ago in Indiana?

2) Did they know scientists say we are overdue for an ice age?

3) How many dustbowls have there been in the last 2000 years?

We dont know because we were not here, & it certainly wasnt recorded by native amwericans for the most part! I do feel for you down there! The temp up here are starting a decline; but today its going to be 90; but with rain. Something you need more than we do by a longshot!
I fear what all this heat and drought will do to the retail price of beef.
You can see load after load of hay headed west and cows headed east everyday across the I 10/12 corridor.
A neighbor of mine that usually winters yankee yearlings on rye grass (owns no cows of his own) has a full field of texas cows right now.
I wrote a term paper on global warming once. Granted, it was 15-20 years ago, but I found out that, if past trends repeat, right now the Earth is nearing the end of a 10,000 year warming cycle and is about to plunge into another ice age.

Also, at one point in the past the average temp on Earth was some 14 degrees warmer than now, while scientists are going berzerk 'cause the average temp raised one degree in the last hundred years.

Then too, the polar ice caps didn't even exist until about 200 million years ago.

I'm not saying global warming doesn't exist, I'm just doubtful that man has anything to do with it. To put it into perspective, take the entire surface of the Earth, subtract all the area covered with water, subtract the uninhabited/uninhabitable areas, subtract all the undeveloped areas where no industry exists, subtract the polar ice caps, subtract the wilderness areas, (even the U.S. is 38% wilderness) and the area where man MIGHT be able to influence the climate is really very small.
I had Heard it was really hot. It fact it was so hot....

Sorry to the folks suffering, I was just trying to inject a little humor.
I live 1/2 way between Wickenburg and Surprise Arizona. Yesterday in the shade on our back porch the thermometer registered 115 degrees at 3 PM. In 2008 one day in late August it registered 118 degrees.Today is predicted to be another very hot day. We do notice the days are getting shorter.Soon a few days of nice fall weather and then the Snow Birds again.
Dallas area will set a new record for 2nd highest number of days at 100 or higher every day until Sept. 4. On Sept. 4, we will tie the record for most days of 100 or higher. For each day over 100 after Sept. 4, we will set a new record for greatest number of days of 100 or more.

Weather forecast says no change any time soon. They don"t expect the heat to break until mid to late Sept. Drought is not expected to break until sometime in 2012.

Today we are expected to set a new record high for this date. Don"t know how many days have had new record highs this summer.

I will not be fussing when winter comes.

A summary and explanation of the earths warming and cooling cycles appeared in the National Geographic, October 2007 issue. There is a graph showing the earths temperature and CO2 levels going back 400,000 years.

One thing the article pointed out is that in the past, temperature lead and CO2 followed. What is different now, is that CO2 is leading - that has never happened before and is what has the scientists excited.

Personally I don't believe looking at local temperature records over a limited period of time are instructive - just too much variation in the weather.

Drove from Nawlens to San Antonio and back last weekend. West of Houston the temp climbed to 107 F. Had to work at our deer lease early morning/late evening. Finished and left. THE HEAT WAS BRUTAL.

Saw many hay trucks headed west.
I could not imagine it that hot. Highest I've seen in Ontario was 98F in Toronto and 92 in the rural areas. High humidity made the temps feel even worse. The old, ill and poor were dropping dead.
The Al Gore worshipers can't explain the 1930's record high temps. Nor the melting of the Greenland ice for a while when the Vikings colonized the island.
Notice they term global warming has been substituted with "Climate Change". This is a handy fit to describe any weather event for the dooms day types.
Has Gore not noticed that the sun's output increases and decreases over the years? That just may have an effect on earth's temp.
I'm still not convinced on the global warming deal either,but it sure makes you wonder.saw a chart someone made up since they started keeping records here,every thirty years regular as clockwork we have one of these long it lasts remains to be seen.1980 was our last one,so were right on schedule.
Here is a link to an informative article regarding how the sun'r output varies.
Figure a varying range of 1.3 watts per square meter on the surface of the earth. That is a lot of extra heat for the earth to absorb.
Don't worry NW Ohio Tim there won't be anyone down south complain about how cold it is next year...unless you have ever been there you need to stick a foot in it..........
Wow!! Thanks for being man enough to use your real name for that reply. Are you implying it's so hot, nobody will be living in Texas by winter?? or There won't be anybody down there complaining if it gets below 40 degrees for a couple weeks next winter??

It makes me sick to think ranchers are selling cattle and sheep herds, that they spent their entire lives building up, because it's too dry to feed them. I hate to think of farmers having to go a year without income because their crops dried up.

My point was, and I'll type sloooowwww so you can keep up; Why does every weather event have to be a record?? Why can't we just have a dry spell or a big snow?? If it's not the hottest summer, it'll be the hottest month. If not the month, it'll be the hottest 4 consecutive Wednesdays.... then the news idiots will pound it into our heads, until we think the whole world is drying out and is going to crumble.

With that being said, I'll stick by my prediction that the heat and dry will even out, and somebody will be complaining about cold and wet eventually.

Time to go back to work, I usually don't get involved in flame wars, but since you took the time to anonymously call me out, I thought I'd respond.

Looks like I need to get with dave2 and find out where I can polish up my people skills......

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