Worst mowing job of the year


Well-known Member
Glad that job is done. What should have been an hour job turned into three hours. Steep hills on each side of this field, down into a small gulley. I could go down, but not up. So I had to go around and come down each pass. To top that off the field was full of motorcycle tracks, and jumps. Was thing if something would just break I could stop, but I finished. Ever had a job you just dreaded doing, and was glad when it was over? Stan
(quoted from post at 16:08:39 08/24/11) Ever had a job you just dreaded doing, and was glad when it was over? Stan

Recently removed a 10yr old drain pipe from a 3 well sink that ran Uphill to the grease trap. Plumber that did the job wrong said he would come back and fix it, after a month I finally gave in and did it myself. A four foot or so section of the drain pipe was completely clogged with food, mold, and hard to tell what else. It was so plugged up even the vent pipe was clogged. Smelled so bad I almost puked.

At least the sink drains now.
I know the feeling! Today a cooling system flush that should have took an hour took three due to a head gasket problem!
Sounds like the kind of brushcutting I get into around here.Dangerous.Scares the H out of me but keep doing it.Eg.-brushcutting tall thick grass along shallow swale but the grass hid a 6' washout only 15 feet away.I don't have a roll bar on the M.F.135.Anyway yah I found it backing the brushcutter in- noticed it dropped into the void- HIT THE BRAKES.
Me too!!

I really hate using the brush hog. I do about a hundred acres each year. Most of it is old fields that were once hay or crop land, and I have been doing some of the same ones every year for over forty years.

I try to do as much as possible with the side mounted sickle bar on my Farmall C. One pass around, running blind, and a after that, I am driving on mowed grass and can pretty much see what I am running over. I can do that all day and not be bothered. Two or three hours with the brush hog, on the other hand, is all my nerves can really take, so I reserve that for places where the owner cheaps out and won't have it done every year, or where the growth is so thick and tangled that there is no chance of the sickle working.
I've mowed and baled some steep hills. One time going uphill the rack on the wagon broke and dumped half the load down the hill. Another place we round baled. I always tried to go across the slope, but if the bale angled just a bit coming out it would roll about 300ft.
Almost as bad as this?
This property belongs to the local Fire Dept. and I bush hog it once a year.
We had a lot of wet weather here this year.
This was the third (and last) time I got stuck and it took my WD-45 and D-17 together to pull it out. And that was after I unhooked the bush hog!
I"ll have a bumpy ride next year if it dries out by then. LOL

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