Ticks what is your trick to keep them from bitting??


Well-known Member
Was out checking deer stands and cutting shooting lane and got covered with seed ticks. I itch from head to toe and have small welts all over. I took a shower and use a wash cloth with bleach then alcohol but still itch like crazy. I have to be careful of a lot of bug sprays like OFF due to allergy's so what do you do to keep them from eating you alive??
Back in the dark ages when I was a kid, Mom and Dad would rub kerosene around our ankles and wrists when we went berry pickin' or anywhere else they may be lurking. The darned things make me itch and whelps too. I have never found anything that would really work including bug sprays.
(quoted from post at 21:36:30 09/12/11) Was out checking deer stands and cutting shooting lane and got covered with seed ticks. I itch from head to toe and have small welts all over. I took a shower and use a wash cloth with bleach then alcohol but still itch like crazy. I have to be careful of a lot of bug sprays like OFF due to allergy's so what do you do to keep them from eating you alive??

Yeast cakes or sulphur...... When I was stationed in Missouri, spent a lot of time in the woods..... They had us brainwashed about deerticks and LD. One of the old guys that worked with us said he gave his dogs a little sulphur each day and no fleas/ticks. Tried it on my beagles and worked like a charm..... FF, came over here and developed a taste for the yeasty beasties (Hefe Weissen Beer) and while everyone would get ate up with mosquitos, chiggers, and ticks... I was fine. Talked my roommate into eating a yeast cake a day a few days before we went to the field next time (he didn't drink). He was fine also.

I wouldn't eat the sulphur myself and the yeast cakes were nasty (why I drank the beer :roll: )
I have been spraying Raid bug killer on my boots and then Off bug spray on my body. I hate bugs, all kinds. I have been told that if you get chiggers you have to rub kerosene on your body to get rid of them. I dont wear shorts outside when working and when cutting up trees I always put on the Off bug spray.
One of my clerks in my motor pool. Would eat raw garlic everyday before going to camp. It kept the bugs off ok. But it also kept everybody else from getting close to her. Even in a jeep it was hard to ride with her.
(quoted from post at 02:50:59 09/13/11) One of my clerks in my motor pool. Would eat raw garlic everyday before going to camp. It kept the bugs off ok. But it also kept everybody else from getting close to her. Even in a jeep it was hard to ride with her.

We used to give garlic to the horses to ward off horseflies but they quit eating it after a couple years....... Works on people too but the yeast seems to work better.
Since the fire ants moved in a few years ago I haven't seen a tick. Come get some fire ants and they'll eliminate your ticks.
I agree, fire ants is the answer. Come on down here and buy you some hay and haul it up there.
We uz about eat up with ticks a few years ago. I haven't seen one in about 5 years.
rich, the best stuff i found for ticks is a product made by sawyer. you spray it on your clothes the day before your woods adventure and it keeps em off. will also kill the little varmints if the do get on the clothes. i use this stuff when i work on my property on arkansas in june, and it really works good. keeps the chiggers off you too. it will last about 6 machine washings too, but i respray each time i head in the woods. here is a link. dicks sporting goods, gander mountain and bass pro shops carry it, or order it on line.
poke here
Scrubbing bubbles. Works on about everything flying or not.
I keep it in the gargage and the shop. Mosquitoes and flys hate it. If you can spray them in the air...they are done.
Not sure whats in it...but it works.
The best thing I have found is "Repel". It has Permethrin in it. I don't think anything will keep all the seed ticks off, just too many of them usually.
I have always dusted sulphur on my pant legs and shoes and it worked for me. as for chiggers Mama always poured about a half teaspoon of lysol in our bath water to stop the itch. we didn't have a shower back then. I use aloe vera and diesel for about everything now. Used to use kerosene but can't find the real stuff anymore and diesel is cheaper and works just as good.
(quoted from post at 00:36:30 09/13/11) Was out checking deer stands and cutting shooting lane and got covered with seed ticks. I itch from head to toe and have small welts all over. I took a shower and use a wash cloth with bleach then alcohol but still itch like crazy. I have to be careful of a lot of bug sprays like OFF due to allergy's so what do you do to keep them from eating you alive??

Was wondering what the big deal was. I'm in Michigan and we've got deer ticks on our property. Get one every now and then between my clothes or under my shirt collar. Always spray down with Deep Woods Off before I venture out. Seems to really help. I'll also find a couple on the dogs, but we use Frontline on them. Find them most often in the Spring.

But I just googled "seed ticks". WOW, they're evil, the devil incarnate. Move out of their territory and then nuke the place. I'd put them right up there with fire ants in the evil category. Never encountered either of those species personally and never want to. Heard enough stories, including yours. Anyway, Benadryl should help the "post-tick" itch phase. Interesting to read all the home-remedies on here.
Now Old,,, I've trid to tell you long ago, when you were Old then, just use Common Sense,
Simply don't go where they are,

as I've told you, Common Sense is not so Common.
I take Garlic supplements. When you take Garlic, you DO NOT taste right to ticks. On me, even if they attach, they will NOT burrow deep and they do not inject they saliva which is what causes your bodies histamine reaction/itch. The OLD HORROR Films had it right, GARLIC KEEPS THE VAMPIRES away.

We use to keep sulfer in a jar with holes punched in the lid to sprinkle in our socks before going outside. It kept the chiggers and ticks off except for the ones that crawl up and get you at your belt line.

Permanone is the stuff I use now. Not sure if I spelled that right but it's to be sprayed on your pants and clothes only.

Little sulfur in your socks and boots and a little permanone on your jeans should keep you in good shape.

Glad you're getting serious about it. I have a friend who just came down with lyme disease. Luckily they figured it out early, but that's something you don't want to have to deal with!

By the way, if you get some spare time.

Dust your clothing with Sevin dust. Just try not to get it on your skin. Another option is to get a couple of Preventic Collars (used for dogs) and strap them around your jean at the ankle level. There is nothing out there that will keep every tick from getting on you. Especially if they are thick.
I've never even seen a seed tick before, let alone be bit by one. Looking it it up it seems that it's just the larvae of any kind of tick. We have Deer ticks and Dog ticks in my area and we have A LOT of them. I wonder why the baby ones never latch on to people here? Do you have a different species of tick there that has more aggressive babies?
Wish it was that easy but in this area to keep ticks off you would have to stay in the house 24/7 which a person can not do. I have picked them up just going out to the car or to the shop.
Ya took a benadryl as soon as I got back in the house plus a shower and used bleach and alcohol but still itch. Oh well just a part of life but sure do not remember them being a problem when I was a kid but maybe that was because we no longer have things like Colrdaine etc
Tea tree oil is supposed to offend/repel insects. We used to bed the dogs (outside) kennels with pine needles which the ticks don't care for.

I was going to suggest benydrl for the itch. Should help. Maybe the benydrl cream.
Old I am in Mo also and the Barber Shop in our building is hunting and fishing centeral. The gossip in there is all about the outdoor sports. Everyone recommends the Sawyer product with out a doubt. Must be a little proactive and remember to put it on eairly but it does last.
You are right. "Seed" Tick is a nickname for the larvae and nymph stage of a tick. The most common ticks are the Deer Tick which is the Black Legged Tick (Ixodes sp.) Dog Tick is the American Dog Tick or the Brown Dog Tick (Ripechephalus sp and Dermacentor sp) and Lone Star Tick (Amblyomma sp.)

No species of tick is more aggressive than the other, they all like to suck blood.

Forgive me, probably more info than you wanted:)
First heard of "seed" ticks in August 1988 while helping a neighbor round up some cows after we had just moved to Tidewater area of SE Virginia. About a year later started having periodic hives attacks. By the time we moved back to NC in 1995, I had figured out there might be a connection when eating beef - an allergy which was confirmed by blood test in 2003 after a very severe hives attack, 2nd attack in a week. Then, a couple of months ago I Googled "Ticks and Beef Allergy" and found some interesting research done by UVA Allergy Center and confirming what I think has been going on. For people with certain blood types, the allergic reaction can come 3-6 hours later after eating any red meat and is tied to reaction from a tick bite that sets up a situation in the intestines! Painful and aggravating!! And I still raise a few head of beef! So far it seems that I can still eat pork and haven't had lamb/mutton since the kids them showed in 4-H.
Here in JAWJA we call chiggers red bugs, they usually head straight to the private parts but once while carrying a log to the fire i got so many on my upper torso i couldn't count them all, counted 97 on the side i carried the log on. There were so many i actually got an allergic reaction and had to see a doctor.Fire ants will put sores with pus in them but i can always tell when i've stepped on their soft mounds and jump away.Tiger mosquitoes itch like hell and by that time they are already gone and you never hear them.
(quoted from post at 20:09:07 09/13/11) The best thing I have found is "Repel". It has Permethrin in it. I don't think anything will keep all the seed ticks off, just too many of them usually.

Here you go. I buy it at Wal-Mart in the hunting department. :idea:

The can on the left you spray on your boots and clothes before
You wear them.

The can on the right you spray on your skin. Make sure you buy
the one with 40% DEET ingredient. They make it in 25%, but the 40 is better for ticks.

It works on mosquitoes, ticks, gnats, chiggers.

I’m in Missouri, 50 acres of weeds, pasture, woods, deer, squirrels, rabbits and TICKS!

Stuff works great! 8) Follow the directions :!:

See the other picture to get rid of the itchies!!!!! Lanacane [u:369a70b1eb][b:369a70b1eb]MAXIMUM[/b:369a70b1eb][/u:369a70b1eb] Strength.


A lot of stuff like that I can not use because it causes more problems then the tick do. So what area are you in, in Missouri. I am at the lake of the Ozarks area. Nothing worse then spraying something on and then have a rash from what you sprayed on or worse hives
(quoted from post at 11:42:42 09/14/11) A lot of stuff like that I can not use because it causes more problems then the tick do. So what area are you in, in Missouri. I am at the lake of the Ozarks area. Nothing worse then spraying something on and then have a rash from what you sprayed on or worse hives

old, my wife and I both use the stuff and I know a lot of cattle/horse families and hunters that swear by the stuff.

The Repel Gear you spray on your boots and outerwear and let it dry for 2 to 4 hours before you wear it. It lasts for a couple of weeks. It doesn't get on your skin then.

I'm in Dent county a few miles outside of Salem.
(quoted from post at 22:42:36 09/14/11) Oh so your down in the same area as Farmall Hal and Hcooke. Funny how many guys that live in Missouri are also here on the forums

Yep, it seems like quite a few from Missouri.

That's the MO in my user name. "Missouri 8n for me" MO8N4me. :)

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