Dog leash law.OT


Well-known Member
Recently there has been an attack on some children by pit bulldogs here locally and another attack on some calves,now they are thinking about writing a law that would make all dog owners in the county, keep their dogs confined. These attacks were not done by beagles and bird dogs.I don't think you should punish all the dogs and owners for the actions of a few specific dogs. Almost every day someone comes on my property without telling anyone why or what they are doing. I want my dog (a hound and bird dog mix) to bark and let me know when someone comes onto my property.It seems like a typical overreaction we get at every level ofthe political spectrum.
I see it happen alllllllllll the time, something happens,,,,,,,there oughta be a law someone screams,,,,,,,some politician gets hold of it,,,,,,,,theres a knee jerk reaction,,,,,,,,laws are passed (thats what legislators do),,,,,,,,THEN THERES THE UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES

Im NOT saying we dont need laws and I am not professing any opinion on dog leash laws, IM ONLY SAYING sometimes knee jerk laws are passed in a rush before considering all the unintended consequences, but once on the books repeal can be tough

John T Country Lawyer
(quoted from post at 07:53:54 09/21/11) Recently there has been an attack on some children by pit bulldogs here locally and another attack on some calves,now they are thinking about writing a law that would make all dog owners in the county, keep their dogs confined. These attacks were not done by beagles and bird dogs.I don't think you should punish all the dogs and owners for the actions of a few specific dogs. Almost every day someone comes on my property without telling anyone why or what they are doing. I want my dog (a hound and bird dog mix) to bark and let me know when someone comes onto my property.It seems like a typical overreaction we get at every level ofthe political spectrum.

I'd try to find out if any of the local politicians own a pitbull......could be one of em has one and isn't willing to accept that they can be dangerous or one of em don't like dogs.....check that to. If so then when they have a meeting to discus the issue attend and ask that anyone with pit bull/dog issues exclude themselves from the discussion and voting because they are biased.

You can also push that they ban pit bulls too.

If they do anything, they should punish the owners of the offending animals. If you have a mean dog, and let it run loose, maybe there ought to be a penalty that's sufficient to deter. As far as dogs running loose, I practice the "3S" method of animal control...
There should be a law that if a dog is on your land you can at a very minimum hit it with a taser gun. (or shoot it if you live in the country)
I dont like dogs that roam loose on my land, cause the owner thinks, "my dog doesnt bite" or "everyone loves dogs" Well....I dont love dogs. And I dont want to clean up dog p00p. A vicious dog loose on my land is gonna be dealt with, then I get the shovel.
Why anyone would want a pitbull after all the issues with them is beyond my understanding.
It is a free country, you can own a dog, but I dont want to see it on my land. Most cities/townships have an basic ordanance that a dog must be kept on a chain or a fence.
Punishing the owners after the fact is of little comfort to the parents of the kid that just got mauled by an inbred/aggressive dog.

What people want, and politicians try to provide, is a way to prevent it from ever-ever happening again.

The problem is laws are only effective on the informed, law-abiding citizen. The rest either don't know about the law, don't feel the law applies to them, or simply don't care.
I agree entirely with you. I have a neighbor that let his dog run on my property and chase my cats. I put up with that until the dog knocked me down and caught a cat in his mouth. I pulled the dog off the cat and hit him with a shovel.

I told the neighbor, next time the dog gets shot, and have not seen the dog since then.
I have had several dogs over my lifetime. Anything from a Dachsund to German Shepherd and Chihuahua to American Staffordshire Terrier. It doesn't matter which dog it is if you get up in the morning and kick the dog accross the room sooner or later it will turn and bite you. To blame the Pitbull AKA American Staffordshire Terrier of being a vicious breed because of some incompotent owner is rediculous. Its no different than saying ALL germans are bad because Adolf lived.
Laws pertaining to dogs aren't that much different than laws that pertain to humans....They have to be written and enforced equally and without targeting one specific "entity". There were laws passed in Louisville Kentucky several years ago with regard to certain dangerous breeds only. The laws were struck down after owners of those specific breeds cried foul. The laws were then reintroduced as across the board rules for ALL breeds. They still stand.

Lease laws are there to protect innocent people from dangerous animals, and as well, to protect smaller, defenseless dogs from finding themselves in the grasp of bigger, more aggressive dogs. And also, to prevent dogs from wandering the neighborhood, which may promote the spread of disease.

I'm a dog owner too. (Have 3 at the moment) Mine stay in a fenced yard, OR, when out of the yard are always on a leash. My question has always been, why aren't CAT owners subject to the same rules? A neighbor has 10 cats that roam the area, marking everything in site. They aggravate our dogs, which makes them bark. Then, the same neighbor who owns the cats will call animal control and complain about my "barking dogs".

If we lived in a perfect world, we wouldn't have laws like these, but as we all know, the world isn't quite perfect.
My best friend in high school had a pitbull. It's not the breed, it's the owner. The only thing you had to worry about with Spike was he'd soak you with his tongue.
Dogs that are let loose to roam freely will quite often form into packs. When this happens the pack mentality takes over and they begin chasing livestock. My neighbor has over 100 head of Black Angus. Expensive cattle. When a pack of loose dogs went after them the end result was a lot of dead dogs. If you let your dogs run loose you run the risk of this happening. We also have city folks who bring their dogs out into the country and dump them. Again, same end result.
We don't hate dogs. I've owned several but i'll be da__ if we will let a pack of dogs bring down an expensive cow. So when you let the animal run loose don't complain if he gets shot. As a kid a neighbor shot my dog for running his cows. I understood and didn't blame him at all.
I do think pit bulls have a mean streak in them. I dont trust them. No matter how much the owner says they are nice.

For some reason around here most of the folks who own pit bulls are young red necks, white trash, or blacks. Some sort of a status symbol it seems.

I agree 100%. Knee jerk reactions from politicians that "feel your pain" and need your vote.

They were going to try that leash law stuff where I live in Elkhart County, IN. a couple of years ago, and may have even banned pit bulls in the city limits of Elkhart, I don't recall. They had this thing about banning "dangerous breeds" going. Well, what is a dangerous breed per say? When I was a kid, it was german shepards, then dobermans, and then rotweilers. These days, its pitbulls. I asked them, the county board guys, "So my dogs drop a possum, coon, field rat from a grain bin, or whatever they caught, at the door as they have done, and that makes them a dangerous or vicious bred labradore or golden retriever working farm dog because some city slicker hears about or sees it?". That got others grumbling and asking the same questions, and backed them down...that time. But, if you don't grab the politicians by their throats and slap some sense into them, well, everyone knows that politicians have no common sense, or very few of them anyway.

True story from a couple of years ago: Michigan DNR released some pumas just over the state line in an attempt to control deer population. Those pumas were attacking livestock left and right, and as people reported seeing pumas, Michigan DNR kept denying that they existed. Flat out lied that they existed. A lady locally sent her small child out to the car to take her to elementry school, and the girl got in the car. The lady then went out and got into the car, happened to look up, and there on one of the lower tree limbs above her car, was one of the pumas. Either one of them could have been killed, especially the young daughter. I tracked one along a fence line on my property and luckily never caught up with it, or I probably would have gone to jail for shooting its microchipped rearend. Then a horse got mauled so bad, the owner had to shoot it to put it out of its misery. Michigan DNR said was a pack of wild dogs that climbed on that horse's back and mauled it like that. Someone pointed out the five claws in the maul pattern. Dogs only have four claws and a dew claw that is good for nothing but flopping around on their paws. Cats have a claw per toe on their front paws, and usually have five, less if lose a toe, more if have extra toes, which happens. Dogs do not have five working claws on any paw. Still, Michigan DNR kept saying "wild dogs"...until people started capturing the pumas on video. Then, and only then did Michigan DNR admit that they had turned the pumas lose in an artificially introduced attempt to control deer population.

Who knows? With deer season approaching in a couple of months, maybe this fella's DNR may know something about the attacks that like Michigan, they won't admit to, until you show them pictures of videos of their hands in the cookie jar.

The Ia DNR did the same with cougars. Nope, not possible, we don't have them in Ia. Then a few pictures of them showed up in the newspapers having been shot by deer hunters and farmers protecting their livestock...
Puma"s? sounds just like DNR in johnson county. Iowa city has one I guess and I"ve seen tracks (yes I know what they are) around the pond where a 7 year old lives. All blamed on wild dogs.
Gene, before someone takes you to task over that comment, I'll just say this....Not ALL Pits are dangerous....just the vast majority of them.

It's a part of their genetic makeup to be aggressive and mean. SOME people can navigate that issue with luck, but in just about every case I know of personally, pits that attacked someone were "Sweet pets" just a few minutes before they ripped some 4-year olds face off..

A good friend who trains dogs for police duty has told me several times that pits that AREN'T aggressive are actually poor examples of the breed.
This works both ways. I too have shot dogs who were running my cattle....felt good about it too. I had a nieghbor who shot my dog once for the same thing. LIke you, I couldn't say a thing because I understood. He was a good neighbor, but.......I was fond of that dog and after that incident I never felt the same way about the neighbor. 'Funny how the tables get turned on you. Now, I always "think twice" before I shoot someone elses' dog.
We've had two pit bulls. We still have Mattie. She is a very sweet dog.

The other one was not. Ginger singled out our older dog and would go after her. This wasn't just a minor scrap. Ginger's attacks on our other dog were vicious. We had to dispose of her.

While I agree the owner is generally 99% of the problem, that's not always the case. Some dogs are vicious and some aren't.

I have a hard time believing that the Michigan DNR released any cougars in Michigan, especially in southern Michigan.
I tend to think it's more the owner than the dog. Everyone thinks pitbulls are aggresive and dangerous, (which they can be, but it's made worse by the wrong type of owner) so the rough crowd buys them and rarely does anyone else own one. When that rare instance occurs, that dog is likely to be a well behaved animal. Here in Ontario they outright banned pitbulls. When they made the law, all dogs under a certain age had to be put down, older ones got to live. No breeding or sale of pitbulls is allowed. I don't really think it's the right thing to do, but it does sort of 'solve' the problem. About the only other thing they could do, would be to make anyone that wants to own a pitbull under go a criminal background check which would limit(somewhat) the roughest types from owning them. It would be more appropiate to make a law saying pitbulls have to be tied up, unless on a leash. That be some what more reasonable.
It comes down to laws are written to manage the small percentage of people that do not do what is right and best for all. I believe that you should manage your animals, and do not need a law for that. It is the bad apples that ruin the buch.
For a few years we lived in a subdivision. While in the back yard, fenced in to keep the dogs out and the kids in, my daughter found a cat up a tree next to a 6' privacy fence between our 1/2 acre and the folks behind us. Folks had 3 bull dogs back there, not pit bulls but bull dogs, could have been coon dogs and the out come would have been the same.

I tried to get the cat out of the tree, just before I could grab it the thing jumped into the middle of the dogs. I think each dog got some of that cat. I told my daughter the cat got away.

The dogs kept trying to dig holes under the fence into our back yard, every time they started a hole the hole got filled up with concrete. Before we sold that place and moved back to the country I think there was solid concrete under the fence.

Dogs or cats, laws or no laws your going to have some trouble with animals.
Dogs and Dog leash laws can be a lot of trouble. May times a dog owner has a friendly dog that gets tormented by kids until it attacks and then the dog owner is in trouble. Other times a dog owner doesn't pay any attention to whether a dog is frendly or not. Where I live they passed a law that you must contain any dog. I built a fence around my yard to comply. Then I discovered my dog can't be contained by a fence. He will dig under or climb over so I put concrete at the base of the fence and put a shocking wire at the top. He still finds a way to get out. Sometime I can't tell where. Finally the solution was to tie him on a line. This worked for a while until the county passed an ordinance that you couldn't have a dog on a line.
We had problems with coyotes a few years ago and put 2 larger donkeys in with the cows.

The donkeys taught the cows how to stomp coyotes and dogs into the ground.

Cows would not fool with our dogs around the house but it one followed the tractor out into the pasture the dog had to hide under the tractor from being stomped.

I have always thought this was a good way to deal with dogs that go where they should not, also keeps a better relation ship between neighbors who do what they need to do.
voice your opinion locally and loud. Arrange to attend meetings with people who feel the same way you do and make your voices heard. try to sell your point of view as "the voice of reason". TRY TO UNDERSTAND THEIR POINT OF VIEW. you don't have to agree with it, but understanding their concerns and fears will help you build their trust, and help you present your case to a reasonable solution. suggest that enforcing existing laws should be the first step to solving this problem.
i think most here know my thoughts on dogs running free,its my honest opinion that leash laws are as much to protect the dog as to protect the owners or folks around them.around here any dog regardless of breed or whatever is liable to be shot if its in a pasture.not that they are bothering anything at all,but simply because others have in the past.if it were left up to me honestly ,i would pass a law saying no one could even own a dog without a fence to keep it home.they can bark and alert you inside a fence just as well as not.
"Almost every day someone comes on my property without telling anyone why or what they are doing."
We have leash laws in 2 local counties by me and maybe more.
I can tell you they are WORTHLESS as you can't get them enforced !!!!!!
jackinok What happens if the dog in your pasture was tied up at home and some how the snap got broke and he got loose. Does that mean that he is fair game for you to dispose of as you see fit.

Im with you on this one, and then some. I actively dislike dogs in general. Nice pleasent dogs at someone house I tolerate since its their land and their dog but I try to no visit too often. On my property I dont want any dogs, period. I figure its mine, I paid for it, I pay the taxes on it that should be enough.
We had one of our City Utilities meter readers get attacked by a pit bull, and it got him by the throat and tried to kill him. He was able to get to the truck radio and call for help, and was not killed. I have personally seen the pits attack bicyclists, and try to attack children in a school-bus shelter.
Funniest thing, but by golly I have never seen a beagle, collie, dachshund, bassett hound, bird dog, or ol' Shep ever ever do any of that.
Ive seen some mean pits but not all are like that. My sister has a pit shes a big baby. Most breeds can be mean. My moms toy poodle will tear your toe off. In fact my sisters pit is afraid of him. I had a Alasken Malamute best dog I ever had. Never had to keep her tied up no fence. Alway"s stuck around the house. She wouldn"t chase any thing down to bite, But walk in the house if she didn"t know you and then she would get you.
I'm not Jack, but that's EXACTLY what it means. Around 'here', one is allowed by law to shoot dogs who are in your pasture with your livestock. I used to keep a rifle in my truck for just such did most of the cattlemen I knew. I don't like seeing dogs tied up, but firmly believe that if you own one, you need to keep it on your own property.
Our city has a ban on certain vivious breeds of dogs, mainly pit bulls. Ones that were here before ban were allowed. BUT one complaint against the dog and the owner has to get it out of town or put to sleep. And they are enforcing it after a middle aged woman got attacked. Had both ears chewed off and face badly mangled. She was in ICU for quite a while but did live. She has years of operations coming up.

amen---had a neighbors dog show up on my porch, he was growling at my daughter and had his hackles raised, let the neighbor know what happened to his dog and he was in agreement. If it was my dog, I would want him taken care of due to liability if he injured someone. I live in the country, people dump their dogs and we have strays show up often, most I take to the animal rescue-have even kept a few. But if they are aggressive and pose even the slightest danger to me, my livestock or especially my family I have no issue in doing what I feel is right to do.
3 years ago I was outside with my son burning up tree branches and yard waste. And then this guy pulls up in the driveway and asks if I have seen his dog. I said, ummm nope what does the dog look like...He says: Black, medium size 1/2 lab 1/2 german sheppard. I said, Oh yeah, I almost shot that dog on Wednesday night. This guys jaw dropped 3 inches. I then told him that I have a 7 year old kid and I dont want him bit, and he should get a chain for the dog. He lives a 1/2 mile down the road to the south.
I almost did shoot the dog that night with my Mossberg 12g. I was waiting for it to come back to my property and if it barked or growled it would be put under the dirt.
Are you kidding, there are a lot of Cougars in Michigan, released in the bars mostly looking to sink their teeth into someone. I havent found any yet dammit.
Doesn't sound like a new law is needed, just enforce the current laws. Dogs running livestock around here get shot by farmers, and the Sheriff's Dept will back them up. Had a couple of idiots go directly to jail for causing a trespass/dispute with a farmer when he shot their dogs for running his livestock. Idiots decided to threaten the farmer, went to jail, where they belong.

As for pit bulls, these dogs are known to be serious trouble. Plenty of documented attacks for no apparent reason, just snapped. Especially if kids are around, these dogs can not be trusted. The power in their jaws make a pit bull attack more likely to be fatal than other breeds.

Yes I will most certainly blame the owners of pit bulls for their part in dog attacks on people and other animals. Although there are some responsible pit bull owners out there, around here most people who own pit bulls are drug dealers and crime-committing trash. Low life losers that steal and use/sell drugs thinking that they can use a mean dog to keep their criminal life style going on, protect their stash of drugs and stolen property. Scum bags and worthless losers.

Same with any dog or other animal, come on my property and attempt to attack me, dirt nap issued.
We have the leash law here, and I LOVE it!!!!! Far too many times while walking either me or my wife has had a dog run after us. It was getting to the point that we couldnt walk our dog without worrying about a dog fight in the middle of the street. That wouldnt be fair because our dog is always on a leash.

Law here dog can run free ON your property. If it steps off the property, you get a warning, then a ticket, then a bigger ticket, then a court date, then you lose your dog and do jail time.

I know its enforced well around here...people down the street let their dog run the neighborhood all the time. Came into my yard and tried to attack my dogs through the chainlink fence. I called...they got a warning and 2 days later it happened again......ticket time! A week later they got a BIG ticket. They now have a fencd in yard for their dog to run around in.

So, regardless as to how well trained a dog is....its still an animal, and will be unpredictable. Leash laws should be in effect. Because one persons dogs wont hurt anyone shouldnt allow the right to let them all wander the neighborhoods. Its not fair to us and our dogs.
actually yes,in fact if you call the sheriff here he'll tell you to do it! but i wont shoot one if i know its owner and know they try to keep it up.unless of course its chasing the cattle.then you most likely wont ever know where it went.notice i said i wont,nearly everyone else i know would shoot one and never slow down.
I am too old to start over. A cougar of that species would be more dangerous to me than one with claws, teeth and fur. No puns intended....
Jack I am glad that I live in Wi. because the only way anyone can kill another persons dog is if it is doing harm to your cattle and you have tried every other means to stop it. Also if anyone kills a dog just for fun they are liable to the owner for double what the dog is worth. Also if a dog does damage to someone else property the owner of the dog is liable for the damage his dog caused. Anyone can look it up under the Wi.statutes chapter 174.01 and 174.02.

Just had an attack here in Oz. Pitbull got out of yard, went next door, entered the house and killed 9 year old.. It has hit the Fan now. New law.. every PB must be registered, those not will be put down.Sure to be more curbs to follow.
i dont kill them for fun..i hate shooting them..would much rather shoot the stupid,uncaring,low lifes,from town who drop them off every time they get evicted from another drug flop house.i own dogs ,have all my life,dont recall anytime i didnt have a dog of some type.but i shot one of my own once also laying on the front porch.had just sat down to supper when the neighbor knocked on the door,got up with a chicken leg in my hand and invited him into supper.he said no thanks he just wanted to tell me he'd seen one of my dogs chasing his cows.I said which one and he said that black one there,i just stuck the chicken leg in my mouth reached in the table by the door pulled out my 45 and shot it in back the head .he turned a little green around the gills ,and excused hisself and i went in and finished supper.went out after wards and buried it.never was a word said and we are freinds to this day.if i wont tolerate someone elses dogs running or killing cattle ,i sure know a way of permanenty breaking my own from it.
A Doctor friend told me that they have more
emergency room visits for POODLE BITES than for
any other breed!

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