lost switch out of cows tail

Dog and coyotes can do this as can cockleburrs. Around here the most common causes are fescue endophyte and copper deficiency.
Common cause is when one cow lays down and another cow stands on the switch.Lay down cow gets up fast switch gets pulled off skin and all.
Important detail:

Are they FALLING OUT, or do they look like they've been RIPPED OFF?

If they're falling out it's a health problem.

If they've been ripped off, bloody-stump style, then you've got a predator running your cows. One would be an accident, such as another cow stepping on it. More than one in a small herd like yours goes way beyond "accident."
(quoted from post at 09:14:04 09/23/11) No idea, but watch out while you"re milking them. Can get painful! Don"t ask how I know.

I saw on farm collector, they have a tool called "The milker's assistant" or "Cow tail holder" to help stop the pain.

It appears though, the tool invented in the 1800's was to stop the use of profanity and cuss'n. :lol:

Cow Tail Holder
Had a 4-H Guernsey while growing up. Getting her ready for the show, I braided the switch and put it in a bag to keep it clean. Only I put the rubber band to hold on the bag too tight. Switch came out. We milked by hand in stables. Tied her to one side. Took another loop of square bale twine and held the tail back so at least it didn't hit me in the head! I can remember what you are talking about too well!!

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