feeding hogs cow's milk


Well-known Member
anyone tried or had any problems with feeding extra cows milk (non grade a or b or... ) to hogs to feed out (with feed too)? Milk would be dumped anyway. would spoiled/slightly spoiled milk bother them?
For my four years of high school I had milk cows and sold cream to a local creamery. I fed the skim milk to the hogs every morning and night. The hogs would be squealing as soon as they saw me coming with the milk. They love it and it sure didn't cause any problems.
Holy cow, those hogs love it. That was the protein supplement hogs got back in the day. Of course it was the skim milk after seperating the cream. We threw in ground oats and they really loved that "slop", especially when I sat out in the hot sun all day.
After you feed them pigs cows milk for a few months or longer, I SURE would like to buy some pork from you,
that is the Best tasting Pork I have ever had when they have cows mike to feed on.

If you contact me,, let me know when the Pork is available, thanks
Yep, I well remember "sloppin' the hogs" down at the neighbors. Pete was a transplanted Nebraskan, and mixed ground grain with surplus milk (from "Roanie", his milk cow)- would leave it out all day to soak the grain, and pour it in the trough. Biggest problem was getting the pigs out of the way so you could pour it in.

It was like corn in summer- you could just about watch them grow.
We use to milk 4 cows and sell the cream,we had a pipe running to the hog pen and the skim milk would drain to the 2 hogs,it took a while for me to figure out the dominant hog was getting all the milk

Only one problem with feeding them milk. Getting it to them with out them eating you. Once they smell it they go wild. Good protein and makes them grow and makes better tasting meat to
Aint that the truth. I can remember my father getting 50 gallons of buttermilk sent to the farm from the cheese factory in town. He mixed it with the ground feed and let it sit in the sun. Man that would bring in all the flies in the surrounding two counties. The hogs would climb all over each other trying to get the 1st taste of the day.
Yep they love it! Wish I had more access to some! Gotta remember pigs will eat about anything! Just some things are beter for em than others! I pasture raise em, feed em lots of "greens" outta the garden and have people begging me for pigs because of the quality of the meat and flavor!

Did it for years when I had a milk cow and raised a few pigs.Skim milk and extra milk went to the pigs.At times we sold milk to neighbors for a buck a gallon.Back when the dep of agriculture gave out free food I found 200 lbs of beans lentils,peas and oatmeal and 4 cases of Karo at the local dump.I soaked the beans and peas before feeding to the pigs.They would stand up on the edge of the trough and catch the streams of Karo I poured from the bottles.A fellow who raised pigs fed corn and potato waste said an old sow he dressed out for his own use always smelled like potatoes cooking when he cooked any of her meat.No off taste just the smell of potatoes cooking.I often wondered why people didnt trade unwanted food for some thing they could use instead of throwing it away.A woman said Poor people have poor ways.
All of the excess skim milk from our little hand milking "dairy" when I was a kid went to the hogs, and they loved it. We milked up to 5 cows, and sold a lot of the milk whole, to customers who came to the farm, but the rest went through the separator. We sold the cream to the local creamery, the family drank a lot of skim milk, but the hogs got the rest. I don't think selling milk or cream like that is even legal today, but that was how we made some money back then.

Once we had a problem with the cows eating wild onions and the creamery would not accept the can of cream, which smelled strongly of onion. So my Dad brought it home and fed it to the single hog we had at the time. All that cream made the hog sick--my Dad said he thought it caused liver damage. We never did that again...but we ate the hog and the meat was just great.

I would be a little concerned with "spoiled" or rotten milk, as opposed to some that was slightly soured. Spoiled milk smells awful, and I suspect that bacteria that should not be consumed causes the spoilage. Sour milk should be OK.

Like any other food, it is probably best to limit the amount of any exotic food that animals are fed. In other words, a little milk would probably be a great treat for hogs. A whole lot of it might make them sick. Good luck!

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