Lost my best friend last night.


Well-known Member
Got up this morning and found one of my dogs died. We knew he was sick but could not do much about it. So this morning he was dead. Sure will miss my rock hound. Ya he would go after the rocks I threw out of the garden and then take them to his pile. Big thing is his dad is right here under the desk and his dad is 14 years old and Doxer who is the one who died would have been 8 on Oct 31. Yep he was a spooky puppy
(quoted from post at 08:02:12 10/11/11) Got up this morning and found one of my dogs died. We knew he was sick but could not do much about it. So this morning he was dead. Sure will miss my rock hound. Ya he would go after the rocks I threw out of the garden and then take them to his pile. Big thing is his dad is right here under the desk and his dad is 14 years old and Doxer who is the one who died would have been 8 on Oct 31. Yep he was a spooky puppy

Well if you believe in the Rainbow Bridge we will see them again. Sorry to hear of your loss. I have an old dog that just rolled over 12 and is on a down hill slide. My wife wanted to put her down in April, but I wouldn't agree because she really wasn't in pain. I told the dog that she should keep moving becasue they wanted to throw dirt on top of her and she has done just that, kept moving. She has kept moving and is actually doing well for now.
Putting one down is not something I believe in. Sort of like with people you do not put a person down because they are sick or old so I do not do that with my pets. Bad thing is when I went to start the back hoe this morning it would not start so now will have to wait till I get back home from an appointment I have to be at in 30 minutes
now you gotta put the back hoe down too.

Sorry for you loss. But dogs give you 100% and are truly man's best friend. They never judge you and always are glad to see you. Your life was truely bless by this animals life. And remember that it picked you to share it with, so we are very blessed.
What sort of makes this one real hard is the fact he was born here in the house and has been here ever since so we knew him from day one till he died last night
It happened to us last summer. The unusually high temperatures took a toll on our best Border Collie ever (we have owned several) until he passed on. We sure miss hum.
We went through that last year when our black Chow was diagnosed with stomach cancer. She lost 50% of her weight and when she started hemorrhaging from the rectum we had to put her to sleep. Here's the Chow pup we bought at 2 months and at 6 months. Buy another pup. Hal

Our feelings are with you We had a barn cat named Strawbones for 18.5 years. Too good to allow to suffer. Glad yours went without struggle or dramatic vet bills. Peace be with "rocky" Jim
Sorry to hear about the lost of your friend. Hopefully you can recall some of the things Doxer has done, good and bad, in the past and it will bring a smile to your face. I lost many dogs growing up, it is never easy. My dog Blue is pushing 12 and I know his time will be up in a few years, I know it will hit me hard too.
Sorry to hear about your friend. That's what they really are, at least most of them. I think back about the ones we've had over the years with some fond memories of the stuff they did. You will too, in time. Good lookin' glasses too!
Rich sorry about your loss,My wife and I had to put our dog down three and half weeks ago as she had cushings disease and the meds were no longer working as her kidneys were shutting down.Just got a new pup on saturday so far she and the other dog not getting along like I would like,time will tell.Scott
Very sorry to hear of your friend's passing. Always a hard thing to go through , especially with house dogs. At least he passed on at home where he wanted to be.
Best thing you can do.I went out and got a new pup when my dog died.Takes away some of the hurt and makes a good home for another dog.Even if a dogs life is short they are better off in a good home with enough to eat and lots of love.

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