Be safe! Be smart! Be Careful

IA Roy

Well-known Member
It is all my fault but you never know what somewhat else will do. Since last weekend, I know my 5 year old granddaughter can drive the Cub Cadet. I was letting her/teaching her to drive the garden tractor. We stopped and I was putting her little sister into the cart behind. I had my back to her and she just started going by pushing the hydro lever. She had no idea anything bad would happen, but I got a good gouging just below my lowest rib (no stitches) and she got a tongue lashing. I dropped her sister about 2 feet into the cart. It could have been much worse. We will have to start over at square one with safety lessons first instead of driving lessons. She has a little battery powered car that has way less consequences, but until then she didn't see the difference.
Sounds like a lesson learned by both parties.. Glad it wasn't worse.

All of us has done at least one dumb thing in our lives.
That is why they make an on/off switch and all those stupid safety things to many people do not think before they act. Children and thing with engines do not mix and a person should not help them into the mix unless you instruct them extra well and even then never turn you back on a child on a running machine
Stuff happens, coulda been worse. Just hang on and let the rest of the genious' and holyer than thou crown tell you how stupid you were. Bet you'll make sure there are no sharp edges on stuff in the future and that little girl won't be so quick to tug on things............. Life goes on.
So why did SHE get the tongue lashing? Why would you put someone even younger in a cart to pulled around by a 5 year old? Why wasn't the tractor turned off? I'm sorry if I seem harsh but little kids and riding mowers are the number one cause of accidents involving young children.
(quoted from post at 23:26:29 10/15/11) So why did SHE get the tongue lashing? Why would you put someone even younger in a cart to pulled around by a 5 year old? Why wasn't the tractor turned off? I'm sorry if I seem harsh but little kids and riding mowers are the number one cause of accidents involving young children.

You know Dave..........Just about as annoying as the whining you used to do (and you've got much better), is when you jump in as an anonymous expert............ Why not just man up and register again with a handle and post with it???
Sorry, that's just me......
same goes for the rest of the John Hancocks (sarcasm at it's best)..that hide behing anynomity....
I agree all his fault. You watch kids run over other kids on funniest Home V in those little electric cars and they think it's funny.
I always figured once they got out of arms reach it was all them/
They make a kids 4 wheeler with a remote control.
When my son was 5 he could drive my garden tractor very well, but I was in the seat with him. Maybe you should do that before one gets killed.
Dosent mean it was the right thing to do at that age.A good friends grandson was running around the yard while his dad was mowing grass.His father backed over him.Boy lost his leg at the knee.I see people giving rides to kids on riding mowers and garden tillers often.Kids have gone thru bush hogs.
Let's see: "It is all my fault" "She had no idea anything bad would happen", but SHE got a tongue lashing; I guess you couldn't put your hands on a razor strap? I had no idea how lucky I was in the grandparents I chose........though the last one's been gone 15 years.
Every year here in Kentucky a few children are killed by their brothers or sisters when they are run over or thrown off of a 4 wheeler. It is not unusual for the driver to be as young as 6 or 7 and have the parents permission to ride. It is the parents fault, not the kids.

It is always the same group of people, plywood windows, no savings, no health insurance, no home equity....but a 4 wheeler in the yard for the kids and Daddy to play with.
Common Sense is not that common.
Some times we want the children to have fun so badly that we dont think things thru carefully. You have to remember that the portion of the brain that ties consequences to actions is not fully developed until the age of twenty. She may have seen you move the lever but couldnt comprehend the consequences of what it would cause happen. As for the toung lashing ease up guys. I get one every time I pet my dog. It means she loves me!!!

5 is way too young to leave a piece of equipment running with a child around. I learned my lesson when my 4 yo boy climbed up on the seat of my dads super A, which was not running, but left in gear so it would not roll. He moved the shifter, it rolled down the hill. I was lucky he stayed on.

I did not let met my kids drive the hydrostats until they were 10, and they still made mistakes. I am going for 14 on the bigger units before they do that.

You were real lucky, and the child should know not to do that, but it was YOUR fault for leaving it un guarded.
Every one who has responded to you with advise sent is just trying to tell you, use Common Sense, which is Not Common, and very rare to find.

you can't learn Common Sense, you just have to have it, and most don't have it,
all you have to do is ( Think ) before you Act.
I hoped you learned a valuable lesson. Such as not posting your mistakes so others can learn from them and get your azz reamed out for your trouble. TDF
[b:1739cc6a2a]Be safe! Be smart! Be Careful[/b:1739cc6a2a]--- I interpreted your post by the title, and it was intended as such. I don't think you wanted criticism, although you have received some.
You learned a valuable lesson and I am thankful for your advise.
They have to start learning at some point. And accidents happen no matter how old you are or how much common sense you have. I"m glad I got put on a tractor as soon as I could reach the pedals. We get kids in at work that can"t do anything because they"ve been sheltered from so many things that are "DANGEROUS!!!"
look out for the safety nazis ! I was driving dads td9 once in awhile when he watched at 6 , mowing on rider at 7 or 8 . there are kids racing motorcycles and FAST go carts at 5 and 6 . Just got to teach them ! Gramma taught me to drive car by 9 .
In reply to all that posted "they were thrown in and survived". It is important that we learn every generation. It only takes one incident to maim or kill that child. The adults need to be responsible for the children.

We were lucky.
But your not thinking about how times have changed. Back when you where 6 your parent taught you common sense and how to do things and how not to do things. Now days people pretty much teach nothing to the kids they just say here is how it starts go do it and that is it
Yep, I was driving a tractor at 11 and farming a little at 12. But, there was a price we paid for that. Suggest you make a list of all the kids that were killed in machinery, hunting, motorcycle or car accidents in the 3 highshool classes, yours, and the years before and after.
My graduating class was 23 kids. Kids killed in the 12 years of school: Chalky, Roscoe, Eddie H.
Nora, and 2 others.
Protect the children at all costs.
Put every concievable type of safety device on every concievable thing. Those types of things that can't get safety devices - like brooms or shovels paste them all over with safety stickers.
Pass more and more restrictive laws and dramatically increase the nanny state.
Mandate bike helmets and knee pads and seat belts and safety seats and trigger locks.
Don't give them grades at school or count score at their little league games as the losers will have self esteem problems.
Never, ever spank them, just reward them.
Children are too fragile to have to work so pass more and more laws about what farm kids are allowed to do and not do.
Remove the right and responsibility for disciplining children from parents and give it to school administrators.
Make sure everything is paid for in their lives and college loans if they have to get them are forgiven.
Yes sir. Just think of the mighty fine children we will raise.
Why they will be as noble and enlightened and selfless as those Wall Street Protesters.
Wont that be grand?
Yea,I don't even know if my oldest son was that old when he was sitting on the tractor one time. I was under the New Idea CutDitioner and he pushed the hydraulic lever on the tractor and dropped it down on me.
Another time,I was grinding feed and was done,was climbing back on the tractor,corn was still feeding in up the auger and he reached and shut off the PTO. I grabbed it quick and threw it back in,but it was too late. Blew a U-joint right out of the PTO.
Well IA Roy to me it looks like YOU are the one who needs the safety lessons! ANY TIME you have a little one on any tractor, or for that matter, motor vehicle of any sort, ALWAYS shut the dang thing OFF. They are the ones that don't know what can happen, you should, ALWAYS! You were STUPID for leaving it running and getting off!

(reply to post at 21:54:57 10/15/11)

Well IA Roy, there's one difference between you and everyone that responded except for Dave2 and Ultradog. You are brave enough to call attention to something that you know that you did wrong, even though you were letting yourself in for getting made out to be the idiot.
IA Roy,

I applaud your courage for posting this. Hopefully the ones bashing you will tell the story over and over again so maybe others will learn not to do that.

To all you bashing him, start a thread will all your stupidest stunts.

I'll bet you don't have the huevos.
Ultradog MN: Wow.... what a leap. The fact that most of us do not believe a 5 year old should be driving a motorized vehicle with her younger sibling in the back.....and you decide that is a reason for all the ills of young people in our society. Guess you think we should give 3 year olds loaded guns.

I agree that we are letting too many kids off the hook for growing up responsibly but lets not lose our common sense.
Don't sweat your critics they're probably the same ones that think some clown running 225 MPH in a suped up gocart and gets killed was an 'accident' no common sense.
In Wisconsin it's against the law for children
under 12 to operate riding mowers/garden tractors
I'm not sure about ATV's, gater type vehicles.
(quoted from post at 21:54:57 10/15/11) It is all my fault but you never know what somewhat else will do. Since last weekend, I know my 5 year old granddaughter can drive the Cub Cadet. I was letting her/teaching her to drive the garden tractor. We stopped and I was putting her little sister into the cart behind. I had my back to her and she just started going by pushing the hydro lever. She had no idea anything bad would happen, but I got a good gouging just below my lowest rib (no stitches) and she got a tongue lashing. I dropped her sister about 2 feet into the cart. It could have been much worse. We will have to start over at square one with safety lessons first instead of driving lessons. She has a little battery powered car that has way less consequences, but until then she didn't see the difference.

I do have to agree with others. I have had 5 YO grand kids on a hydro GT at five. Just the tractor with me walking beside it controlling the ground speed with my hand on the hrdro lever. I stop the tractor and I kill the engine and the key goes in my pocket. I wouldn't think of letting them pull a trailer at that age....much less with a passenger. Just cause of grandkids all my tractors have working keys, just don't need a accidental start cause it didn't come wiht a key.

It's our responsibility to look out for em at that age!

[i:654c4848f0]In Wisconsin it's against the law for children
under 12 to operate riding mowers/garden tractors[/i:654c4848f0]

So glad I live here in America, and not in that Wisconsin place. How are "kids" going to learn responsibility if they never get a chance to practice it?

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