O/T Eye Surgery


Well-known Member
I just found out I have a macular hole--it's the part that pertains to vision for fine projects: reading, tying fish hooks to the line, etc. They suck the liquid from your eye make the repair and inject fluids and a gas bubble to help healing. It's about 80% successful in corrections. I'd have to spend a week after surgery face down. I could get up for bathroom trips and meals. I plan to check with my nephew, an optometrist and my regular eye doctor to see what might be done with glasses. I would still have peripheral vision even if the hole gets bigger. Anyone have or know anyone who had this done? I'm very apprehensive about having my eye fluid removed. I'll be 64 around Thanksgiving.


My nephew had a detached retina back in March and he had the surgery done at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins. They had to do the surgery twice when they discovered the eye wasn't in the socket correctly. That's the place you need to go to. They come from all the over the world to have eye surgery there. Hal
my neighbor had both retina detach about a month and a half ago. they rushed him to a hospital in springfield il for surgery, and then did the gas bubble thing. he has vision back 100 percent in one eye and about 80 percent so far in the other. as soon as the rest of the bubble dissolves in the other eye, he should be back 100% he was supposed to take it easy, so he just ran the grain cart and hauled to the elevator.
Had mine done a year ago. They found two more holes after they got in. hardest part is the face down for a week. Better than when they first started this type of operation...one wole month. They inject gas. The fluid comes back on its own. Gene
A member here, jonak, just had that surgery yesterday 10/28/11 in Indianapolis. It took about an hour and so far so good. He is wearing a blue eye patch and has to keep his head down too. The doc told him no jogging or skydiving! It's probably too soon for a prognosis. We wish him well.
Dad had that done 2 years ago. He was miserable, head down and all, but all turned out real well. As the gas goes down, it looks like you are eye level with water (like in a swimming pool). Very unusual sensation, Dad said! The dr let him drive with a patch after a couple of days! Just warned him his depth perception would be altered!

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