Snow in the eastern USA. How many on here are getting hit???


Well-known Member
I know that several of the regulars on here are from the north east. So who is getting hammered right now???
We had a foot of snow here at our place in New York, about 100 miles north and west of NY city.
Thirty miles due south of us in New Jersey, near the Pennsylvania and NY border, one town reported nineteen inches.
75% of the snow here has already melted. Roads were already clean this morning, snow ended about midnight Saturday.
Widespread power outages reported in the path of the storm due to broken tree limbs and downed trees that collected snow loads because of still having leaves.
Right in the middle of NY state(Fingerlakes Region) luckily we got no snow. Wed/Thur last week we got 1.5" rain. No one has moved since. We have averaged very close to 1.5" rain every week since Aug.1. That's after NO rain for 4 weeks of hot July.
When south eastern NY got 10+ inches of rain early Sep. we got about 3".
Looks like the "Adirondack Case Guy", over near the Mohawk River, maybe was on the edge of the snow.
The Berkshires in Massachusetts received 17" where I live. Roads iced heavy yesterday but clear this morning (Sunday). Fired up the power wagon for one pass down the driveway. Plowing before the ground is frozen is a pain in the grass.
Here in South Central Penna. we got ours yesterday. Whoever heard of a white halloween? Probably got ~5" here, maybe a little more. Some of the neighbors lost power, and many branches were broken off as I drove around today. Roads are clear today and ground is turning to mud as it all melts. By tomorrow will probably just look like we had a rain event. Worst part for us was we lost cable last night and today until a few minutes ago. Actually had to have normal conversations for a day or so.

Here in Tolland, CT, we got about 12 inches. Its about half that amount now with warm (seasonal) temps coming back. I lost a couple trees, but cannot get at them until it dries out some.

The state of Connecticut right now has 64% of the state in the dark or about 800,000 customers. I'm hoping we'll have power by the end of the week (fingers crossed).

had about an inch here we just caught the edge of the storm and yes weve had a white holloween before about 15 years ago we had a foot of fresh powder to trick or treat in
Back home(New FLorence) they got about 4 inches. Hills(Johnstown) got over 12. Here at school(California) we got a dusting that melted later that day. All in western PA.
we got around 8 inches here s.e. pa.,,,chester county. biggest problem is all the trees and tree limbs that are down. be hauling fire wood out of this arae for years.. l.o.l. power went down saturday at 2:eek:o p.m. and electric company calls for a tuesday afternoon before we get it back. we just thankful all are ok, and the backup gen will keep things in the fridge
Close enough to being done that I can see the end. But I didn't have any beans. Most of us started harvest at the same time, and of course there were times when I could run in corn when the bean guys couldn't go. So, yes, most of harvest is still ahead of most of us.
If you were east of I95 in Virginia it was a rain event. 2" of rain!. Everytning is soggy but at least when we got stuck it was in MUD.
About a foot of the heaviest wet snow you can imagine her in N central Mass. Lots of trees down, no power anywhere near here. Got the generator running, kind of funny that with generator power we can get access to the Internet.

Spent most of yesterday clearing the roads, taking branches and tree off the services to neighbors houses while the main wires were laying in the roads, cutting lots of tree and branches off the fences, dropping a few big trees that were in danger of falling the rest of the way - don't want any flat cows in the woods...

Word is we'll most likely be without power until Thursday. Will have to load up the fuel cans and head toward the city 'till we find some place to fill them up...
We got about 6" of snow, started as snow too, thought it would be big wet flakes, was not. Later in the afternoon I was in my stand, full winter gear, and it sure felt like December out there. We had one of these in Oct. '87 which did the same as this one did south of us, makes a big mess, I can remember the convoys of Asplundh trucks and line crew trucks, don't recall ever seeing as many, some places had power out for 2 weeks. I lived next to a substation at the time, never lost power.
1987 Storm


19 inches here in No Central MA less than 20 miles away in Jafferey NH 31.5 inches. Quite surprise in October. Fortunately we did not lose power or have any major damage at home. A few limbs came down but not near the house, barns or shed. Good luck to the rest of those in the northeast without power, hope it comes back on soon.

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