o/t thought i was going to sleep x hour

bobs old iron

Well-known Member
up late sat nite playing on cputr, set my clocks back for regular time, thought i was going to get to sleep an extra hour and enjoy it....nooo, looked at clock at at 1:00am and said huh, better get to bed if want x hour,,,duh, it was 2:00am, forgetting already set clocks,,,,maybe next year i go to bed early and not turn on cmptr...lol
Thought I was also going to get a little extra sleep. I forgot to take my pills and was up about every couple hours heading for the bathroom to empty my bladder. Stan
The power company had us shut off from 2 am till about 6:15 this morning. Was tired and went to bed early, but couldn't use my CPAP because of the outage. I'll bet I was awake a dozen times waiting for electricity so I could make coffee. Extra hour of sleep my butt.
I was bleary eyed this morning. Wifey asked "didn't you sleep last night?" I said "No, I had to set the clock". I stayed up until 2 o'clock so I could set it to 1 o'clock. Then at 2 o'clock I set it to 1 o'clock. Get the picture. Nobody said to only do it ONCE!!!!! LOL

Hope all of you are well rested.


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