May be absent for a while.


Well-known Member
Buried MIL last week, buried wife this morning. Kind of a lost soul at the moment. Hug your loved ones when you can. It's not a given you'll get to do that when ever you want.
MF Poor, So sorry to hear of your losses. You have my deepest condolences. I will also keep you in my prayers. Keep us posted how your doing. Mike
Wow! That is a really rough situation to be in. My deepest sympathies to you at this time.
MIL had ongoing heart problems. That finally got the best of her. This was expected. She lived with us for the past 12 years.

My wife developed heart troubles just recently, mostly the fault of a lifetime of smoking.

Thanks everyone. The rest of the family has gone home, now I have to get used to an empty house. The silence is deafening.
I lost my first wife 12/21/93 buried her 12/24/93.Never thought I would have a Merry Christmas again. But life goes on whether you want it to or not. Time heals. My thoughts and prayers are with You.
Man I'm sorry for you Poor.You have our sympathy for sure.I truly believe God has a plan for all of us,we just don't know when he will be calling.Take care,John & Mary Harmon
Wow. that is a nightmare you are living thru. We noticed you weren't on the massey forum lately, before you shut everything down for a well deserved rest, let the guys on there know, when you have time.

Hang in there, time will and does heal all wounds. My prayers are with you at this time! I'm going through the same thing, Wife of 52 yrs next Monday is under Hospice care 24/7 now. It's just a matter of time and I'll be feeling like a lost soul also. Prayer does help !!! Jim in N.M.
All the people on here are great. If you just need to talk don't be afraid to come here. We are with you when you need us.
Prayers sent for you and your family.

My (divorced) Mom and Dad both died in the same year, 2005. She had a massive heart attack at age 64, he died of cancer at age 71. DOUG

Remember the good times, and do the best you can to get through, they're both looking down upon you and will be with you every step of the rest of your life till you meet again. There are wonderful people on this site that would be gladly to listen or talk to you if you need it.
very sorry for your loss, prayers from here in GA to you.

Take some time, grieve as you need to, but don't shut others out. Those you consider your friends will be your comfort. Don't dwell on the bad thoughts, rejoice in the good memories you shall meet again. Many of us have been where you find yourself now, it is tough, you are strong. God bless you in this time of need
So sorry for your loss. I lost my wife a year and a half ago and it's still hard to come into the house and see an empty chair. There's a lot of help available to help us get through things like this, and most importantly, there's always the Man Upstairs. Keep the faith, Lowell H.
My sincere condolences to you and your family. Words are never enough at a time like this. I hope you have many memories that will sustain you through this trauma. Don"t forget to take care of yourself and TALK to someone about your grief, don"t bottle it up. You and your family are in my prayers.
Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Just remember, you have us to talk to, when you want to!

Goodness gracious. Holy Tomolies. I am so sorry to hear that, and remember you speaking of it a few days or a couple of weeks ago. I am truly sorry to hear it.

I will say offer prayers again tonight.

Never forget though, that we here include you in our families and are here as we know that you would be for any and everyone of us. We're here. Around the clock, someone is always here. The door is open, and will never be closed.

The condolences of us all, to you and yours. You are family, please never ever forget that.


My prayers are with you.
My wife is in poor health for being 40, Diabetic, she is on 11 different medications. I cant get a life insurance policy on her, that kind of had a bad feeling with me. An insurance company wont insure my wife for any term policy, Sad.
My MIL is 65 and in very poor health, on an Oxygen machine 24/7. She is on 20 different medications. MIL almost died 3 years ago. She has been a smoker for 50+ years. MIL lives on her own, 35 miles away.
I lost my wife,cousin and two good friends. All within one month. It was hard and I did sit around alot thinking about it. Don't do that. Try and stay busy and not think about it. Just remember you have friends here to talk to. When you need to. Just remember the good times you had.
Sincerest condolences,
Prayers are with you for comfort at this difficult time.

Don't leave the forum, we will be here in support if ya need it.
Oh man, my prayers are definitely with you. I'll keep you in mind. Keep on posting here. We'll try to buoy you up when you're down. Jim
hey our prayers are with you, didnt your daughter also have a problem, seem to remember it turned out better than expected, dont know what your going thru, but God does
I'm very sorry to read of your recent losses,it will be a difficult time for you,hoping for strength and courage for you from our maker.
So many of the posts recommend talking to someone. It's so true. For the first two years after we lost our daughter I went to the coffee shop or wherever and just talked to the guys, or I talked to my friends. Doesn't necessarily have to be about our loss, just talking about anything helps lift the load off the shoulders for a little while. We are here to listen. Jim
That is a heavy burden to carry. So sorry for the loss of your loved ones. Keep in contact with us here. You are not alone. Stan
When Mom Passed, I talked to my dad several times a day. he asked me if I was worried that he might do something stupid, I said "no, I just know that this is a tough time and I want you to have someone to talk to". It must have worked. When my wife passed, he did the same for me. I know how much it helped.
Sorry for your loss, I am wishing you well.
Tim in OR
Don"t shut yourself off from people. Keep your routine and stay connected to others. Sadness and anger are all part of the grieving process. I can"t tell you"ll get over it but you will go through it.
You will be in my prayers.
gun guru, Call me tomorrow!!! 512-577-3837
Let me see if I can get you some help! Info!
I know, My Company can get a policy on your wife!!! We just need to visit and wade through the mine field to figure it out. Any time after 8:00 am Central.
John A.
MF I am so sorry for your Loss! Prayers and a Church family do help. Stay busy and active.
John A.
even though we never met in person or correspond on yt much, one can still feel your sadness about your losses...prayers and wishes to you and your family...
Keep this channel open to be in a community of those of like tendencies. We share and moan, but we will be here for the duration. Peace be with you. Jim
Sorry to hear of your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose my wife. Hang in there and stay busy and active.

you have many replys here,we are all here if you need to talk to someone,we are so sorry for your loss, please dont be absent for awhile,talk to us all
(quoted from post at 15:01:07 11/14/11) Buried MIL last week, buried wife this morning. Kind of a lost soul at the moment. Hug your loved ones when you can. It's not a given you'll get to do that when ever you want.

Sorry to hear about your loss. You are in our prayers. Lost my dad a couple of year ago in May, my mother in Sept of that same year and then lost my job in April the following year. It felt like someone hit me over the head with a 2 x 4. Dazed, but it is getting better, day by day.
Hello MF poor,
Sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you. Take care and keep on letting us know how you are doing. Keeping busy and doing things as they come, It helped me.
MF, I am so sorry for your loss. I just can't imagine what it is like. God bless you with strength and in time may you know peace. Enjoy your memories whether they make you cry or laugh..."God gave us memories so we might have roses in December". I do hope you stay connected through this forum - it is a gift to be able to communicate this way. My mom died a month dad is 83 and he is so lost - and he doesn't use a computer at all, so can't come to a forum like this for support - nor can he email us kids and grandkids or keep up with them via facebook. So he is just alone, unless someone calls or stops by his house.

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